The White House Payroll Has Hit Historic Highs Under the Biden Regime

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  • We have new evidence tonight that the entire Covid plandemic was started by the creation of a man-made pathogen that was either leaked or intentionally released from a U.S.-funded lab in China.
  • NATO partners announce they are doubling down on their support for war in Eastern Europe, where they will continue to use Ukraine as the designated battering ram in a Western proxy war against Russia.
  • Bank of America has been ordered to pay $250 million for illegally charging junk fees, withholding credit card rewards and opening fake accounts. 
  • The Biden White House boasts the highest payroll of any presidential administration in history, and the highest paid staff outside of the president himself is an avowed admirer of Satan.
  • New Census data shows more Americans are living alone than ever.
  • And a Democrat lawmaker from Georgia has had enough of the Democrat Party, announcing she is officially switching to the Republican Party.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

There’s a smoking gun to report tonight on the origins of Covid-19.

The Daily Caller News Foundation reports that a group of well-connected scientists have acknowledged the fallout that would occur if “anyone serious” called out the possibility that Covid-19 originated from a Chinese leak rather than naturally, according to private messages included in a report released on Tuesday, July 11.

In February 2020, the scientists discussed in a private chat room the potential consequences of accusing China of leaking Covid-19 and agreed to attribute the virus to a natural source, according to a report by the House of Representatives Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.


Evolutionary biologist Dr. Andrew Rambaut wrote that it would be a disaster to blame China for an escaped virus and stated that he would be comfortable saying it was a natural occurrence, and immunologist Dr. Kristian Andersen said he concurred.

Rambaut wrote:

“Given the s - - - show that would happen if anyone serious accused the Chinese of even accidental release, my feeling is we should say that given there is no evidence of a specifically engineered virus, we cannot possibly distinguish between natural evolution and escape so we are content with ascribing it to natural processes.”

Andersen responded:

“Yup, I totally agree that that’s a very reasonable conclusion. Although I hate when politics is injected into science – but it’s impossible not to, especially given the circumstances.”

The report also claims that Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former longtime director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, initiated an effort to suppress the theory that the origins of COVID-19 could be traced to a laboratory in Wuhan, China. Fauci reportedly pushed researchers to write a paper to “disprove” the lab-leak theory on multiple occasions.

Andersen wrote in a February 2020 email, according to the report:

“Our main work over the past couple of weeks has been focused on trying to disprove any type of lab theory, but we are at a crossroad where the scientific evidence isn’t conclusive enough to say that we have high confidence in any of the three main theories considered.”

Rambaut and Andersen co-authored the research paper, called The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2, that concluded “[COVID-19] is not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus” and that “we do not believe that any type of laboratory-based scenario is plausible.”

Now we have confirmation that this was all lies. They knew it was from the Wuhan Lab in China all along and that Covid was a synthetic pathogen engineered in China by U.S.-funded scientists.


Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. declared Monday he believes the CIA was involved in funding the Wuhan lab where the Covid pandemic originated.

In an interview with Fox News’ Jesse Watters, Kennedy suggested that the Biden administration is not interested in punishing China for covering up the lab leak because it would expose U.S. government-funded bioweapons programs.

Kennedy stated:

“I think the CIA was involved certainly in this research. They were funding it through USAID. And NIH, I think, in the end gave about $26 million in funding to the Wuhan lab. But USAID, which was functioning as the CIA surrogate, gave over $64 million. The Pentagon also gave a lot of money.”

RFK Jr. also slammed Anthony Fauci, the subject of an entire book that he has authored, noting “I think he caused a lot of injury.”

He was also asked about vaccines and autism. Here’s how he responded.

WATCH VIDEO (clip from 2:02 mark to 4:34 mark)


Two days after Joe Biden announced to the world that the U.S. is “running low” on ammunition, he and his NATO partners announce they are doubling down on their support for Ukraine in a proxy war with Russia.

The NATO military alliance also approved the immediate entrance of Sweden into the alliance and announced its intention to move toward Ukrainian membership.

Ukraine is being placed on a “multi-year path forward” to full NATO membership, said NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on Tuesday, July 11, at the NATO summit in Lithuania.

“This will move Ukraine closer to NATO,” he said, adding that the membership process for Ukraine is being fast-tracked “from a two-step process into a one-step process.”

Finland just joined NATO a couple of months ago, now Sweden.

When Ukraine gains its membership, Russia will be literally surrounded by heavily armed NATO member states.

The whole reason for the war between Russia and Ukraine is because Russia didn’t want Ukraine joining the Western military alliance known as NATO. Any move in that direction is seen as an existential threat to Russia’s existence.

NATO is not like the E.U., which is an economic alliance. NATO is a large and growing military alliance of 31 countries that has more than doubled in size since its founding in 1949 and in recent years has been moving eastward, adding the Baltic states, Finland, Romania and now potentially Ukraine on Russia’s border, in direct violation of verbal assurances made to Russia in 1990 by then-Secretary of State James A. Baker III, upon the breakup of the Soviet empire. If one country gets attacked by a non-NATO country, all of NATO is pledged to join in the fighting under a collective defense clause known as “Article 5.”

Conservative journalist Leo Hohmann poses the question: “What if one NATO member provokes an invasion from Russia or some other country? Now, all of the other 30 NATO members are pledged to come to the aid of that one nation that provoked war. By surrounding a nuclear-armed world power the likes of Russia, NATO is acting in the most reckless and provocative manner possible for a military alliance that is designed with a collective ‘defense’ clause.”

At what point do such actions by NATO start to be seen not as defensive but offensive?


The Daily Mail reports that Bank of America has been ordered to pay $250 million for illegally charging junk fees, withholding credit card rewards and opening fake accounts. 

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) accused the bank of harming hundreds of thousands of customers by systematically double-dipping on fees for account holders with insufficient funds.

Customers are in line for a $100 million refund - while the bank will be forced to pay $150 million in penalties to the CFPB and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC). 

Refunds will be processed automatically, Bank of America confirmed, but it could not say how much the average customer would be compensated.

Some of the allegations are similar to those lodged several years ago in the Wells Fargo scandal when the bank was ordered to pay $190 million after staff were found to be signing customers up to additional bank accounts and credit cards without their knowledge. 


The National Pulse reports that the White House payroll has hit historic highs under Joe Biden, and the most highly compensated staff member is Biden’s Monkeypox Coordinator Demetre Daskalakis, a Satan-and-occult-obsessed gay man who recently donned bondage gear for a speech at a biomedical conference.

Daskalakis, who turned 50 this year, joined Biden’s White House staff less than a year ago. In that brief time, he has earned himself a salary of $260,718 – the highest in the White House apart from the President himself.

According to Open The Books,”the second most highly paid is Anand H. Das ($216,414), Senior Deputy Associate Counsel,” with the total staff bill for the year coming in at a hefty $52.7 million for 2023. By comparison, the Trump White House averaged a staff cost of $46.95 million over four years.

Daskalakis and his partner Michael MacNeal launched a “goth” gym together in New York. The gym, called Monster Cycle, is based in a former gay nightclub that in turn had taken over an old church in Manhattan.

The duo often post Satanic imagery, as well as Christ-desecrating content. Daskalakis recently made an appearance for the FBI, as part of the bureau’s “Out and Proud” event.


CNBC reports that billionaire Jeff Bezos’ privately owned Blue Origin rocket engine exploded during testing last month, in what’s being called a destructive setback with potential ramifications for the company’s customers and its own rocket.

During a firing on June 30 at a West Texas facility of Jeff Bezos’ space company, a BE-4 engine detonated about 10 seconds into the test, according to several people familiar with the matter. Those people described having seen video of a dramatic explosion that destroyed the engine and heavily damaged the rocket’s test stand infrastructure.

The engine that exploded was expected to finish testing in July. It was then scheduled to ship to Blue Origin’s customer United Launch Alliance for use on ULA’s second Vulcan rocket launch, sources told CNBC.

A Blue Origin spokesperson, in a statement to CNBC on Tuesday, confirmed the company “ran into an issue while testing Vulcan’s Flight Engine 3,” adding:

“No personnel were injured and we are currently assessing root cause.”


A Democrat lawmaker from Georgia has reached her limit with the Democrat Party and announced she is officially switching to the Republican Party.

Slay News reports that Mesha Mainor, a Democrat who has represented District 56 in the Georgia State House since January 2021, announced the move Tuesday when she denounced the Democrat Party.

She said: “When I decided to stand up on behalf of disadvantaged children in support of school choice, my Democrat colleagues didn’t stand by me.

“They crucified me. When I decided to stand up in support of safe communities and refused to support efforts to defund the police, they didn’t back me. They abandoned me.”

She added that: “For far too long, the Democrat Party has gotten away with using and abusing the black community. For decades, the Democrat Party has received the support of more than 90% of the black community. And what do we have to show for it?”

She continued, describing her district as “a solidly blue district” in the city of Atlanta. 

“This isn’t a political decision for me. It’s a moral one. Education and the importance of school choice has been – and will continue to be – a key focus of mine.  But outside of education, I look forward to working with my colleagues in the Georgia General Assembly to tackle the most pressing issues facing our state and to help grow the Republican Party, helping us not focus not just on preaching to the choir but growing the congregation.”

Mainor said she supports school choice, parent rights and opportunities for children to thrive, especially those that are marginalized and tend to fail in school.

The Democrats at the Georgia State Capitol took a hard position and demanded every Democrat vote against children and for the teachers’ union. That backfired on them, and hopefully other Democrats will see the light and follow Mainor’s example by heading for the door.


More Americans are living alone than ever before.

Michael Snyder reports that Americans are getting married later in life, couples are having fewer children, divorce is rampant, and millions of broken families litter our national landscape.

As a result, the traditional family unit in the United States is weaker than it has ever been before. And that is not good news, because the family is a fundamental support system in any society. Without strong families, no society is going to thrive.

That brings us to a new study that has found almost 30 percent of American households are comprised of a single person. That’s a record high.

Scholars say living alone is not a trend so much as a transformation: Across much of the world, large numbers of people are living alone for the first time in recorded history.

Snyder writes:

“This greatly contributes to the epidemics of loneliness and depression that we are witnessing. Humans were designed to love and be loved, but today so many of us feel so isolated. But it wasn’t always this way. 

In fact, only 8 percent of all households in the U.S. were made up of a single person in 1940,” according to U.S. Census data.

The share of solo households doubled to 18 percent in 1970 and more than tripled, to an estimated 29 percent, by 2022.

Snyder writes, “This is another instance where the trend is not our friend, and we are being told that there are a lot of reasons why we have seen such a dramatic shift.”

The biggest reason for the rise of single-person households is women entering the workforce and achieving economic self-sufficiency.

In previous generations, multi-person households were often an economic necessity.

But, Snyder concludes:

“Ultimately, what we are witnessing comes down to a fundamental shift in our culture more than anything else. Previous generations of Americans valued family much more highly than we do, and we value ourselves much more highly than they did.”


It’s the middle of summer, the time of year when theme parks are usually busy. And most of them are.

But not Walt Disney World. Long known as the grandaddy of all American theme parks, Disney parks are strangely devoid of the long lines and crowds typical of the peak summer season.

A trip to Walt Disney World in Florida or Disneyland in California with the whole family is simply too expensive, say some analysts. Disney CEO Bob Iger recently admitted customer affordability issues at an investor conference. And the direct consequences of price-gouging families, plus the 'woke' backlash, might have led to one of the slowest periods at Walt Disney World in Orlando on July 4th in a decade, reports Zero Hedge.


The Wall Street Journal cited new data from Touring Plans, a company that tracks wait times at theme parks, which reported Disney World and Disneyland had significantly lower wait times to get on rides on Independence Day weekend.

According to Touring Plans, Disney's Hollywood Studios theme park in Central Florida experienced the third-slowest day in the past year. The average wait time at the Magic Kingdom park was around 27 minutes, down from 31 minutes in 2022 and 47 minutes in 2019. 

Perhaps this company is finally being cut off by a significant amount of parents, who have awakened to its woke anti-family agenda.


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

Canadian journalist Aaron Maté of The Grayzone published a new piece last month about a bizarre discovery buried in the Twitter Files. 

An FBI agent named Alexander Kozbanets had forwarded to Twitter a list sent to the FBI by Ukraine’s Security Service, the SBU. These accounts, Kozbanets said, were “suspected by the SBU of spreading fear and disinformation.”

Of the 170-odd account names on the list, most were Russian, but one stood out: Aaron Maté’s!

The shame of this story, as reported by Matt Taibbi for Racket News, wasn’t that the Ukrainian Security Service sent this list over, but that the FBI collaborated in the effort, even having the gall to forward the name of a respected, award-winning Canadian journalist to Twitter with requests that he be censored and silenced.

To its credit, Twitter pushed back, with its top “trust and safety” official noting Aaron’s name and responding, “authentic news outlets and reporters who cover the conflict with a pro-Russian stance are unlikely to be found in violation of our rules.”

But the fact that the FBI even tried such a stunt speaks volumes.

Now, thanks to the House Committee on Government Weaponization, we find out this situation with Aaron Maté appears not to have been a one-off incident.

In fact, Taibbi reports, the Committee found that since the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, there’s been an ongoing pattern of mass-censorship requests, funneled from the Ukrainian SBU through the FBI to a whole variety of platforms: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, for starters.

So now we know that Americans and Canadians are being censored on social media, not just as a result of our own governments’ slide into fascism, but that we can even be censored on the command of foreign governments.

This is a scandal of immense proportions and it needs, first of all, to be more widely known. It must also be stopped. Lawsuits should be filed against the FBI. Given all of the other indiscretions uncovered at the FBI over the last few years, Congress should no longer defend this agency. They should stop defending and start defunding. Because the actions of the FBI have become indefensible.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for tuning in and for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time, I’m Brannon Howse, take care.


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