World Map Reveals Globalist Plan For Massive Depopulation?

Brannon Howse: What I'm going to talk with Leo Holman about right now. Leo, welcome back to the broadcast. Thank you for joining us. And before I go to Leo, let me mention this real quick. Go to Sorry, Leo, Hang on one second. Talk about preparedness. Go look at it here. Emergency supplies because I think they should be prepared. But I want to know what it is these big tech and multibillionaires think is coming. I think I know what's coming, but they seem to know something, too. We got 3000 bottles of potassium iodide this week. Again, this is anti-radiation tablets for during a radiation emergency. We had one company we wanted to get it from about, oh, I'd say a month or two ago, probably two months ago. And they said we'd love to make it available to your Howse to resell, but we can't do that because we can't keep it in stock. So, we were able to acquire 3000 bottles another way. Those arrived this week. And there you go. So if you would like to get some potassium iodide, this is to protect your thyroid in the event of a nuclear event, which doesn't have to be a nuclear war, folks. It could just be a dirty bomb. You know, the CIA lets loose a dirty bomb or has some rogue group or sets up some so-called right winger to let loose a radiation bomb. And then you're going to have radioactive fallout. So this is for protecting your thyroid.


Brannon Howse: I think I read a report recently where the government bought up $29 million for anti-radiation medications. So, again, we do have 3000 bottles. Well, less than that because it's selling. People are very interested in this, apparently. And while they should be, I bought some for my family after 9/11 and traveled with it, traveled with it in my dopp kit, my shaving kit, in my motorcoach. So there you go. We've added that. We've got the 100-hour candle. We have an emergency fuel bucket five gallons. We got two gallons. We've got the indoor self-powered space heater and stove. You can use that to heat a 200-square-foot room, but then you can take the top of it off and actually cook with it. Those are very well-built. We're very happy with those. Our EMT bags, our trauma kits, our water purifiers. We've had to order a bunch more of those this week. We've added ordered more of these Alexa Pro-certified replacement filters because they will filter 200 gallons. So you want to have one of those on hand. We have also sold a lot of these, including the outdoor Titan stove, which, by the way, if you don't want to go chop up kindling and other stuff, you can get the Titan stove and then pick up either a five-gallon or a two-gallon emergency fuel. This emergency fuel bucket, by the way, extra long burning stays lit for 20 to 30 minutes for sustained warmth and safety in emergencies.


Brannon Howse: Non-toxic, stored anywhere indefinitely, and lights in disaster conditions, rain, snow, and 30-mile-an-hour winds. So you could grab that, grab that to go with your solo stove if you wish. And then, of course, you add the solo stove pot, boil the water over your fire, and make your freeze-dried food. You can, of course, filter your water. All of this is at Then click emergency food supplies, and click all emergency supplies. Of course, we've just added recently Franklin's finest survival coffee. Because I can't be without that. I have a good 4 or 5 cups a day. My wife just brought me a while ago. Honey water late in the afternoons. Late afternoon I switched to honey water so I can actually get to sleep. But it's warm, honey water like hot tea. But it's just honey and water. But I have to have 4 or 5 cups a day of coffee. So what am I going to do if the power goes out? I got to have something. So I've got several buckets, actually, of Franklin's finest survival coffee, it's instant. And then, of course, you've got your ready, hour breakfast, gluten-free, ready, hour protein kit. With meat. One month you can do three months, six months, one year, two years, whatever the deal is you want to do, it's all there. If you want to call Libby, she'll help you with your order. A lot of you guys, it's fun to listen to you talk to her.


Brannon Howse: In fact, one of them was talking to her today and she asked me a question. They could hear me sitting at my desk. And I answered. They said, Is that your dad? And so can I talk to him? So they threw me on the phone. And it's always fun to talk to you guys, but you guys have been very kind to her. She loves working with our listeners. So take good care of Libby. She'll take care of you. Yes, that is my daughter. So you can call her and she'll take your order, track it to your door. We're about four weeks behind. And so we hired two more people this week. So we're getting it out as fast as we can. So be patient with us. You're getting a great deal great price. You're helping to fund what we do. This is a huge part of our general operating budget. This is what we help to use to offset a lot of our costs. For me to produce the different things I do that bring to you for free, including the $11,000 a month bandwidth bill I have over at so I can give away free programming. But if you don't want to order online, which you can at you can call her at 9014689357, 9014689357. Joining me now is Leo Hohmann. Leo, welcome back to the broadcast. Thank you. How was dinner with your family and friends?


Leo Hohmann: Wonderful. Thank you, Brandon, for having me on.


Brannon Howse: No. Thank you for being here. Hey, what'd you make of those bunkers I just showed? The big billionaire techs are buying bunkers.


Leo Hohmann: Nice. Plush, posh.


Brannon Howse:  What do they know that we don't know?


Leo Hohmann: Uh, I think they know about the Deagle population forecast of 2014, which I wrote about. It is what you wanted to talk about, right?


Brannon Howse: There. Yeah, there it is. There it is. From Let's show it there, Thomas. There we go. All right. So let's talk about this real quick, because today you brought to my attention this map. You called me this afternoon and said, you know, after we.


Leo Hohmann: Before we even.


Brannon Howse: This was really weighing heavy on your mind.


Leo Hohmann: Yeah. Before we even get to the map, can we play that short video down below the map? It's the former prime minister of Malaysia speaking at a conference in 2015. Okay. All right. All right. I think that's that would be a great way to start.


VIDEO: Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir Mohamad said that the Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP, is a new world order strategy by a powerful pack of people led by the US to dominate the world economy. Speaking at the international conference titled New World Order Recipe for Peace or War, organized by the Perdana Global Peace Foundation, Dr. Mahathir said globalization and borderless trade are being used to establish a one-world government.


Dr. Mahathir (In Video): Basically, it is about having a world government. We should abolish all states, all nations, and all borders, but instead have only one world government. And that world government is to be by certain people, elites, people who are very rich, very intelligent, and very powerful in many ways. They are the ones who will govern the world. There was not much talk about democracy or the choice of leaders. Instead, there was to be a government by these elites who will impose their rules on everyone in this world. And for those who are unwilling to submit to them, there will be punishment. And the peace that we will get from this is the peace of the graveyard. Because the intention also is to reduce the number of people in this world. At the time when the new World Order was enunciated. The population of this world was only 3 billion. The intention was to reduce it to 1 billion. Now the population of the world is 7 billion. There will be a need to kill many billions of people or starve them to death or prevent them from giving birth. In order to reduce the population of this world.


Brannon Howse: Wow. I had forgotten all about that. You know, you and I look and see so many shocking clips, they start to just kind of go out of my memory. I remember seeing that. That is so shocking. Now, let's go back to this map embedded in your article. Tell me about that.


Leo Hohmann: Some of what he said might have been hard to understand because of his accent. But the one thing I wanted people to hear most was he said the world will be ruled by these groups of very powerful elites and those unwilling to submit to them will get punishment, he said. And the peace that they offer will be the peace of the graveyard. And then he talked about depopulating the world, being a key strategy for these elites. And so now we come to the Daigle population forecast, which was made by this quasi-military intelligence organization called the Daigle Corporation. And what they forecast in 2014 was that North America, Canada, the US, Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, the UK, and basically the NATO alliance countries would all suffer a drastic, I'm talking ridiculously drastic, population decrease by the year 2025. The US would be down like 70%, the UK would be down almost 80%. Canada, they had down about 30 some 35%. The same with Germany would be 60 percent. Same for Spain, all these Western Europe. And then you go to Australia and New Zealand while at the same time, they show China, Russia, Brazil, basically the BRICS nations. What we now know is the BRICS nations are either staying steady or actually gaining population. So this is extremely interesting. People dismissed it in 2014 as some kind of, you know, it must have been a PSYOP or something.


Leo Hohmann: They said, well, now it doesn't seem quite so implausible anymore because we've got three major trends all converging on the world. We've got the pandemic, which is now over, but we're hearing rumors of a second new pandemic that the globalist elites are working on unleashing on the world. They're talking about global famine. Even the UN is predicting global famine like we haven't seen in many, many decades. And this war in Ukraine, which is now a proxy war between NATO and Russia, is threatening to spread into a world war that would be devastating and would likely go to nuclear warfare or at least an EMP attack. And so it seems like Daigle, which has very well-placed sources in the Deep State, knew something in 2014, Brandon, that the rest of us didn't. They knew about the pandemics being unleashed. They knew about the famines, they knew about World War Three. And all three of these things converging are not just happening organically. We know that they're happening by design and they all lead up to one thing massive de-population and especially the country that loses, not the country, the alliance that loses World War three will suffer devastating de-population. We're talking 40, 50, 60, 70% fewer people in the countries that lose World War three than what you see right now.


Brannon Howse: Wow. I wonder, Leo, if they would have updated their map. Have they ever updated their map? I wonder if we could get an updated map and they would see Saudi Arabia turning around. Now it looks like Saudi Arabia is going to join the BRICS banking system. So I see they were going down. I wonder if they might go back up now. You have to wonder if those countries that were not really working with them would turn around and start working with them if they're if their luck would also change, also change. Any thoughts on that?


Leo Hohmann: I mean, it makes sense that if we do go to World War Three, I hate to say this because it sounds, you know, very bleak, but if our leaders indeed take us to World War Three, uh, we know just based on the facts, that Russia has a nuclear arsenal, what, at least twice the size of ours. They have updated their nuclear arsenal more than the US has. They have these hypersonic missiles along with China, which also has hyper sonics that the US is not known to have, let's say. Um, and they also have these Poseidon missiles which could just wreak incredible havoc on US coastlines, wipe out entire cities, by firing a single Poseidon missile into the US coast. These missiles are hypersonic speed traveling underwater and they cause a tsunami when they hit the coastline. So.


Brannon Howse: Radioactive tsunami. Yes.


Leo Hohmann: Yes. And so Daigle is a military intelligence operative, operational organization. They know these things. So it seems to me that they were calculating very carefully in 2014, which, by the way, was the year that really the Ukraine war started. That was when we ran the color revolution. The US instigated a color revolution in Ukraine, deposed an elected leader, and got a leader friendly to the US and the West. And Russia has been at our throats ever since. And so you could make an argument that that was actually the start, the very beginnings of a future World War three. And that was the year that Daigle came out with its report.


Brannon Howse: Yeah, absolutely. Let's talk about another report of yours real quick, please. And that is this new article you have. I mentioned it last night as we were going off the air. Senators introduced Bill to create a digital identity for all Americans. Now the bill has just been introduced. But I mean, this is exactly what I would expect a lot of neocons and rhinos to support.


Leo Hohmann: Oh, 100%. This will be right up their alley. Neocons and rhinos love anything that is technology based. Why do I say that? Because most of their donors are in these businesses and they get hefty donations from companies in the tech industry. We've seen how they've been unwilling and unable to rein in big tech when everybody knows how big tech has been silencing conservatives, censoring conservatives throughout social media and our Republican Congress. We had a Republican president and both houses of Congress, Republican for two years. The first two years of the Trump administration. Did anything get done with reining in big tech? No. Why? Because they are wholly owned by big tech. And so Republicans will go for this bill. A large number of them, maybe half of them. And we know at least that many Democrats will. And so I would say that this bill has a pretty decent chance of passing, if not this year, probably next year. It's been introduced by Krysten Sinema, the US senator from Arizona, and the Republican Cynthia Lummis, senator from Wyoming. Isn't that interesting that they had two women, one an independent, and one a Republican, introduce this bill? Brannon, you would think it would be introduced by Democrats, but no, it's a very dangerous bill. It would digitize all American citizens and their driver's licenses. It calls for digitizing driver's licenses, birth certificates, Social Security cards, and passports. Ultimately all of your health records, everything would be on a QR code reducing you to a digital citizen.


Brannon Howse: Wow. Look at this. This is an article back in 2020. The Guardian. Our top search term is "nuclear". U.S. Bunker sales soar as anxiety over Russia Rises. A lot of these articles folks I linked over at my aggregated news site, There's more. There are more of these articles than we even have time to get to. But I wanted to make sure you know that a lot of these are ranked over there at very interesting. Here's another one real quick. De-dollarization is happening at a stunning pace and brings me to an article by none other than Yahoo Finance. I mean, we have so many things happening so fast. Leo, We won't have any shortage of things to talk about. Are you to write about it over at Will we?


Leo Hohmann: Absolutely not. And one other quick thing Brannon, do you remember when the Georgia Guidestones got blown up one year ago?


Brannon Howse: Yes. Yes.


Leo Hohmann: Isn't it interesting how those Guidestones also predicted a massive de-population of the world down to 500,000? They got blown up. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation, which is basically the state investigative arm of the state police, removed the guide, Georgia Guidestones completely. They leveled them. They never did a full investigation. There were never any arrests. And we've never heard anything since. Why do you think that is? Yes, that is exactly that was living evidence of what the elites have planned for the world. And now it's gone.


Brannon Howse: Too many people were realizing that was real. This has been a pre-planned agenda. Hope you have a great weekend Leo Thanks for being with us.


Leo Hohmann: Thank you, Brannon. My pleasure.


Brannon Howse: Check out his site folks. Now before we run off, a couple of things. If you are concerned about the de-dollarisation, if you are concerned about inflation, hyperinflation, if you are concerned about them moving to a digital ID here where they're going to control every aspect of your life, whether you can buy or sell or try to steal the hard-earned money that you've worked your whole life for. Why would you want to leave it out in the open? Why not take some profits off the table, as they say? Take away a little bit of the bull's eye. Well, there's a legal way to do that. It's precious metals, gold, and silver. I've been an investor in that since 1993. You can call or text Wes Peters. You don't even have to call him. Just text him your name and address. He'll send the packet to you. 6025588585, 6025588585. Then finally, if you appreciate what we're doing I come to you every night free of charge. Maybe you're like well I don't need any more freeze-dried food. I got plenty of that. Brandon Well, if you just want to make a contribution, you can do that., Now, Lord willing I'll be back with you Sunday night at 8 p.m. Central time. Right on well here Lindell TV,, and 8 p.m. Central Time Sunday night. Well, that service I've been teaching since 2015. I'll literally open the Bible. We'll talk about the issues of the day through the lens of the Bible. 8 p.m. Central Time. Talk to you then. Take care.


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