WHO Goes All in For Kinsey Ideology and What it Means For Children

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Brannon Howse: But first we need to go to Mat Staver with the Liberty Counsel. Mat has just returned from Israel. Not only is Mat just returned from Israel, but we have several other things going on. So Mat Staver has just returned. We wanted to give a little tease for Ivan, let you guys go and get all your family and friends here for Ivan's report. And in the meantime, we're going to go to Mat Staver. Then we'll have Mike Lindell as well. General Flynn tonight. Big night, Mat. Welcome back to the broadcast. Thank you for joining us.

Matt Staver: Thank you. Brannon. It's always good to be with you.

Brannon Howse: You, too. How was your trip to Israel?

Matt Staver: It was amazing. We have a ministry called Covenant Journey. And part of what we do with that ministry is take Christian college students to Israel. And so I just returned actually yesterday with 41 Christian college students from a multitude of universities and colleges around the country. I mean, this really gives you hope, Brannon, about the future. There are a lot of issues that we see happening today and certainly in our young people in all ages, frankly. But these young people love the Lord. They're highly skilled. And it was a complete joy to be there in Israel with these young people in the Holy Land.

Brannon Howse: Excellent. Excellent. Are you going to be taking any more soon?

Matt Staver: We will. We return in October and then we'll have trips that begin again next year, in April and throughout 2024.

Brannon Howse: And if people want to join you, they can find more at LC. Org.

Matt Staver: Yeah, you can go to covenant for for those you can go to covenant journey.org or S.J. travel.org. S.j. travel.org. We have a list of a wide variety of tours that we do. We highly subsidize those for Christian college students. We select those students. And so that's a competitive application. But we also have tours very similar for all ages and groups and churches and so forth. And you can go to C.J. T or C.J. travel.org. C.j. travel.org. That's the easiest way to get to that website. Excellent.

Brannon Howse: Now I noticed that when we go to liberty.org actually lc org. Guys, take a look at this. This caught my eye tonight. W.h.o. goes full Kinsey. That caught my eye because as folks probably know, I have a whole chapter in my book, Grave Influence, subtitled 21 Radicals and Their WorldViews that Rule America from the Grave. I have a whole chapter on Alfred Kinsey in this book, Grave Influence, which, by the way, folks, this book that came out in 2009, I think we sold, I don't know, 20, 30,000 copies. And I agreed to have another 10,000 printed if we sell them at or below my cost. You can now pick up what was a $20 hardcover for $2.50. My foundation subsidizes this to push it out even below our cost in order to put these into the hands of college students, high school students, churches, and elected officials. But I have a whole that's at VW Store.com, VW Store.com, but I have a whole chapter on Alfred Kinsey in this book. And of course, Matt, he started the sexual revolution, sexuality of the human male, the sexuality of the human female. He was saying, as you know, that children should be sexually active by age six and that all sex was equal. It didn't matter who it was with as long it was all consensual. So now you're telling me that the W.H.O. has gone full. Alfred Kinsey, can you tell me about that?

Matt Staver: Yeah. I mean, if you look at Alfred Kinsey, he's the one who started all of this nonsense that we're seeing today with the transgender, the pronouns, because he wanted to abolish the very concept of gender. He frankly wanted to abolish the very notion that there is a God. And the best way to do that was to deconstruct human sexuality. So in his book 1948, Sexuality and Human Male, he has table 34. Table 34 is something for which he should have been criminally prosecuted because he has data in there, information that he got from pimps and and other kinds of individuals that were paid by Kinsey to do sexual acts on children as young as six months. I mean, it's unbelievable. So his premise was that people humans are sexual beings from birth. So now we have the World Health Organization that's trying to take over global health care. And frankly, anything that relates to health, which would include climate change, abortion, anything that comes under the rubric of health, not only the Covid shots and vaccines and medical treatment, but anything that they say affects health, which would be gun, gun control, climate change and so forth. So now the W.H.O. Regional Office for Europe regarding the standards for sexuality education in Europe has come out and adopted. Kinsey, I'll read you just something here from this document. This is the Who manual, the W.H.O. manual language, really almost entirely. Whole cloth from Kinsey's own perverted writings. And it says this. Children have sexual feelings even in early infancy. Children's start to discover their bodies. Early childhood masturbation, self stimulation. And they may also try to examine the bodies of their friends, like playing doctor.

Matt Staver: Children learn about their environment by experiment, and sexuality, it says, is no different from any other areas in this respect. Extensive observational research has identified common sexual behavior in children, ensuring that this kind of behavior is regarded as normal. They want to normalize this kind of behavior in children in early infancy. This is pure out of Kinsey, as you know. You've done a study and you've written about Kinsey. This is a lot of the things that we're seeing today are rooted right there in Kinsey. If you go back to Kinsey, he said that there was no harm in any kind of sexual activity, including rape, including rape. He said he found very little evidence that people were harmed in rape. Well, you know, after he came out with his 1948 book about sexuality and human male, then 1953, sexuality and the human female, then the model penal code, which is the model code for criminal laws that states follow, dropped the age of consent because of Kinsey saying, well, there should be no limit on sex because Kinsey says there's no harm. And in fact, it's harmful not to engage in sexual activity even as young as infancy. And so they began to drop the age of consent in the model penal code that then percolated throughout various criminal laws throughout the states. The penalty for rape began to decline as well, and so forth. So it affected law and policy. And we're reaping the results of Kinsey today. And now the show that wants to become this one world government is adopting full blown Kinsey ideology.

Brannon Howse: Wow. Absolutely troubling at all levels. So where are we at? I know you've been one of the ones tracking the W.H.O. and our sovereignty being given away less than one year now, May 2024. Where are we at with that? What's the latest?

Matt Staver: Well, Joe Biden has appointed an ambassador to negotiate on behalf of the United States, and he's really pushing the new pandemic treaty that the W.H.O. is moving forward with. They have 307 amendments to the international health regulations, plus a pandemic treaty, all of which would give the W.H.O. total binding legal authority over the United States, as well as over other nations as well 194 nations. All they need is a majority of the nations to adopt this proposal and move forward to the next level. And then they need a larger number to actually make it binding on all the 194 nations. But there is essentially zero opposition because the United States is pushing this. The United States also recently at the World Health Assembly meeting in Geneva, just a few weeks ago. They were walking around with a blank checkbook promising billions of dollars from the United States of America. The Xavier Becerra, the secretary of Health and Human Services, on behalf of the Biden administration, was there going around from nation to nation with Tedros, the director general, promising the United States would actually fund these different nations. So some of these nations that otherwise might be concerned about their sovereignty, they're looking at this opportunity to be able to have a mayo type clinic on every street corner in their country. They don't have the resources to do that. They may not be able to politically pass it in their nation to have socialized health care. But if they actually don't oppose the W.H.O., then they'll be able to get billions of dollars, they think, from the United States and other countries under the direction they'll be able to get health care at the Mayo Clinic, kind of health care at every street corner, and they'll be able to get socialized medicine.

Matt Staver: So they're willing to give up some of their sovereignty for what they think is a panacea of medicine funded by outside nations, particularly the United States of America. So this is a very serious threat. I encourage members to contact their House of Representatives, a representative in Washington, D.C., because they should hold hearings at a minimum. They ought to hold hearings. They ought to bring some of the W.H.O. and some of the Biden administration authorities in Congress to testify about these 307 amendments and the pandemic treaty. I think people would be shocked at what the Biden administration is doing. They also must defund the W.H.O.. And we have the power in the House to do that. We're coming up with a new budget for 2024 that has to be passed by the end of September, according to the normal timetable, certainly no later than the end of this year. And if the Senate doesn't get a line item in the budget for the W.H.O., then the Senate can't put it in. So the House can defund the W.H.O.. And they ought to you ought to take some serious steps. So investigate, and defund. And certainly the United States Senate ought to be outraged because this is a pandemic treaty. And under the Constitution, it is advise and consent. And so the Senate has a role to pass this by two-thirds majority. They're not going to get two thirds majority. But that's why Biden is trying to bypass the Senate. The Senate ought to be outraged at this and they ought to push back. And we need to have more members in the Senate screaming about what Biden is doing. There are a few like Ron Johnson from Wisconsin, Ted Cruz from Texas. But we need a lot more strong voices.

Brannon Howse: Tell me about a member of Congress who just stumped a Yale School of Medicine representative. What took place?

Matt Staver: Yeah, this was this this just happened. And this was regarding the so-called transgender issue. And it was the US House had a hearing and it just occurred and it was one of the members of the House questioned Doctor from Yale Medical School. It was a House Committee on Energy and Commerce hearing. Representative Dan Crenshaw, a Republican from Texas, he grilled Dr. McNamara, who teaches pediatric medicine at Yale School of Medicine. She supervises the pediatric residents calling for caring for children as young as 11 up to 25 years of age. She's a big proponent of the chemical and surgical procedures on minors, including mutilation of these children for the so-called transgender issue. So she was asked about information to cite evidence of one Journal article, and she could not find anything. And in fact, she she tried to stumble around. She said, well, the standard of care. And Crenshaw stopped her, and said, give me one article. She says, the standard of care. And he said, I want you to give me one article. She was not able to give a single article. And in fact, Crenshaw then said the British Journal of Medicine looked at 61 systemic reviews with the conclusion that there is uncertainty about the effects of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries in young people. He told McNamara that the Journal of Endocrine Society came up with the same conclusion. Even the American Academy of Pediatrics, they all cite a lack of evidence.

Matt Staver: And he continued to say, you know, you're talking about permanent. Physiological changes. And still McNamara tried to sidestep the question, but was not able to give a single citation. So when when you look at the studies, you know, we've been in this arena for quite some time. There is no studies that show that these kinds of surgical interventions help. In fact, there is a recent group of scientists that reviewed 5765 scientific articles across 46 different health psychology, science, social and humanities databases. And they found a complete lack of reliable and valid diagnostic criterion in this particular area. This is an agenda. Brannon And it has zero evidence in science and empirical evidence. It's an agenda that's harming people. It's an agenda that is sterilizing our youth. In fact, what we're now finding is that there is a high percentage of people who are pushed with puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and eventually these mutilating surgeries that are somewhere on the autistic spectrum. So what's happening with some of these people that are on the autistic spectrum, They may have angst about different kinds of situations in their life, so they go to a counselor instead of being treated for autism. They're being rushed into puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and mutilating surgeries. And what we're doing, what we're seeing is that replicated across the the globe. Studies in Europe, studies, and empirical evidence in the United States is showing that these individuals are being misdiagnosed, they're being rushed into these puberty blockers because it is a very lucrative business.

Matt Staver: It's about it's in the billions of dollars right now and it is growing rapidly. So there was this hearing. The doctor was not able to provide any evidence. In fact, the evidence is all to the contrary that this is harmful to our children. Chloe is a prime example. You may have had her on your program before, but she's just one of many examples now of a girl who at 16 years of age was told by the doctor and and the mother was told, if you don't do this, you're not going to have your child. So they went along with it. Now Chloe is pushing back and suing because at age 18, by that time, she already had puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and a total mastectomy. She didn't know what was going on. She was misdiagnosed. You know, you can't change your gender. You're born either male or female. And plastic surgery and drugs are not going to change whatever it is that you're wrestling with. What we find is that there's an increase of suicide because of the underlying issues that someone is wrestling with, whether it's societal pressure or other kinds of stressors that someone is undergoing, those don't go away by cutting off your breast or your genital body parts.

Brannon Howse: Absolutely. One final thing on a positive note for action, an action point. Look at this, folks. Over at LC. Org. Lc. Org You'll find this article. Even the Fed thinks this is a bad idea. Even Federal Reserve governors don't like Joe Biden's plan to eliminate cash and transfer your bank accounts directly to the feds. And this is why, folks, you need to be asking your member of Congress to vote yes on House Resolution 1122 and Senate Bill 887. This is the Cbdc Anti Surveillance State Act. And again, there are members of the Federal Reserve Board that are questioning whether Cbdcs is the way to go. That's kind of refreshing. I don't know how many make up such individuals on the Federal Reserve, but a couple of them are speaking out. One of them is a Michelle Bowman, and she said we already have a safe and sound, stable, and broadly available financial service industry in the United States. And she said, quote, My big concern would be that a cbdc could disintermediate an already functioning and already very safe and secure and evolving financial system. So a point of action, again, Matt, is for people to get their member of House and then their member of the Senate, two members in the Senate. You have folks, you have one US representative, two US senators, get them to vote yes on H.R. 1122 or 8 eight seven, the Cbdc Anti Surveillance Act. Comment on that before we let you go, Matt, please.

Matt Staver: Central bank digital currency is very dangerous because this would create a central bank and undo private banking. The federal government would become your bank and it would all be digital. Total cashless society, which means that the government would have a veto over individual expenditures. So if they didn't want you to spend on a particular item, they didn't want you to give a contribution to your pro-family, pro-religious liberty organization of your choice because they found that it was on some list, like the Splc list. They could block it. Or if they want you to only have a certain amount of gas consumption per month, they could stop you at the pump when you get ready to fill up your tank because you've already had enough gas. You've already driven enough miles that month. They could make your dollar $0.75 by giving someone else $101.25 to that so they can, under the guise of equity, they can distribute wealth based upon the touch of a button. So the central bank digital currency is very dangerous. As you mentioned, Michelle Bowman, she's a member of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and she says that she struggles to find a use for a cbdc. Florida just banned a cbdcs central bank digital currencies. These two bills that are pending in Congress, H.R. 1122 and 87, would prohibit the Biden administration or the federal government in general from using Cbdcs as a weapon against individuals. Joe Biden already has a resolution that he or that executive order that he passed, that he issued last year. And he said that he wanted to use these cbdcs with regard to climate change and equity, which means the distribution of wealth as he wants to distribute it. So it's very dangerous. And good news is there are some bills there that can stop it from being used as a weapon against Americans.

Brannon Howse: And folks, if you were a subscriber at LC org, you would have all this in your inbox and know about it. You'll find the articles standing there for you to read at LC. Org. But you can also sign up for their newsletter and be made aware as soon as the articles are published. As always, Matt, great to have you with us. Thanks for being with us tonight.

Matt Staver: Thank you. My pleasure. Always to be with you. Brannon. Thank you for all the good work you're doing.

Brannon Howse: You're very kind. It's a team effort. We look forward to having you back. Check out his website, folks. Lecourt.Org Liberty counsel.Org.

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