Why Did A Muslim Man in France Stabs Children and Adults Screaming About Jesus?

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Brannon Howse: Joining me now is Anni Cyrus. Anni, welcome back to the broadcast. Thanks for being with us. No, not Anni. Who's next? You're not following me. I got to sit here and wait for you guys. What are you guys doing in there? Playing sports or something? They should be queued up and racked up like the FAA. Flying overhead, waiting for me to come in and land. All right. Well, while we're waiting, the boys in the control room to get my next guest. If you appreciate it, I've got to give him a hard time. If you appreciate what we're doing, we need your support. You can do it in several ways. One is to go to WVWTVStore.com WVWTVstore.com. Let me take you over there. WVWTVStore.com. Take a look at this, folks. Here's one of the items that we began to offer last week, and this started flying out the door. This is called 4 to 5 365 100% pure NAD 100% pure NAD daily supplement is a 30-day supply, folks. This is well, according to numerous tests, very good for the brain. Very, very good for that. It's something that is in your body naturally that as you get older starts to decrease. Okay. And this is according to numerous studies, very good for your brain health. So go do some research on this and check it out. But obviously, a lot of our audience has known this because this when we started offering it the other night, it started selling like crazy. And you put it under your tongue so that in this case, it does bypass the gut and gets right into the bloodstream. You can check out 4 to 5, 100% pure in adding a daily supplement.

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Anni Cyrus: Thanks so much for having me.

Brannon Howse: Anni wanted to have you on tonight to talk about something that occurred last week in France. Look at this headline. France playground stabbing video. Okay. This is the man. And I've seen the video and now it has been scrubbed from the Internet. Okay. I've seen the full video and I'm going to try to find it again. But the link we had now doesn't work because this Syrian refugee who went to France. He was stabbing little children. And yelling something about not Allah Akbar this time, but something about Jesus Christ which is confusing everybody. And I wanted to bring Anni on to explain what is going on. Anni, what is this all about?

Anni Cyrus: Well, first, let me if you do find the video, please send it to me, too, because I'll be looking for it for almost two days and it's nowhere to be found. Yeah, I mean, literally everywhere. Everywhere. But since you have seen the video, I'm going to start from here. This guy is supposed. Um, Syrian.

Brannon Howse: Oh, you have the. You have the video. You found it. Guys are in there. No, just go ahead and play it. All right. We'll forward it to me by email and I'll play it. All right. Go ahead. I may have found it again. You know, the problem is that people put it up and they get taken down. Here we go. Here we go. Show this. Look at this. I don't know how much this is going to show. Okay, here we go. Let me back that thing up again. Well, see, they're not showing all of it, but they're going to show a little bit. In the meantime, we're going to get what they have in the control room. But there he is. Look, because people tried stopping him, he's stabbing those folks and some of them were in critical condition. But that's nothing. I mean, I've seen the whole video, the mother screaming. It was horrible. Go ahead, Anni.

Anni Cyrus: Yeah, the original video is horrifying, but it starts with even the video you were showing. If you've watched the very beginning, this man is running while holding his necklace, which supposedly is a cross. He's wearing a cross and he's making sure to hold it up, to be seen. And his name supposedly Abdelmassih, which in Arabic means trusted in Christ or in Jesus Messiah, is Jesus. And they're trying to say, this man was a Christian man who killed or tried to kill, stabbed these children and adults in the name of Christ. But let me break a few things down for you. Number one, as mentioned by two other people, including Robert Spencer's article on Jihad Watch, when Amin Usama would confirm this to you, If you're born in an Islamic country such as Syria, and if you are a Christian, you never name your kid Abdul Masih because that's putting a target on his back. By officially announcing that he's a Christian. That's number one. Number two, based on some research released this morning he used before coming to Sweden, by the way, is this man is not illegal. He does have a Swedish resident permanent resident. Um, before coming to Sweden, he was part of Assad's military. And I guarantee you Assad never allowed Christians in his military. You had to be a Sunni Muslim to join the military of Assad in Syria. And again, I'm not saying for sure. No, I am saying this man is a Muslim who is trying to, as you said, confuse people as to, oh, you see, even Christians, the stab kids apparently at this time in the name of Christ. I think, Brannon, this is part of what we've been targeting, saying you never see a Christian screaming, you know, in the name of Jesus stabbing people. But you always see Muslims screaming like they're stabbing people. So I think they're just taking our own words and manipulating them into confusion. More confusion.

Brannon Howse: Wow. Wow. So let Is there anything else you want to say about that before we move to the next topic?

Anni Cyrus: Yeah, I do. I want to say this. Um. Another thing I thought about when we talked and you mentioned I want to also say for anybody who kept refusing, there is such a thing as Chrislam. This could also be why he said in the name of Christ, apparently he called his wife his daughter's name and then said, In the name of Jesus Christ, in the name of Jesus, not Jesus Christ, in the name of Jesus. A stabbing could be the fact that for many years in interfaith dialogue now they say Jesus is, you know, and was a prophet of Islam. So they're just implementing that now, part of Islam practice.

Brannon Howse: Also, Anni, we're getting reports that the Biden regime is continuing to give Iran things and the Iranian deal. And we're also reading I don't know if you've read this or not, but I read yesterday that they're even going to open up some things related to the International Monetary Fund for Iran to help stabilize Iran's economy. Are you hearing that as well?

Anni Cyrus: Yes. The foreign minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran has confirmed that in a statement Monday night, our time. So Tuesday morning, a long time. They have confirmed that. Yes.

Brannon Howse: So this is a schizophrenic government, the Biden regime, isn't it?

Anni Cyrus: I would say the Biden regime is an anti-American regime. They will do everything and anything in their power to destroy America and American values as we know them. And Islamic Republic of Iran's regime has always been one of the best tools to use against American Americans. I mean, even a lot of I mean, you don't I don't know if you hear about them, but I at least once a week read about the latest Iranian lobbyist who was arrested somewhere in America for money laundering or, you know, breaking the law, sending money to Iran, cooperating with the regime. Now it's happening right here in America every day by their soldiers. Being Iranian soldiers is what means.

Brannon Howse: Anni's website Lives up to freedom.com. Live up to freedom.com. Anni keeps us posted as always and thanks for all your great work.

Anni Cyrus: Yeah, thank you. Do you have one minute for me to touch on one more report that just came?

Brannon Howse: Absolutely.

Anni Cyrus: Another stabbing took place yesterday in the UK by an African Muslim man, a stabbing to 19-year-old students in a university area, and one of their caregivers, a professor, and one of the people staff of the university as well. All three are unfortunately dead.

Brannon Howse: All three dead due to an Islamist stabbing him?

Anni Cyrus: Yes. African Muslims recently converted Muslims and stabbed them to death.

Brannon Howse: So are they calling for knife control in the UK?

Anni Cyrus: No, they're calling for more open borders and more love and hugs for Muslim refugees.

Brannon Howse: Well, when you hug them, they'll be easier. Easier? A lot easier for them to stab you, that's for sure. Exactly. Wow. Thank you, Anni, as always, for the updates. Appreciate it.

Anni Cyrus: Absolutely. Thank you, Brannon. Stay safe.

Brannon Howse: You bet. Anni Cyrus checking in, LiveUpToFreedom.com.

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