Why Did AZ Governor Hurl The F-Bomb at Journalist Jordan Conradson When He Ran into Her at the Gym?

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Brannon Howse: All right. Good evening. Glad you guys are with us. And yes, we are live and we are back. What is the date today? July 10th? I think it is. I think it's the 10th of July. And we're back live here after being off the air for ten days, five normal business days and weekends. I don't know that I have ever taken that much time off in years and years, a day here, a day there. But to take ten straight days off the air was quite relaxing, shocking to some, I guess. My staff tells me our emails, our text phone calls, voicemails, wondering if I was okay, if I'm okay, Is he okay? I have trained this audience to understand that I am a workaholic and no, I don't want treatment. But I did agree to take off all of the 4th of July up that whole week because, well, the guys in the control room are going to throw a there's going to be a mutiny. There was going to be a mutiny if I didn't take off. They all wanted time off. And and my wife said, you know, you need some time off. You're going to stroke out, old man. So I took off for the whole week and but that doesn't mean I wasn't working. I absolutely was working. I spent one day, 8 or 9 hours post editing television, a good 6 or 7 one day. There was a lot of administrative things I needed to catch up on.

Brannon Howse: I have a long list of administrative things I had to get done, so I just kept checking them off my list. And so I got a lot done. But I did I did take some time and Logan and I and a couple of guys in the control room, along with my lovely wife and daughter, we did spend some time on the water. We went out on the water. And, you know, if I think I'm ever getting old at 54, which I know some of you in the audience are like, Hey, that's pretty young. And then of course, the people in their 20s and 30s think, Yeah, that's pretty old. So it's all relative. I know, but if you ever get to feeling like you're a little bit old, well, let me tell you about my friend. He's I think about 86, 87 years old. He acquired for himself this year an MTI. I wasn't too. Sure what that was. But it's a boat. It's a big boat. It's like a 50 foot boat with five engines on the back. Five outboards, 400. Four. Five. 450. Five. Outboards on the back, 450 horsepower per outboard. And he had five of them. So. Went out on that. A couple of times. A few times that thing moves out. Um, I think we got it up to 80 miles an hour, which I was not so sure about that. I'm kind of a cautious guy.

Brannon Howse: It freaked me out a little bit. But if you didn't watch the gigantic television monitor up top, there's a huge I mean, you couldn't believe it. It's like being in a jet, all the controls, all the meters and screens and, you know, like an iPad built in here and an iPad built in there. These television sets up top where it's monitoring all kinds of stuff, the depth of the water, I guess, compass. But this one over here on the left is the one I was watching, which was the speed. And if you didn't look at the speed, you wouldn't think you're going that fast because it's a big boat and it's heavy. And so you didn't really think about it until you looked up at the speed and then you're like, wow, that's a little fast. But anyway, 86, 87 years old and the guy is still buying boats. And so my wife says, you need to hang out with him more because if you start feeling like you're old at 54, hang out with an 86 year old that keeps buying up toys and boats. So he's a good guy. He's a great friend. And I like the fact that he has the boat, not me. And I got to enjoy it. So we did that and it was a great vacation time off. But like I said, I did I did do quite a bit of work during the time, but I wasn't on the air, which was so nice not to have to put on a suit and a tie and do all that.

Brannon Howse: So anyway, we had a great time. I hope you did as well with your time off. We're back. Thank you to all of you that were texting and emailing and leaving voicemails. Is Brandon alright? Is he okay? We're worried. My wife said you won't believe the volume of communications of people who were just convinced you're in the hospital. Something horrible that had happened because you you took off a few days. Well, that's because I just don't do that very often now, do I? But not least not that consistently for that many days in a row. But anyway, it was a great time off. But we're back. There's plenty to talk about. Going to be joined tonight by Jordan Conradsen with The Gateway Pundit with a few well, you probably saw it's going viral. He was at the gym working out and ran into the, quote, governor, the faux governor of Arizona. Boy, she showed her true colors, a little bit of a potty mouth. She has. Then Colonel John Mills will check in, Susan Swift, Leo Holman and lots of video clips tonight. Let's get right to it. Let's not delay too long. Let's go right away to Jordan, Conrad and Jordan. Welcome back to the broadcast. Thanks for joining us. I hope you had a great 4th of July.

Jordan Conradson: Brannon, how are you doing? Yes, I didn't get ten days off, but I did get one day off for 4th of July. That was lots of fun, you know, good patriotic celebration of our great country. That was a good day. Excellent.

Brannon Howse: Excellent. Now, guys, in the control room, do you have the footage? Did you get the footage I sent you of him talking to the governor of Arizona? I sent that to Logan the other day. Do you have that in there, Tommy? Okay, well, where would he find that? He doesn't have it, but he's going to track it down. Where would he find that? It's all over the Internet, right? That's right, Jordan.

Jordan Conradson: It's all over the Internet. I mean, you can go on the Gateway pundit.com. You can search Katie Hobbs. It should be the first article that you see. If you search Katie Hobbs, you could search Katie Hobbs.

Brannon Howse: We're going to search it. I'm searching for it. He's searching it. Set it up before we play it. Set it up. What Tell us about this, because it went viral. It's all over social media.

Jordan Conradson: That's right. Yeah. Went viral. There's millions and millions of views on Twitter alone. You know, it's across other platforms as well. You know, Katie Hobbs is at my gym. I've been a member here for many, many years, almost as far as I can remember. Um, my whole life almost. And I had never seen Katie Hobbs before there. I never knew she was a member. Um, I believe that she got a membership more recently. So she comes into my territory, which is my gym, of course. And I'm. I'm working out in the morning, and I see this guy in a suit standing outside of one of the workout classes, and I'm like, What the hell is that guy doing? So it caught my attention. I was I was watching it for about five minutes. And then I see this woman walk out, not wearing any makeup. I couldn't tell. I was like, is that is that Katie Hobbs? Because he usually she's all dolled up in her makeup. And, you know, it shows she doesn't look like what she does with makeup on. Um, so I see. I see her. I follow her down the stairs. You know, I'm kind of in a hustle. I'm kind of I'm in the middle of a workout, so that explains why I'm a little bit out of breath, but. And I go, Ms.. Hobbs, is that you? You can hear me say that in the video. And she looks back at me with the most horrified face. I mean, but anyway, I. I ask her a few questions about the.

Brannon Howse: Wait, wait a minute. What's her fate? Was her face. Wait a minute. What? Her looks at you with this horrified face? Are you saying her face is is horrific or her? The expression was horrific. I just want to clarify.

Jordan Conradson: I'll tell you what. I'll leave that open to interpretation. Let's just say she looked very scared to see me behind her, um, at the gym. Um, that that was funny. You know, she's got armed security at the gym. Who does that? Brandon. Who? Who does that at a nice country, club style gym? It's. It's. It's a tennis club, you know, so it's. It's not like she's got scoundrels roaming around the hallways or roaming around the workout classes and weight machines. It's. It's all very wealthy, upscale Arizonans working out at this gym. And she comes in with armed security. I mean, it's like, are you trying to make yourself noticed? Are you trying to draw attention to yourself? Who knows? But, you know, so you're telling me.

Brannon Howse: If it wasn't for the armed security, if it wasn't for the armed security, you would you would not have even recognized her.

Jordan Conradson: Yeah, I wouldn't have I wouldn't have known she was there if it weren't for the armed security guard. That's like £300 standing outside the door of her workout class, you know. So she's in a one-hour workout class from 530 to 6:30 a.m. and she's just got this poor guy standing outside the whole time waiting for her. Imagine that.

Brannon Howse: What a job. Well. Do you want to play it, Thomas, or do you want me to play it? All right. Here, I'll play it. I think we're connected. Watch. Watch this confrontation, if you will. I mean, I think he was being polite, but she ends up using some bad language. I don't know if we bleeped it out or not. Here's Katie Hobbs. Watch. Watch this.

Jordan Conradson: How's it going? Jordan Conradson, Gateway Pundit. So, you know, I have some questions about the election in Arizona. You know, Maricopa County, they did these secret testing on the machines, which per the election procedures manual you were supposed to oversee, do additional testing. Did you authorize this, Miss Hobbs? Miss Hobbs, what about the signatures on the mail? In ballot affidavits? Are you are you aware of what those look like? They look nothing like the signatures of the voter. Miss Hobbs, as secretary of state, you oversaw elections in Maricopa County in Arizona. Are you fucking. Yes, Jordan, I'm at the gym. Give it an effing rest. Is that what you said? I am sure did.

Brannon Howse: Wow. On tick tock. So she used the. Wow. How many views has that gotten? Have you? I mean, how would you track it? It's on so many platforms, right?

Jordan Conradson: You know, I've been counting a few different posts on Twitter. I saw 5 million views on Twitter alone. I mean, wow, Here on the Gateway Rumble, we have a few hundred thousand. Um, you know, other accounts. Truth, social. It's on TikTok. It's probably blowing up on TikTok. But, you know, you know, I just have to say, what a classy and intelligent response from the so-called governor of Arizona right there. Give it a effing rest. That's just hilarious, in my opinion.

Brannon Howse: Yeah, Well. And she knew she. I'm sure she knew she was being filmed. Right.

Jordan Conradson: I mean, she had to she when she turned around, I had my cell phone cameras sticking, not sticking in her face, but it was held up. And I'm filming her. And why why wouldn't I be filming? I mean, I'm a journalist. I'm just doing my job.

Brannon Howse: What was she carrying in her left hand?

Jordan Conradson: It looked like a water, you know, like one of those thermos cups full of water, I would guess water. I don't know what she did during her workout.

Brannon Howse: I couldn't make out what that was. Well, interesting that you confronted her about this because look at this article from June 19th, by you, June 19th, The Gateway Pundit, exclusive limited Maricopa County 2022 ballot signature review shows mismatched signatures accepted at level one. I mean, this is what you were asking her about, right?

Jordan Conradson: Yeah. So that's why I asked her about I got the opportunity to go into Maricopa County's Election Center and inspect that. That's another example right there on the screen. And that's one. All right. I have to say, that's one voter right there, what we're looking at. So the one on top is his 2022 ballot affidavit. The one on the bottom left is his 2020. And then the one on the bottom right is another ballot affidavit for the same voter. But I go into Maricopa County, I'm able to inspect some of the mail-in ballot affidavits and compare them with voter registration records, voter registration signatures and reproduce them. So what I did was I reproduced them, and I took them home. I gave them further review from my house, and I learned from the Maricopa County data for signature verification logs, which I obtained from We the People Alliance, you know, Shelby Bush and her team, and able to learn that many of these signatures, the ones that were so egregiously mismatched, were accepted at level one, which means they didn't go under. They didn't undergo further review by a level two reviewer. It's like it's like that famous video we've all seen of that one guy. Level one Signature Reviewer. Click, click, click, click. Reviewing signatures and accepting them in about a second apiece to less than two seconds apiece. So it's clear it makes it clear that Maricopa County is not doing real signature verification. You couple that with 59% of machines failing on Election Day, when Katie Hobbs was supposed to oversee logic and accuracy testing for these machines and do additional tests herself, you wonder how could Katie Hobbs call herself a legitimate governor. So I have these questions. So do 60% of Arizonans people want to know. And all she can say is give it a effing rest.

Brannon Howse: Well, you know, in other words, give it a rest that you care about free, fair elections versus selections and stolen elections and criminal activity. Give it a rest that you care about criminal activity. Do you know what she's saying?

Jordan Conradson: Pretty much. She's. She's telling us, Shut up, peasant. I'm here at my bougie country club. I mean, you saw the video of the place. There's a basketball court, there's a food court, a cafe, and then you walk through. It's it's on like two acres of land. There are tennis courts, there are pools. It's a place where. Who? Who the hell would need armed security to just go to the gym for an hour? Come on. And so that that's that's the way she views herself, is she's more important than you. Whereas kids in schools, don't deserve armed security to protect them from mass shootings. Um, Katie Hobbs, can go to the go take a shower at the gym without having to deal with men walking into the bathroom. She she doesn't want the same privileges for kids in schools, as for regular Arizonans. You know, she calls that LGBTQ discrimination. So another question I would have asked her if got the got the chance if she wasn't escorted out of the building and into a blacked out, I would have asked her, hey, what about, you know, we're at the gym? How would you feel if a man walked into your shower here at the gym? How would you feel if a man was sitting butt naked next to you in the steam room? What would Would you be okay with that or would it make you a little uncomfortable? But. Yeah. Didn't get to ask that question because.

Brannon Howse: Because the LGBTQ agenda is about a guy who thinks he's a girl now showing up in the women's locker room or steam room. And again, as you said, if you question that, you're somehow a hater, intolerant, a bigot. And of course, we're now watching legislation that's passed the House in Michigan, headed to the Senate, where we're told it will pass, where the loons that run the Michigan government are going to. The governor is going to sign it, and the attorney general going to enforce it. That if you hurt the feelings of sexual minorities, LGBTQ, you could be going off to jail for quite some time. Forced government reeducation camps and civil lawsuits. You're following that in Michigan, right?

Jordan Conradson: I have not seen that that that is a huge deal, in my opinion. I'm gonna have to start looking into that also, you know, but it reminds me it's funny because these same people, they, they talk down to us, these LGBTQ, um, radicals, you know, they call us cis-gendered people. And as if that's some kind of an insult. I don't even know what cisgender is. It's. It's a totally new made-up term to me, but they they demean us with these terms like cisgender, straight, and white male. It's like, okay, what about them discriminating against us? You know, it's such a double standard as as we see in the law in politics today. I mean, it's just another example.

Brannon Howse: Absolutely. They call us domestic terrorists, but potential domestic terrorists, misogynist bigots, and all kinds of stuff. You know, straight, white male. They can call me that all day long. You know, one of the things I did in my time off was I absorbed and watched a lot of John Wayne, a lot of John Wayne movies. And I don't think he would have been complaining if someone called him a straight white male. But I know they try to make that an insult today. That's kind of tells you an awful lot. The fact that they think that's an insult, tells you a lot how far they how debased and dark and hearted fools they are per Romans one. Right.

Jordan Conradson: Right. It shows you their their view of a straight white male. If you're considering that an insult, then that just shows that you have such a negative view of a straight white male. What's wrong with that? That's most of our population. I mean, seriously, you're going to have an issue with the straight white male. I mean, I don't know. Nowadays, um, I don't know if it's going to be a majority of our population in the coming years. I mean, it seems like everyone's coming out of the closet and turning gay, so. Or trans or, you know, even these. These are made up. Different sexualities that people are having like some people call themselves. Asexual. Some people call themselves pansexual. You know, I've heard one person, one girl. Call herself a demi boy, whatever the hell that means.

Brannon Howse: What does that mean? Right?

Jordan Conradson: I looked it up. I can't remember. I looked it up a while back. I think it's a. A boy when you feel like a boy. Something along those lines. I'll have to. I would have to Google it again. Again? I mean, this new speak, it's. It's very new to me. I, I still have to learn, or else, you know, I might get called a bigot or a straight white male. Who knows? Well, you.

Brannon Howse: Know, if if the right law gets passed in your state and you hurt someone's feelings, you may be going to jail or forced reeducation camp, you know? Oh, my. The Gateway pundit.com Gateway pundit.com is always Jordan Thank you for what you're doing and for that great journalism there at the gym with FO Governor Hobbs thank you for that.

Jordan Conradson: Thank you Brandon Thank you for having me. And hey, the people of Michigan, I'm praying that you don't misgender anybody and end up in a reeducation camp that would be pretty horrible.

Brannon Howse: Yeah, it would. But it's real. We had the guy who, you know, Matt Deperno, ran for attorney general, an attorney on reviewing it two weeks ago, and he said he knew about it, but he didn't realize where it was moving to, and I alerted him to it. He took several hours and studied it, came on that night, and had done his homework. He said it was he said in his opinion, it's the most horrific bill against free speech thus far in American history. Shocking. But thanks for being with us, Jordan.

Jordan Conradson: Right. Thank you for having me.

Brannon Howse: Jordan Konradsen. Yeah, absolutely. Jordan Konradsen checking in with the Gateway Pundit, The Gatewaypundit.com.

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