Worldview Radio: Organs Harvested From Babies While They Are Alive to Develop Vaccines

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Brannon Howse: All right. Welcome. Glad you guys are with us. Well, I found a video the other day that was of such concern to me that I sent it over to my friend Susan Swift with Right to Life League. Org. And Susan is not only with the Right to Life League, but she's also an attorney. And I think she has 7 or 8 kids of her own. 7 or 8 children. I think most of them are all grown and well, in fact, I know she's even got grandchildren. And so I sent the video over to Susan to look at and Susan went to town. I mean, she started digging and researching on this. And she has just released an article. Now. I wonder I wonder what Franklin Graham and Rob Jeffress quote, pastor, end quote. Rob Jeffress and some of these other guys that were pushing the vaccine and telling us how this was a gift from God. And I wonder how they're going to respond to this. Here is the article over at life How the vaccine and abortion industries profit. Side by side. How the vaccine and abortion industry's profit side by side. An Instagram influencer at Metzger Nation with over 14,000 followers, recently created a post entitled Unborn Babies Unborn Babies Used for Development were alive at tissue extraction. Have you guys heard that unborn babies use for development? We're alive at tissue extraction. The gruesome post contained a clip from the videotaped deposition of Dr. Stanley Plotkin. That's Paul Plotkin. Plotkin He's known as the, quote, godfather, end quote, of vaccines, the godfather of vaccines, and included seemingly wild claims.

Brannon Howse: That in order. To develop vaccines. Researchers are using hearts, brains and other tissues from unborn babies harvested from them. Folks, are you listening? While they were still alive. Hey, Franklin Graham. Hey, Pastor, put that in quotes. Hey, Hireling Rob Jefferies. Because I think that's what you are theologically. And by the way, aren't you with the Southern Baptist Convention, is that the same Southern Baptist Convention that's under federal investigation right now for the cover up of child molestation, moving so-called pastors from church to church, knowing they had molested, and yet you moved them and gave them a glowing letter and pushed them on to the next church where they can spend another 20 years molesting children. You guys might want to look into that. You guys might want to look into that. And you might want to consider every time you throw the offering into the plate at your local Southern Baptist, a percentage of this is going back. As I understand it, the cooperative program of the Southern Baptist Convention. Is this the kind of regime is this a kind of false church, fake church you want to support with your money? This is the same denomination in 1993 that could not condemn Freemasonry. Which at the highest levels is the worship of Satan, and they know it. It's Allah. That's Satan. So isn't it something of all these Southern Baptist preachers so-called running around pushing the vaccine? And now we have videotape from the godfather of vaccines.

Brannon Howse: With the deposition and supposedly these vaccines are developed. By using hearts, brains and other tissue from unborn babies harvested from them while they were still alive. The Post also quoted two scientists, Dr. Theresa Duiker and biologist Pamela Acre Acre as sources. Now, who is Dr. Stanley Plotkin? Dr. Stanley Plotkin writes. Susan Swift. Is a living legend in the vaccine industry. He literally wrote the book that is the current standard of care. He developed a vaccine for rubella using fetal cell lines. In his 2008 videotaped deposition taken under oath in a court of law, Plotkin admits using fetal tissue from two aborted babies in his own personal work related to making vaccines. He admitted that, quote, Quite a few fetuses were used, end quote, in a particular study listing 76 fetuses, all three months old when aborted, all three months old when aborted. He acknowledged that a whole range of fetal tissues was harvested and cultivated, including the lungs, skin, kidneys, heart and tongues. This was done, by the way, supposedly, I guess this deposition was from January 11th. 2018. It was for a case Matheson versus Schmidt, State of Michigan in the circuit court for the County of Oakland Family division, case number. And it gives it. Now, who is Dr. Dasher? Descr. Well, Dr. Theresa Dasher is a scientist who obtained her doctorate degree from Stanford University in molecular and cellular cellular physiology. She's also the president, founder of Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute. She wrote an open letter warning warning legislators about the dangers of aborted fetal cell DNA in vaccines.

Brannon Howse: She also co-authored a study published at the National Library of Medicine, which concludes that, quote, vaccine manufactured in human fetal cell lines contain unacceptably high levels of fetal DNA fragment contaminants in, quote. Dr. Duiker appears in a video and there's a link. And Susan has done such a marvelous job with this research. I mean, she's devoted a lot of time and effort to this the last few days, folks, and she's done all the homework for us, and she has provided all the hyperlinks, all the minute marks, so that you can quickly and easily. Share this with your family and friends. It's over at Right to Life I'll be linking it at Worldview as well in a few minutes. But Dr. Diker, before Susan herself joins us, folks, she Susan herself is going to be joining us here in a minute. Appears in a video Dr. Deisher posted on bitchute by the high wire. That's with my friend Del. Big Truck. Big Tree, who I've interviewed many times. And in that prison presentation she confirms that the MMR. That's measles, mumps and rubella. Chicken pox, Hepatitis A, the shingles vaccine from Merck and rabies vaccines contain, quote, human fetal DNA fragments and cellular debris in high levels in the quote. And Children's Hospital of Philadelphia confirms this fact. Listen. Now, Dita explains that procurement companies, end quote, work, quote, side by side with abortionists, end quote. In order to properly develop fetal cell lines for vaccines, the tissue must be very fresh.

Brannon Howse: Quote, The baby has to be born alive. Or they're not going to be able to get the heart to preserve it for processing in quote. Are you guys listening? Are you listening? Franklin Graham. Are you listening? Dr. Rob Jeffries? First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas. Are you listening? All you pastors that have pushed the Covid shot and how it's a gift from God and Jesus would take the vaccine and put it on your congregation. By the way, we got what is reported now, $13 billion by the HHS, CDC given to different groups, including faith leaders, to push the Covid death shot on people. And we're finding out. But these babies have to be born alive. Do we have to get the heart to preserve it for processing? I don't know who sent this to me last week. I don't even know how I found the video clip last week. It's the video clip that was referenced earlier, I think from this Instagram influencer. I don't know how I found her clip Who sent it to me? How I got it. But I knew right away I had to send it to Susan Swift with Right to Life League. Who's also an attorney. And as I said, she spent days digging on this, writing the article, doing the hyperlinks, getting the minute marks. And she joins us now. Susan, welcome to the broadcast. Wow. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for your hard work, your research, your article. Thank you, Susan.

Susan Swift: Oh, thank you very much for for contacting me. I was a little shocked when you sent me that post from the Instagram and said, Hey, what is it? Because it it didn't sound right to me. I know. I know how the abortion industry harvests fetal tissue, but I didn't know. Well, at what condition? At what stage was the fetal tissue? Was it you know, if it's already aborted, then it's already dead. And by following up on that post, that was, I guess, Metzger Nation that you'd sent the Instagram post. And I started doing the research about Stanley Plotkin and then following up on these two doctors. And I found the the interview that Lifesite News did. That's back in 2021. That's John Henry Weston over at Lifesite News, an hour-long interview with Pamela Eckert, who's a biologist and a former researcher, and she's written a book. And then I also found the information that Dr. Diker had put out there, that that is the that is the doctor from, you know, from Stanford and putting it all together there, confirming what UCSF has been doing. This is the other link that that that I found very interesting. A group called Pro-Life SF they're a very pro-life organization in San Francisco. Thus the name pro-life They have been protesting for years against UCSF. That's the University of California, San Francisco. That is the that is the premier training camp, if you will, for abortionists. And that place, UCSF. This is financed by the state of California as a research facility and university. And it's teaching abortionists how to take these babies prematurely out of the mothers. And they call it an abortion.

Susan Swift: But you see what an abortion truly is, is the intentional killing of a baby in the womb. And then you drag out the pieces. What this place is doing and this is I'm relying on what Dr. Dyker said and what Pamela Acker has said. And, you know, what they're doing is in the name of abortion, they are delivering these babies prematurely. They're taking them out alive sometimes in the amniotic sac so that they can freshly harvest the heart and the kidneys and the brain and the tongue. They're cutting these babies apart as they're alive, not with no anesthesia. They're calling that abortion. This is premature delivery. And it's organ harvesting like what China does to people. But that's what they're doing at UCSF. That's what that's what the abortion procurement department is doing in to offer these these living baby tissues to the vaccine industry. So there's this lovely connection between vaccines that is a huge big business, as we know, and the abortion industry. So these two industries are locked together. They are they are profiting off of one another to make sure that that in the name of abortion, we are harvesting these organs from babies as they are dying, but they are alive. They feel that pain and their hearts are taken out and their kidneys are taken out within moments of them being extracted from their mother's wombs. Because we've got to keep that that tissue fresh. This is all. This was also exposed in the David Daleiden series, these undercover series of of how abortionists are buying. They're selling baby parts. Now. We know where they're getting them from. Live babies right there. Hold.

Brannon Howse: Hold right there. I don't want the music for our outro here for this hard break to drown out anything that Susan is saying that is so important. I don't know about you guys, but it makes you want to weep. And it just makes you want to weep. To think that these babies are harvested like this, with no anesthesia and they're tortured like this in the name of what Science. This is like Dr. Mengele's stuff from from Nazi Germany. We're going to get two more and some video clips right after this. Don't go away. Hello, I'm Brandon Howes. Check out the emergency supplies we have at WVU, Wptv We have potassium iodine that you use to protect your thyroid. If there's a nuclear emergency, 100 hour candle. We have emergency fuel bucket, two gallon, five gallon surgical kit for stitches. Maybe there's an emergency and you can't get to the doctor, but you have a doctor or nurse or nurse practitioner in your neighborhood. Make sure you have the supplies you're going to need on hand for them to help, including a full EMT trauma bag. How about the self powered indoor space heater and stove? We also have water purification systems. We have ready our blood clot powder. We have the solo stove that you use to build a little fire outside, and then you put the two-pot system over top of that to boil the water, to make the freeze dried food.

Brannon Howse: You'll find a lot of important emergency supplies at WVU TV You can also call 901 4689357. Thank you. All right. Welcome back. Glad you're with us. Worldview Radio. Our website. Folks, if you are interested in my 20th Annual Ozarks Worldview Weekend, our 20th Annual Ozarks Worldview Weekend, the middle of October speakers live in person. General Michael Flynn. Mike Lindell. Dr. Peter McCullough. Todd Bensman. Patrick Wood. Dr. Andy Woods. Uh, let's see. Alex Newman. Todd Bensman If I didn't name him, name him Colonel John Mills. All the details are available at You'll also find emergency supplies and resources there if you're interested. We just saw a new survey reported on the Worldview report yesterday. I think 6200 adults were surveyed. The number of Americans prepping has skyrocketed, largely due to the fact that they have come to the realization that the government is not going to help them in the event of an EMP. The power grid going down, banking collapse or a nuclear event. So again, this is why it's skyrocketing. We started our online store for these kinds of resources in 2016 and here we are now 2023. So again, we were ahead of the curve. We just offered you what we were getting as a family. We mentioned it on the radio show. People wanted to know what we had.

Brannon Howse: We want to get what you've got. You've done the homework and the research. Can we just duplicate what you've already planned? So we said, We'll just put it on the website and start offering it as resources and use it as a general operating budget for us, you know, and so it's a service we offer and in return you're also helping us as we push out free programming, radio, TV shows. If you go to my website right now, Worldview, if you go there right now, Worldview, you'll see all the free stuff. Free. Do you know how many people put everything behind a paywall? Everything goes behind a paywall. You don't see it unless you pay. You go to and then at the top of the page you can click radio, TV or news. You'll see it's all free. And so, again, if you're interested in these resources, they are available. It's a big part of our general operating budget I want to bring this article up real quick. If I go back to Susan, if you go to Worldview, every day we're writing 4 or 5 articles free. Free, by the way, you know the worldview report I produced at night. That 30-minute newscast. That takes a team of seven of us. 15 man hours a day. Put that together. Do you know how expensive that is? That takes a team of seven people that I have to pay.

Brannon Howse: 15 man hours a day to put together and we put it out there for free. And maybe you can watch it on TV. 30 in Milwaukee at night. Free or worldview. Uh where we link it or w or Lindale TV or frank speech or brighten or band dot video or rumble. We put it everywhere. Free. But we're also committed to articles. Look at this one. This is based on my interview last night with an FBI whistleblower. Fbi has mentally troubled agents and encourages mental weakness. This is what an FBI whistleblower told me on camera last night, who, by the way, just testified before Congress a couple of weeks ago. Remember that, Stephen Friend? Last night, he shocked the audience by saying the FBI has mentally troubled agents. There is no psychological exam to be an FBI agent. Did you know that? I did not know that. He had to answer like over 700 questions to become a police officer. But when it comes to becoming an FBI agent, no psychological. Screening. And he says there are mentally troubled FBI agents and the FBI encourages mental weakness. They're now encouraging people to have a day where you're not productive. Signs around the FBI office in I think it was New Jersey. It's okay not to be productive today. They have yoga rooms and they have a room where you can massage rooms.

Brannon Howse: I guess you go sit in a massage chair and you have all these different things you can go do for your mental health. Do you want mentally unhealthy people looking at nationally classified documents and having the ability to round up a Swat team and kick down your door? Just know that if it ever happens to you, you're likely dealing with someone, at least one or more people on that Swat team with the FBI that are mentally unstable. And the FBI knows it. And they do nothing to screen for it. That article is over at Worldview, Fbi is mentally troubled agents and encourages mental weakness, says FBI whistleblower Worldview Well, if you go to Worldview, during that break, I was able to get a link right to. This article. Stay. Stay informed. Read the latest pro-life news. Here's the article is entitled How the Vaccine and Abortion Industries Profit Side by Side. I've now posted it at Worldview, so you can find it very easily there on the page of Right to Life The woman that did the research behind this, wrote the articles, found the videos, gave the minute marks, is my friend Susan Swift, who's also an attorney. I think she has eight children of her own, several grandchildren. Susan, welcome back. Thank you for being with us.

Susan Swift: Thanks again for having me. Appreciate it. Now, I just only have seven kids. I never made it to eight. I have one grandchild.

Brannon Howse: I only have seven. I only have seven. I only did the.

Susan Swift: Best they could, you know?

Brannon Howse: Wife was looking you up the other day, and she said to me, Did you know she's got all these children? And I thought it was eight. But she was saying she's got like 7 or 8 kids. I'm like, Yeah, she's pretty amazing. All right, well, let's hear what you got for.

Susan Swift: Once you've gone from two kids to three kids, you've gone from man to man defense to zone defense. So it just doesn't matter after three. You just just keep juggling. That's what you do.

Brannon Howse: Just keep going. Just keep going. And now how many grandchildren do you have?

Susan Swift: I have one.

Brannon Howse: Yay! You have one. Okay. All right.

Brannon Howse: Let's go back to your article. In fact, let me do this. You list this 2018 video deposition. I have the clip. I'd like to play the clip. Will you set it? Set it up for us, please?

Susan Swift: Okay. Well, this is Dr. Stanley Plotkin. He is referred to as the godfather of vaccines. He's literally written the book. The book that is the standard of care for Vaccines. And he's he's spent decades in this. He developed the rubella vaccine using aborted fetal tissue. And he says in this this deposition was it's a lawsuit that was going forward in Michigan and don't know about the specifics of the case. But in the course of the litigation, they deposed Doctor Stanley Plotkin under oath, placing him under oath. You can watch the entire video, got a link to it there. And they also have the PDF, the printed out. I think it goes like 400 pages of his his actual the written testimony of his deposition. So this is basically it's as though it's taken in a court of law and he's under oath when he says all of these things and he admits that yeah, he used aborted fetal tissues from two different babies. He says they were Swedish babies. And he also acknowledges further on that that the study that one of the studies he was connected to using many different aborted babies. And the the interviewer asked him like something like 76. And he doesn't deny it. He says he just doesn't remember the exact number. But the study that they used was, you know, took 76 aborted babies to to get their research. So that's that's what he's I mean that's admitted to that's in 2018. And this this goes back to when he was developing these vaccines many, many years ago.

Susan Swift: And it's something that you and I have all we've all kind of known that, well, some vaccines were developed off of 1 or 2, maybe three abortion lines, lines of cells that have just from the 1970s. And so there were only maybe 1 or 2 babies that that were aborted. And that and we don't know the facts of why they were aborted. But from that abortion, all of the good is coming. All of these good, helpful vaccines are coming. But the funny thing is, is that later on from Dr. Duiker, you learn and also from Pamela Acker, you learn that actually these lines are popping out. Those those are Dr. Dyke's words. These lines are pooping out and they need to replace them with new aborted fetal tissue lines to continue this going. So the vaccines that we're taking, this doesn't just come as a as a good thing from 1 or 2 abortions. That's a rationalization that they've sold us so that we are that we accept this, know what they're doing is they are using aborted fetal tissue from aborted babies, many of them, perhaps hundreds, to get a vaccine. That's what that is what that we now know. Plotkin here is just testifying as to what he used. He used tissue from two babies, but he does acknowledge that in one of these studies that he was referring to, that, yes, 76 babies were aborted to get their tissue.

Brannon Howse: Okay. Let's play this. Here we go, guys, in the control room. Here we go. Here's his audio and the video from his deposition.

Plotkin (In video): Email exchange with Paul Offit, Dr. Paul Offit, who is actually a former student of mine.

Interviewer (In Video): And who's Dr. Offit?

Plotkin (In video): Dr. Offit is a pediatrician at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

Interviewer (In Video): And what did you discuss with Dr. Offit?

Plotkin (In video): I discussed with him the issues or the possible issues about refusal to vaccinate.

Interviewer (In Video): Okay. And what was the substance of those discussions? All right.

Brannon Howse: Let me back up. I don't I don't.

Susan Swift: Think that's the wrong.

Brannon Howse: Clip.

Interviewer (In Video): Yeah.

Brannon Howse: Yeah. Okay. Let me let me just make sure I got the right the right clip. Let me go to your article here. It's it's at Plotkin deposition at seven minutes and 43 seconds, right? Yes.

Susan Swift: That's when he starts discussing it. Seven minutes if you.

Interviewer (In Video): Go to.

Brannon Howse: Backed up.

Susan Swift: Far enough scroll down in the link in the video that. Yeah.

Brannon Howse: Yeah.

Susan Swift: If you scroll down in that video, you can open it up on the gray thing where it's right there. Open up the full where the little gray bar. Click that. Now scroll down. You'll see the timestamps right there. You can go to the seven minute.

Brannon Howse: Wow, That's helpful.

Susan Swift: Yes. Isn't that wonderful?

Interviewer (In Video): Any fetuses have been part of that work.

Plotkin (In video): My own personal work too.

Interviewer (In Video): Too. So in your in all of your work related to vaccines throughout your whole career, you've only ever worked with two fetuses.

Plotkin (In video): In terms of making vaccines? Yes. Yes.

Interviewer (In Video): I'm going to hand you.

Interviewer (In Video): I'm going to hand you what's been marked by exhibit 41. Here we go. Okay.

Brannon Howse: There was a pause here for the attorneys. He's looking at documents just for those.

Interviewer (In Video): Listening by radio. You're familiar with this article in.

Plotkin (In video): Yes.

Interviewer (In Video): Are you listed as an author on this article? Yes. This study took place at the Wistar Institute, correct? Yes. You were at the wind starts to correct?

Plotkin (In video): Yes.

Interviewer (In Video): How many fetuses were used in the study described in this article?

Plotkin (In video): Quite a few. But the answer to the previous question was what did I use to make vaccines? And the answer was two.

Interviewer (In Video): Can you read back the question I asked?

Interviewer (In Video): No. Prior.

Susan Swift: There's. There's a little bit of colloquy going on as they try to pin him down to get to the.

Brannon Howse: Number they're trying to pin him down.

Susan Swift: They used yeah, they're trying to pin him down to how many fetuses have been part of that work? Answer my own personal work, too.

Interviewer (In Video): Okay, so I'm going to ask that question again. In your work related to vaccines, how many fetuses were involved in that work?

Plotkin (In video): There were only two fetuses involved in making vaccines when fetal strains, fibroblast strains were first developed. I was involved in that work trying to characterize those cells, but they were not used to make vaccines.

Interviewer (In Video): Wasn't the purpose of this study to help develop a human cell line or to support the use of human cell lines in the creation of vaccines?

Plotkin (In video): The idea was to study the cell strains from fetuses to determine whether or not they could be used to make vaccines.

Brannon Howse: All right. Hold right there. We'll be right back after this break. Don't go away. Hello, I'm Brendan [email protected]. We don't only have emergency freeze dried food, we have emergency supplies like an EMT trauma bag. If you have a nurse or a doctor or a nurse practitioner in your area and there's an emergency, they might be able to help you, but they may not have the supplies. So for my family, I have an EMT trauma bag on hand at all times. I also have this emergency stove. It allows for us not only to have heat and a 200 square foot area, but it is self powered by the heat itself. It comes with liquid fuel, three containers of liquid fuel, and it will also be used as a stove. I can take the top off and use it to boil water and make freeze dried food. We also have a sutures kit. We have blood clot. We also have potassium iodide that you need to protect your thyroid in the event of a nuclear catastrophe. Our government's ordered up millions of dollars of such medications. Why check it all out? W vw Wptv store. All right. Welcome back. Glad you are with us. Worldview Radio. Our website. Worldview, Worldview So we're just listening to Dr. Stanley Plotkin. His full 2018 vaccine court case deposition. Susan, he admitted using two in his work, but then he's going to go on here. Do we need to keep playing? Is he about to admit hundreds?

Susan Swift: Yeah, he's about to. The attorney is trying to pin him down on, well, how many how manyaborted babies were used in this this study? This was star y star study. That's. And then he the attorney, is going to continue to pin him down to get him to admit that. Well, yeah, and he said it already. There's quite a few. The attorneys going to continue to go say, well, it's around 76, isn't it? And he'll that comes just in a mere moment more, I believe, in where we are in this testimony.

Brannon Howse: Here we go. All right. Let's go to.

Interviewer (In Video): That. So this was related to your work?

Plotkin (In video): Well, yes. And in a sense.

Interviewer (In Video): That seems correct. Yes.

Plotkin (In video): It was preparatory. Okay.

Interviewer (In Video): So this study involved 74 fetuses, correct?

Plotkin (In video): I don't remember exactly how many.

Interviewer (In Video): Turn to page 12 of the study.

Plotkin (In video): 76.

Interviewer (In Video): 76. And these fetuses were all three months or older when aborted? Correct? Yes. And these were all normally developed fetuses, correct?

Plotkin (In video): Yes.

Interviewer (In Video): Okay. These included fetuses that were aborted for social and psychiatric reasons, correct? Correct. What organs did you harvest from these fetuses?

Plotkin (In video): Well, I didn't personally harvest any, but a whole range of tissues were harvested by co-workers.

Interviewer (In Video): Okay. And were these pieces were then cut up into little pieces, right? Yes. And they were cultured?

Plotkin (In video): Yes.

Interviewer (In Video): Okay. Some of the pieces of the fetuses were pituitary gland. That were chopped up into pieces, too. Okay. Included the lung of the fetuses? Yes. Okay. Included the skin? Yes. Kidney? Yes. Spleen? Yes. Heart.

Plotkin (In video): Yes.

Interviewer (In Video): And tongue.

Plotkin (In video): I don't recall, but probably yes.

Interviewer (In Video): So I just want to make sure I understand. In your entire career. And this is just one study. So I'm going to ask I'll ask you again, in your entire career, how many fetuses have you worked with?

Plotkin (In video): Well, I don't remember the exact number, but quite a few. When we were studying them originally, before we decided to use them to make vaccines.

Susan Swift: That's essentially it.

Interviewer (In Video): You have any sense I mean, this is one study had 76.

Brannon Howse: Is that is that is that that's going Susan?

Susan Swift: No, that's essentially it. He's admitting what we now know, obviously, from Dr. Deisher and Pamela Acker, that this is taking, you know, hundreds of babies are being aborted. They're being removed alive to harvest their tissues. As you know, from from what I'd sent you from Pamela Acker and also Dr. Deisher, her clip that I've put in the article, it's it explains that the to harvest these tissues, as Dr. Plotkin mentioned, the tongue, the pituitary gland, the, you know, the kidneys, the hearts brains in order to make sure that these tissues are viable to create the cell lines that the vaccine vaccines need to be able to be tested on and to to develop the tissues, The babies tissues must be extremely fresh. They can't be dead. They have to be harvested alive so that it can be whisked into the preservatives and everything, while the tissue is still flushed with blood and and fresh. And that's what Dr. Diker makes clear in her video, that the babies have to be that these hearts are and these tissues are cut out of these aborted babies while they're still alive. They're ripped out of their mother's wombs. In fact, I've got amniotic fluid in the amniotic sac intact, and then they're quickly harvested so that they can have these tissues fresh. This is trafficking in human organs. That's what that's what abortion.

Brannon Howse: Is there any wonder that you have any wonder you have guys like Bill Gates who are so pro-vax, whose dad was also part of Planned Parenthood and and that they have funded this kind of thing? I mean, we're now seeing. Why? Because they're all connected, right? I mean, they need a product. You have a product. I mean, it's let's go to this clip by this Dr. Deisher. You've provided some of this in your article. Listen to this, folks.

Dr. Deisher: Cells.

Dr. Deisher: What there is in the final product. When we use cells that have been made from an aborted fetus are human fetal DNA fragments and cellular debris and in quite high levels.

Brannon Howse: Which vaccines have.

Dr. Deisher: Mmr.

Dr. Deisher: Chicken pox zostavax that's shingles from Merck, all hepatitis A-containing vaccines. Pentacel the polio component of that and one of the rabies vaccines.

Brannon Howse: Okay. And then and then how do scientists get the fetal tissues? Here we go.

Dr. Deisher: What you have are procurement companies who are working side by side literally with the abortionist and typically right in the building. So what happens with the heart is that it will actually go into this contractor. And once that happens, you can't get good data from it. You can't get cells that will beat and work. So the tissue really becomes useless. It has to be flushed and put into a preservative that stops the heart. Within two minutes, the baby has to be born alive or they're not going to be able to get the heart and get it rushed and get it in the blocked solution. Right. So that they can preserve it for processing.

Brannon Howse: Okay. So then, are the fetuses alive after extraction? Listen to this.

Dr. Deisher: Well, a fetus born intact is definitely dead when it cut its heart out and they're not given any anesthetic. I would never do this to a mouse or a rat. I would not be surprised that we might get some hard numbers, not in the so distant future that abortions are delayed later and later so that the scientists and the procurement companies can get better late term tissue. Well, it's not an old technique. Some of the cell lines that they're using for vaccine manufacturer were made back in the 70s. They're starting to kind of poop out. So they're actually have to make new cell lines to replace those daily. Aborted babies are harvested and exploited for biomedical research, and the practice continues because we close our eyes to the ethics of vaccines. And when we do that to people who don't share our moral outlook, there's no difference between an abortion done in 1970, an abortion done yesterday.

Brannon Howse: And then it goes on from there. This is a, I don't know, several minutes. The whole thing is worthy of listening to. But I also want to open the phone lines up, folks. Are you as horrified by this as I am now? When I saw this video clip, it was sent to me again. I don't know how I got it, but when I got it, I watched it. I thought this is so horrific. Is this really true? Is this really going on? And if so, why have I not heard about it? So I sent it on to Susan Swift with this organization, Right to Life, Right to Life I've been interviewing her now for a year or more as a regular guest on Brendan House live and again her a brand new article is out with all the all the documentation I mean this video is filled with hyperlinks and everything that we're talking about we've been playing is embedded in the article at Right to Life League Org. I've also just put it up at Worldview Worldview for those who want to grab it there it's right at the top of the page.

Brannon Howse: Worldview Susan let's open the phone lines. I know a lot of our folks want to visit with you about this one 803 4798291. (800) 347-9829. Folks, if it wasn't for these 63 Christian radio stations, we're on Vcy America. Do you think the average so called Christian station in America is talking about this? Of course not, because you know that those a lot of those have stopped being Christian stations a long time ago and they're just filled with Christian happy talk. So I hope you appreciate Vcy America. I hope you appreciate Jim Schneider and Cross Talk and the whole team. I hope you appreciate this broadcast that we're not afraid to take on these issues. In fact, it's our it's our moral duty and obligation. I hope you appreciate people like Susan Swift, 1-800-347-9829 one. (800) 347-9829. Your thoughts. Your comments. Your questions. 1-800-347-9829. Well, indeed, the phone lines are ringing. Let's go right away to let's see here. Is that today already, guys, or is that yesterday? That was yesterday. All right, Susan, any comment before we go to the phone lines? Because they screening them in.

Susan Swift: I think the most important takeaway of all of this is the partnership between the abortion industry and the vaccine injury industry. What we're seeing is that the abortion industry is trafficking in human tissue. They are aborting babies, but but they're harvesting them alive, that this is not something that that most of Americans knew. When I was a young mother and I was vaccinating my babies against chickenpox and MMR and all of these childhood vaccines because believe this was something that would help my children. I did not know that these vaccines are being developed with hundreds of babies that are being aborted as they're alive. They're being their organs are being harvested for medical research as they are alive in the in the moments after they've been ripped from their mother's wombs. This is not ethical. And yet this is the partnership between the abortion industry and big pharma, the vaccination industry. Well.

Brannon Howse: Let's go to the phone lines. One 803 479829. Your thoughts, your comments, your questions, folks, are you thankful that you know this now? Do you think some religious leaders have some explaining to do now? Because there are some of them knew this, some of them didn't. But now that they know this, do they have some some statements they need to put out and clarify and retract? Let's go to Zoe in Illinois is on line one. Zoe, thanks for calling in.

Zoe (caller): Zoe Hi, Brannon. This makes me sick, having been a preemie being, I was three months premature in 1952. My question is kind of weird, but I just had a I'm having dental implants, my second one, and I've had bone implanted in me and just had some done is do you know if that comes from live from babies or live. I, I assumed it was. They always say cadaver, but I don't know anymore. And I feel like maybe I shouldn't have done this.

Susan Swift: That's an interesting question I would ask my ask the doctors that are that are, you know, performing these things, but I have no information about that. But that is a good question. And again, this is following Covid, following the lockdowns. So many of us of moms and regular Americans, we are now questioning the ethics of doctors. So think we're right to ask questions and say, well, what is in this tissue that I'm implanting in myself? Or what is in this vaccine that I am giving to my children? I think it's a fair question.

Brannon Howse: Indeed. Let's go to Jeff Lynne to Jeff. Thanks for calling in, Jeff.

Jeff (caller): Yes, like many others, I'm sure my stomach is churning just like theirs. It makes me sick to my stomach. We were raised my family to love children and my sister was a pediatrician, so spent a career caring for children. But I wanted to say that this is a huge theological misunderstanding about the incarnation, that every life is precious and God became human.

Brannon Howse: Well, yes. I mean, you're right. I mean, you if you're what you're saying and I think you are, Jeff, and thank you for your call, is that God is the author of Life. You know, that's why the Ten Commandments, Thou shalt not Murder, because God is the giver of life. Man is creating the image of God. We'll be right back. Hello, I'm Brandon House at We have emergency freeze dried food that has a 25 year shelf life and it tastes really good. I've eaten many of the entrees. Let me show you. Go to at the top of the page, click emergency food supplies, then all emergency food supplies. And it starts bringing up the foods we have. We have one year to year. We have three months, six months. We have gluten free. We have fruit and veggie and snacks. We have protein with real meat. We have Franklin's finest coffee. That's instant coffee. So, folks, if the power goes out, I need my coffee. So I actually get it by the bucket. But you can get simple servings as well. Check it all out at

Brannon Howse: A 25-year shelf life, and it tastes really good. You can also call (901) 468-9357. Libby will take your order. Track it to your door. (901) 468-9357. One 803 479829. We're just going to run through your calls. Everyone's having the same response, your stomach. Do you think this is happening in America? Right. Think about the folks sitting in the January 6th DC gulag for being in an unrestricted area, sitting there for now two years, but people walking free, they're aborting hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of babies alive and taking their organs from them while they're alive. In the name of science, they get rewarded. They get government contracts, they get government money, millions and millions and millions, a multi-billion dollar industry. You can torture babies alive. Cutting them up alive. But don't you dare walk into an unrestricted area. We'll throw you in jail for two years without a trial. What is what is wrong with this country? I think we all know the answer. Let's go to Cathy, line three. Cathy, line three. Go ahead, Cathy.

Cathy (caller): Hi. Thank you for having her on. I just appreciate this very much because I wasn't aware of the unbelievably ghoulish behavior that our medical people have sunk to. And just one really quick thing is about the doctors. People still trust doctors as we could in the 1960s. In the 1970s, most of the doctors then were called people called the being medical people. But these guys now are all about their money. And it showed up like crazy during Covid. And we saw it personally that they were just interested in getting the money for sticking you with remdesivir or all the millions of things they could get you to die. That would be even more money. But now we're talking about abortion. And so I just don't trust doctors like that anymore. I have to know for myself. Um, the next thing is, though, I wondered if you had anything written by her that I could read, because it's. It's mind boggling, you know what I mean? This is just. Yes, we have a whole article.

Brannon Howse: Yeah. Susan. Kathy. Susan has put together a whole article. A whole article? Oh, is it Right to Life League? Org Right. Yeah, you.

Susan Swift: Can go to.

Brannon Howse: We've linked it at worldview

Susan Swift: Yes go to worldview And the article is linked there you can find it on our website which is right to life right to life under the news and events so that all the research is there that was that I found and I even included all of the hyperlinks so that you can listen to the doctors themselves. You can listen to Dr. Dice, you can listen to Dr. Plotkin, you can listen to this. The woman is a biologist who's got a master's in biology, and she's written a book about it. Her name is Pamela Acker. So those are the sources. And then you can also see what what is happening at UCSF, which is University of California, San Francisco. That is the premier training ground for training abortionists on how to harvest these babies tissues. That's what they do and it's it's sickening pro-life pro-life has been documenting and they've been fighting a battle of information to get the truth out about University of California San Francisco and their role in training abortionists across the country. But now we know look where this is all starting is in California with abortion. This is the the evil that this is why abortion is big business, because not only do these abortionists get money for for aborting the babies, you know, killing them in their mother's womb, they're also able to now use procurement and to to sell these tissues to the vaccine companies.

Susan Swift: All of this is starting with abortion. We must to stop this and rein in any of these abuses by the vaccine companies. It's very simple. You stop abortion. Why are we killing babies in the womb in order to harvest their their their tissues for medical research? Why should that be allowed? We need to end abortion in America because it is just absolutely unholy and it is not for public health. You can when you see the the the interview with Pamela Ecker, you will see she documents how how this is dangerous. Also, Dr. Duiker explains that the the level of basically fetal DNA, the little pieces that are injected into our babies through the vaccines, it can it can trigger a cytokine response. You might remember that from Covid. A cytokine response is a reaction. And that's what sometimes kills people. And that's what's happening with vaccines that we're giving to our babies. It triggers a cytokine response. All of that documentation is in this article at Right to Life, Right to life or go to Brandon House's website the worldview All of that is there every.

Brannon Howse: Worldview worldview and you're right worldview but you're right worldview later tonight this will be at worldview as an MP3 later this afternoon. It'll be at as the full TV show where you're seeing everything so it'll be radio at Worldview for MP3 it'll be TV in a few hours posted at WVU, and then you can go to Right to Life Right to life. Right to Life To get the full article with all the embeds, all the videos, all the letters, all the documentation. It's all there. Let's go to the back of the phone lines real quick. Let's go to George in Illinois. Line for George. Go ahead, George.

George (caller): Yes, the love of money is the root of all evil. And we know with all this double-dealing that is going on, nobody's paying taxes on that money that they're making, including the Bidens. And that's just not right.

Susan Swift: Well, we do know that the Biden administration.

Brannon Howse: Say, George the Bible says that it is the love of money that is the root of all evil. Money is neutral. It's not money that's evil. It's the love of money. And so a lot of this is also generated by money. But I think our next caller has a point here. And then we'll have Susan give closing comment. Larry, line one, I think you might have a reason why some of this is being done. I think you're about to get right to it. Say say your thought there, Larry.

Larry (caller): Oh, yes, sir. I have a comment on that. When I heard the despicable way the babies were destroyed, it reminded me of the Old Testament Bible when people were burning their children. As a sacrifice to their God, and it just sickened me so much. It just sprung to my mind. I was wondering if anyone else thought the same thing.

Brannon Howse: So it's a Celtic at the root of this. Susan It's a spiritual battle. I think some of this is a Celtic. I mean, I'm not an expert in this and I don't want to put you on the spot, but when they were talking about the the freshness of what they were trying to gather, it almost made me think of all of these stories and reports I'm hearing where children are being sacrificed to get the blood, to get the chromosome crown or whatever it is. The adrenaline they think will make them live longer. I don't know if there's any truth to all those reports or not, but I mean, this is all sounding very similar. They've got we've got to harvest it and harvest it while they're alive.

Susan Swift: Well, we do know from the Aztec Times that that Aztecs believed that they had to sacrifice children and rip out their hearts and sacrifice. So to make sure that the sun would rise the next day. But you know what? At least the Aztecs had a genuine belief that they were trying to save the world and that at least that was fairly licit, that cult, because they had a true belief. We are now sacrificing our own children on the altar of money to fund vaccines. The good thing about my article at the very at the very end, you will find a chart that is that lists which vaccines are tainted by fetal stem cells and which are not. So go there, folks. Get it to the very bottom and find.

Brannon Howse: Thanks for listening.


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