Why is Bill Gates Ignoring All the Adverse Data on the COVID Vaccines?

Brannon Howse: All right. Joining me now is Steve Kirsch. He checks in with us from time to time. I try not to bother him too much because he's very busy writing and researching. And I don't want to interrupt that, but I do reach out to him from time to time because he's also so busy doing interviews. I think, Does he really want to do one more? And then after a few weeks, I think, all right, I'll break down and invite him on. I know he probably doesn't want to do one, but he'll do it because he's just that kind of guy. He'll come on here and help us understand what's happening. So when I saw this today, I thought, okay, I'm going to bother him because he needs to explain this to our audience. Six hours ago at his substack Steve kirsch.substack.com, he put out a brand new article. Here it is. Why is Bill Gates ignoring all the adverse data on the COVID vaccines? I've watched the Netflix documentary on Gates. It reflects what we know. He devours data. I have one question for him, which is: why is he ignoring all the adverse data on the COVID vaccines? Great question. Along with other things he has put out, he joins us tonight. Steve, thanks for making time for us in your busy schedule.


Steve Kirsch: Always a pleasure.


Brannon Howse: So why is Bill Gates ignoring this data, as you point out so aptly there, Steve? He loves data. He's a data guy. Surely he knows everything about these deaths, right?


Steve Kirsch: Well, he should know if he's looking at the data. And it could be that he just never bothered to look at the data and is just trusting the experts. But, you know, I watched that Netflix documentary, and Bill had in the past always devoured data and become an expert on any area that he's interested in. And so it just seems to me unlikely that he would not be devouring the same sort of data sources that I am. And all the data sources that I look at are very consistent. And it shows that these vaccines are the deadliest vaccines in human history. And how he is not able to see that is a mystery to me because even the most basic statistic is the virus data. And in the very system, we have over 17,000 excess deaths and nobody in the entire world is able to explain to me how that is possible because they'll say, oh, it's just overreporting. It's just people are more aware of the virus system. But you see, that's nice. But they never actually have any evidentiary support for that. In other words, there's no data behind it. It's known as what's called a hand-waving explanation where sounds plausible and nobody bothers to look into whether it's actually true or not. And so what you're supposed to do is you're supposed to say, well, here we can explain it because we have data to back it up, but they never have data to back it up in these fact checks. And the fact checks, of course, are always one-sided. Write a fact check, should be checking the facts and looking at, well, could this be true or could this be not true? And they're supposed to go and they're supposed to listen to experts on both sides.


Steve Kirsch: But I've never seen a fact-check do that. The fact-check always talks to the expert who is disputing the fact rather than ever talking to experts who are trying to argue that the fact is true. And so you have these fact checks which should be called propaganda, Uh, uh, support means they're basically just supporting whatever the government narrative is. And it's amazing how all of these things are always anything that's counter government narrative is fact-checked as being false. And the government's always right in these fact-checks because they never talk to people on the other side of it. So anyway, the long, long story short is that even if we just talked about this one thing and list, you know, there there are hundreds of things like this where you can't explain it. Even if we just talked about the most important thing, which is the definitive safety data, you can't explain how are you having 770 safety signals triggered in the various system and not be worried about it? How could there be no autopsies being done at all in the United States where we are actually testing? I mean, there's only one guy, one pathologist, and he's done over 20 or so. They've all implicated the vaccine. But nobody is nobody other than him is doing the test to definitively determine whether or not someone died from the vaccine. So nobody can say, oh, there are no deaths from the vaccine because nobody's doing the autopsies with the proper test to assess that.


Steve Kirsch: And so we're just being fed lies. And Bill, as a critical thinker, should be seeing right through this and he should be demanding autopsies with the proper test. He should be demanding data transparency. He should be on everybody's case. He should be saying the states should release the death facts, and data records so that everybody could see the Ground Zero data. And he's not calling for data transparency. That means he's not on the level here because anyone who is on the level would say it's the data that matters and it's not what people think, it's the data. And let's analyze the data and let's all have ground truth, death, facts, and data that we can analyze. But it's all being hidden from us in every state of the United States and in every country in the world. None of them will release that data. Now, if the vaccines are safe and effective, then why will no government in the entire world release that data, in fact? Well, you know, you could say that Israel actually did release the data. And it was damning that the data from the Israeli Ministry of Health that looked at the death data. And it is damning because it's supposed to be just a straight line. The vaccine isn't supposed to affect death, but it was not. And so I give credit to them. They actually released it in a private area. I think it was like a paid area that you had to go to in order to get it. But so nobody's made this the actual underlying records publicly available.


Brannon Howse: What do you make? Gov. And by the way, this is all over on a substack. Steve Kirsch substack.com. I'm going to grab another article from there, but what do you make of this? This is kind of going around today the New York Post headline I just talked extensively to his press secretary today so we're trying to get him booked to come on. I've had him on a few times in person and then via Skype or we try to get him back. But Miranda Devine is reporting at The New York Post, Texas AG Ken Paxton's COVID-19 vaccine investigation could stick it to Big Pharma executives. It reads that it's sticking. How much is Big Pharma? It's sickening. Excuse me how much big pharma bosses have profited from the COVID-19 pandemic after selling billions of people around the world the wondrous qualities of their vaccine, Moderna chief executive Stephen Bancel made nearly 400 million last year on his stock options and still owns a reported 2.8 billion in the company, plus his salary and perks. And then it goes on from there. On Monday, Paxton will launch an investigation into potential violations of his States Deceptive Trade Practices Act by Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson&Johnson. He has revealed this exclusively to the Post. Have you heard this news today, Steve?


Steve Kirsch: You know, I did briefly see the story and it talked about, hey, are these exorbitant profits? And of course, exorbitant profits are not illegal in the United States, but deceptive trade practices could be. So if you say something is safe and effective and it's not, then maybe that could be considered a deceptive trade practice and they might be able to go after him on that.


Brannon Howse: Tell me about a challenge you've given to I think it was the medical reporter for CBS News.


Steve Kirsch: Uh, let's see. There are so many.


Brannon Howse: I think we're seeing my offer to Dr. Celine Gounder to end COVID misinformation.


Steve Kirsch: Uh, that one? Yes. Yeah. Celine, by the way, that just.


Brannon Howse: Shows you guys how much he writes. Because he is Frank. I'm not kidding. He cranks out so much content over on his substack. That's how much he's writing. He had to pause for a minute because he was to think about what I'm referring to because he writes so many articles. But I'm sorry. Pick it up right there.


Steve Kirsch: Yeah. So? So her name popped up because she's a speaker at the Aspen Ideas Health Conference. That's coming up. And so I was alerted to that and I read her background and it says that she's an infectious disease doctor and she's an expert on disinformation. And so I thought, well, who could be better than this? Here is an expert in infectious disease who wants to reduce the amount of misinformation. So I reached out. I wrote a very nice letter to her saying that, look, you know, I don't want to be spreading misinformation, but nobody will engage with me to answer any of my questions. And I have over 100 questions and I can't even get an answer to one of the questions. So I wrote her. I said, look, you know, I don't want to be a misinformation spreader. And the reason I am is because nobody is taking the time to answer any of my questions. And, you know, clearly, I've just got it wrong. I can't somehow figure out what's causing these 17,000 excess deaths in the system if it wasn't the vaccine. I mean, nothing makes sense. None of these explanations that people give me make sense. So just tell me the right explanation for it and I'll go away. And I have a bunch of other questions as well. And look, if you just answer the questions that we can just sit down and have a dialogue and answer the questions, then you'll end for me.


Steve Kirsch: You have an opportunity to end the misinformation. But look, even if you don't convince me, I will spread it. I will spread that video to the millions of people who follow me and who believe in what I'm saying. And I will let them decide. And if she's right, then she's going to convince a lot of people who are vaccine-hesitant. So even though she could say, Oh, well, I'm not going to debate you because I'll never convince you, it's not about convincing me. You can convince all of my followers that I got it wrong. And so I'm giving them the golden opportunity. And I've offered this to Peter Marks and Peter Hotez and Rochelle Walensky and Tony Fauci and anyone else, you know, who is saying these vaccines are safe and effective and saying that vaccine misinformation is a problem. In fact, I'll even offer it to FDA to the head of the FDA who's who says, hey, this misinformation is causing is costing lives. So, you know, look, great, here's your opportunity. I'm here. Look. And you don't even have to do it. You can send your entire staff. You can send everyone to the FDA and put everyone at the CDC on your side, and it'll just be me and a couple of my friends on my side. And that way it'll be fair because otherwise, it would be unfair if there were like more than three people on our side. And we'll have a fair debate and we can talk about the data and they can try to explain it and they can have an army of people trying to explain it.


Steve Kirsch: And they will. And I predict they will trip over themselves trying to do that, which is why they're not accepting my offer. And I've also offered, of course, my million-dollar challenge. I said that. The data pretty clearly shows that these vaccines are killing more people than they're saving. And in fact, I can't find data that reliably shows that they've saved even one life. And if they have, it's not statistically significant. It's so tiny. And yet we have lots of pieces of data showing a death rate of one per 1000 shots or somewhere around that order. And so so we're not even close in terms of the risk-benefit analysis. And so I offered to bet anyone in the world $1 million. There's one guy who took me up on it. Um. Sara Wolf But it was only for half $1 million, so nobody has accepted my million-dollar bet. Now, Sara and I signed an agreement, and we're in the process of recruiting judges. We're looking at for epidemiologists who have p values of or sorry, p values h h indexes of 20 or more. And so we're, we're finding these people who are qualified to be judges too to judge it. And it'll be an unbiased panel looking at the data.


Brannon Howse: Making a decision. Can we broadcast this?


Steve Kirsch: Oh, yeah.


Brannon Howse: No, absolutely. When will this be any idea?


Steve Kirsch: Um, probably. I'd say it depends on how fast we can recruit the judges, the judges, the gating factor, but probably in the next, maybe 60 days.


Brannon Howse: Can you let us know? Just text me, because we could. We could. We could air it live. If you have someone there streaming it, we could air it live on Lyndale TV three.


Steve Kirsch: Absolutely. I'll let you know.


Brannon Howse: That's the live event channel that we have. So. So these judges will be medical doctors or what will they be?


Steve Kirsch: Epidemiologists. Epidemiologists typically. Okay.


Brannon Howse: And you offered a $1 million challenge and this guy came. And what is explain to the audience what the challenge is? But he came back and offered to say, no, I'll do it for half a million.


Steve Kirsch: Yeah. Yeah. Basically said I'll bet anyone. Look, if the vaccines are really saving more lives than they're killing, which is what the mainstream narrative that everyone is believing in, this is why people are mandating the vaccines and taking the vaccines. If anyone actually believes that, then this is an easy way to make $1 million overnight, you know, almost overnight. And so it is surprising that not a single person in the United States is offering any money at all and SA was only willing to offer half a million. The only guy in the world, one guy from Israel is willing to bet me $500K he thinks that the vaccines have actually saved lives. And so I said, show me the evidence. He says, No, I'll wait till the bet.


Brannon Howse: So he's so up a half a million and he thinks he can prove that the vaccine is safe and effective and saves lives.


Steve Kirsch: He he is he needs to prove that in the United States that the vaccines were a positive health intervention, meaning that they saved more lives than they cost. That's his belief. My belief is the opposite, that the vaccines have cost far more lives than they've saved.


Brannon Howse: There you go. Here goes right back to your substack from April 30th. Proof The FDA knew on September 17th, 2021 that people who got the COVID vaccines were two times more likely to be infected. Of course, one would have to wonder how many of those that got infected had comorbidities and were at risk, diabetes, overweight, whatever, and died. So, I mean, there's a little little piece of a breadcrumb right there. Right.


Steve Kirsch: Well, you know, that is looking at the infection rate for the vaccine. And what's interesting is that on September 17th, Pfizer notified the FDA of this information that basically and you have to do a little calculation to get to the two X, but the calculation is you can do it in about 30 seconds. And what you find is that the death rate for people while they were unvaccinated is or sorry, the infection rate for people who are unvaccinated is half of what the people are vaccinated in. So when you entered that vaccinated group, you had a much higher rate of infection than you did when you were unvaccinated.


Brannon Howse: So could that infection lead to some of them dying?


Steve Kirsch: Of course. Of course, because there's an infection fatality rate that is based on the number of infections. And then it's a function of what variant you get and where you are in what country you're in and how they're treating deaths. But yeah, there's a direct there's normally a direct relationship between the number of infections and the number of deaths. And of course, the FDA would like you to believe that, oh, well, if you were infected and you were vaccinated, then then the IFR is different if you were vaccinated versus an unvaccinated person. And that's probably true, but it's probably true in the other way. In other words, it's probably true that if you did get infected, two people infected with the COVID virus, the person who is vaccinated is more likely to die than the people than the person who is unvaccinated. And we have evidence of that in Ontario. So in Ontario, Canada, they published data showing that the hospitalization rates went up 31% in 2022 versus 2021. And then the death rate went up. The death rate from COVID, this is hospitalization from COVID went up 31%. The death rate from COVID went up by 39%.


Steve Kirsch: Now, this is very odd because the variants in 2022 were less deadly than they were in 2021. So if anything, if the hospitalization went up by a certain amount, the death rate should be going up by less than that, not more than that. The only way that could happen is if the vaccines actually made people more likely to die. And there's no other explanation for that, which is why there is no health authority or academic expert or misinformation debunker who is able to explain how those numbers are possible. So that's another one of my questions that I'd like to have answered. Like, you know, it's the data just looks in plain sight like these vaccines are really, really dangerous. And just nobody wants to answer the question. I mean, can you even get any Brandon, can you get anyone on your program that we can just have a discussion with? None. None. Just a civil discussion about this? Nope. Yeah. And it's not me. It's not me. They won't. They won't do it with anybody who disagrees with them. You know, this is why Peter McCullough is never on CNN. Well, Robert Malone will never be on CNN.


Brannon Howse: So here's the last article I want to cover, because, again, it goes right to your point. It's over at his substack. Steve Kirsch, substack.com. Here's this doctor. The vast majority of her patients got significantly worse after the shot. She's a neurologist with 4000 patients. Most were vaccinated with the COVID vaccine. What happened? How sick did some of them get? I pray none of them died. What happened?


Steve Kirsch: Well, you know, people do die and people die all the time. And so I, I was at a conference in Dallas and listened to her speak, and her talk was on Alzheimer's and talked about dementia. And so you can actually see so she showed photographs of people after doing an autopsy on them. You could actually see the damage that was caused to people who were vaccinated. And you can visually see the difference between vaccinated people. An unvaccinated person. Now that's impossible if you have a safe and effective vaccine. So yeah.


Brannon Howse: Wow. You got. Well, he's got a lot of stuff over there, folks. I hope you'll check it out. The COVID vaccine causes tendonitis and many other adverse events. There's no doubt about this. That's information on his substack. It's all there. Steve Kirschtorte substack.com. Okay, I want to go back to this $500,000 challenge for I let you go. That's going to come up maybe in the next 60 days or so. Will that be a one-day event or will they make their decision at the end of the day? Or how will this work?


Brannon Howse: Were you present your information and did the guy from Israel present his information? Yeah, yeah.


Steve Kirsch: Yeah. It's multi-day. Because what happens is that he's going to surprise me right? He's going to show me evidence that he just came up on the fly or that he's been withholding until the last possible minute to try to gain an advantage. It's a strategy game. He's a professional poker player on the side. And so so it's all about you know, for him it's all about winning. For me, it's about saving lives. And, you know, this is why I don't hold any of my information back. When I find information that makes the vaccine look bad, I'm going to publish it on my website because I'm interested in saving lives. He's interested in winning the bet. So he's not showing us any of the information that he has beforehand. And I've said, look, you know, you can why don't you just show it to me beforehand? Because if I'm convinced I'll settle the bet. He says, No, no, no, there's no chance you'll be convinced. So I'm not going to show it to you. Yeah, but, but, but, but I said, look, you know, the whole point of this is to save lives. If you've got information that will save lives and show them wrong, you should just publicize it now. But he doesn't want to publicize it. So anyway, so he's going to he's going to spring it on us and he's going to and then we're going to have to respond. And maybe he's found some study that we're not aware of. And so this way we have a session. He brings up evidence. We say, hey, thank you very much. Let us take a few days to read the study and then come up with arguments as to why that's not true.


Brannon Howse: Very well. Keep us posted, because that sounds like a very interesting debate.


Steve Kirsch: Yeah. Yeah, it should be. It's one of these high-stakes contests where I'm not sure what I've ever heard of a high-stakes contest at where that the outcome is. Half $1 million or more on who wins. Have you ever heard of that?


Brannon Howse: Mike Lindell offered $5 Million. If someone could prove that this data, this computer data, and of course, some arbitrary group of people made some ruling, that they're saying, look, this is shenanigans. They're claiming the guy didn't even have the right paperwork to be involved in the situation. But other than Mike Lindell and yours, those are the only two I've ever heard of.


Steve Kirsch: Yeah. So this is actually a panel of judges that makes a decision on something that's really important. So. Yeah, Should be interesting.


Brannon Howse: We'll keep you posted. In the meantime, folks, check out SteveKirsch.substack.com. Stevekirsch.substack.com. Thank you for being generous with your time and all the great research you're doing over there Steve. We really appreciate it.


Steve Kirsch: Yeah, my pleasure.


Brannon Howse: Steve Kirsch checking in, folks. Check out his website. Stevekirsch.substack.com and we'll keep you posted on the half $1 million challenge. That should be very interesting.


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