Why We Must Fight Tyrannical Politicians at the County Level

Brannon Howse: All right, folks, let's run quickly to our friend Nicole in California. Nicole, welcome back to the broadcast. Thank you for joining us.


Nicole Pearson: Thank you as always for having me.


Brannon Howse: Yeah, it's great. Pull your camera down a little bit there. Think.


Nicole Pearson: Think. I got to turn it sideways. Sorry.


Brannon Howse: Oh, that's all right. No problem.


Nicole Pearson: It's been a minute.


Brannon Howse: There you go. Hey, how's the baby?


Nicole Pearson: He's great. He's doing great. We are surviving over here, but we're doing great.


Brannon Howse: You look pretty well-rested.


Nicole Pearson: Okay.


Brannon Howse: You're not, though. You're not okay. Look it. Yeah. At least you look it. So how old is he now? Three weeks. Oh, wow.


Nicole Pearson: Yeah, but, you know, crime never sleeps, so we keep going. And we are. I'm on maternity leave, which has thankfully let me have a little bit more space to get more perspective on what's going on. And we see the house of cards falling. And all over the place. So it's actually really fueling my fire to get back, as you can see, back in the arenas and keep fighting for our Constitution and our civil and human rights. Well, give.


Brannon Howse: As an update before we go to the border. Down on the border. I want to get from you.


Nicole Pearson: Just very quickly and I'll be back when I'm more even more rested. We had our major lawsuit in Orange County that you know about, which is a really pivotal case for the entire nation, not just Orange County, California, and not even just the state of California. But it's the blueprint for how we rein back in our boards of supervisors and how we're able to have them declare the ends of local emergencies before the next one. As you just mentioned, the agenda that's happening, we already have the RSV vaccine that was recently approved by the FDA. We have another Pfizer, one for infants, six months and up. That is pending approval by the end of this year. We already know they're going to roll out, at least certainly an emergency. So our lawsuit is about how to get our local boards of supervisors to hold public meetings, present evidence justifying local declarations of emergencies, and also terminate them when that evidence isn't there. And so we won that lawsuit in September of 2022. And we had a um, we had a surprise thrown at us on April 3rd, actually came out of retirement to attend the hearing and the case. The judge dismissed that case as moot because Governor Newsom ended the state of emergency. But now we are getting ready for an appeal, which is actually going to be great because once we go to the court of appeals, it's something we secretly let the other side hang themselves because now we have grounds to file an appeal, Go to the California Court of Appeals, where we know the judges are certainly better than the superior court judges and where we can get a final ruling. That will be a precedent up and down the state of California. So we are gearing up for that appeal. It's a very exciting time in California when we win that appeal because what they've done is so egregious. We'll have precedent, and case law that you can use up and down the state and then be able to refer to from other states. So we're very excited about that.


Brannon Howse: So so what I'm hearing is that you're going to hopefully win these cases and have a precedent that local officials can't act like little tyrants and dictators and make up the rules as they go along.


Nicole Pearson: 100%, which is it's always been about that for our firm. It's always been about that. The Constitution, the law, the health and safety code, government code. The law is very, very clear and they try to distract us from reading the black letter law. You know, Rita, Jessica, and I are bright attorneys, but we're not the most brilliant attorneys in the country, certainly not even in the state. We just read the law for what it is. And the law says that your local board of supervisors, I hope everyone hears this, must review local conditions every 30 or 60 days. Obviously, it depends on what state you live in. Each state is different, but in California, they must review the conditions every 30 or 60 days and then vote to extend or terminate the emergency if the conditions don't warrant it. So what they did in Orange County was they voted in June of 2021. So we have not had a public meeting in Orange County since June of 2021 regarding the local COVID-19 emergencies. We've literally had our constitutional rights suspended for almost two years. We're in May. It's almost been two years since we've had our constitutional rights suspended, our ability to work, learn, play, travel, get medical care, gather, pray, and worship suspended for two years because of this illegal and unconstitutional vote.


Nicole Pearson: And so we're excited to get in front of the Court of Appeal and in front of the California Supreme Court if that's what it takes to get this binding precedent that will bind all local boards of supervisors up and down the state. And then we'll be used as a template for other counties across the country. Because if we know this, Brannon if we can end the local emergencies and enough counties end their emergencies, then the state's emergency ends by default. And if enough state emergencies end, then we can end a nationwide emergency moving forward. I have goosebumps. It is a very seminal case. It's a tiny case, but it's the results of that case will have, you know, repercussions ripple across the country. It's a way that we maintain control of our country in the area where we have the most impact, and that's in our local counties. It's a really huge case. Yeah.


Brannon Howse: And if it's real, well, Colonel John Mills in his book The Nation Will Follow, which is about taking back the country county by county by county, you guys have the same message, same message, consistency here, consistency. Great message. Facts, law, truth, justice.com facts law truth, justice.com. Does the baby have a name yet?


Nicole Pearson: He does Augustine-like.


Brannon Howse: Augustine. All right. Are you a little scholar? Are you going to call him Augie for short?


Nicole Pearson: Well, Brannon. Brannon will be his nickname for sure.


Brannon Howse: Because I do know an Augie. I do know Augie Busch. I don't personally know Augie Busch. My kids, my kids have gone on rides with Augie Busch and his speedboat. And I think I'm sure his name real name is not Augie. I'm sure it's probably August, but. Yeah, but you are going to because some parents don't like nicknames, so you have no problem with calling him Augie. We're fine.


Nicole Pearson: Whatever. Whatever it takes, I think. I think.


Brannon Howse: I think it's a cute name. I think it's. It's cute. I'm sure he's a cute little boy as well. Actually, he is. I have actually seen pictures, actually, I've had them sent to me. So our mutual friend sent them over. Liz, so congratulations to you, the family, and the other kids, and get some rest. And thanks for continuing to fight even while you're supposed to be off. So keep it up, but do get some rest.


Nicole Pearson: Thank you. I will. We'll talk soon.


Brannon Howse: Thanks, Brannon. Thank you. Facts Law Truth. Justice.com. Folks, check it out. Keep aware of what she's doing. Very important. We need attorneys like her all over the country. Follow the lead. Follow her lead at the county level.


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