The Evolution of Global Governance Through Central Banking

By Brannon S. Howse

Conservative folks often think of progressives, liberals, and one-worlders as being intentionally evil people. But that’s not always the case. What we need to understand is that, from the standpoint of economic progress and trade equality, a world government can sound like a good idea. It seems admirably humanitarian to spread prosperity, end wars, and eliminate terrorism. It almost seems to go without saying that giving up national sovereignty is worth it to create a stable global society.

So, not everyone who pushes for world government is deeply evil. Many of them actually do have good intentions. But the problem is that their ultimate goal is being driven by a worldview steeped in the fallacy of a New Age harmonic convergence—the idea that if we all just “get together” and get rid of extremism on the Left and the Right, we can have a world utopia of lasting peace. And no matter what their motives, they are doing Satan’s bidding for him.

Finances also provide a benign—or even benevolent—sounding way to talk about world government. For instance, on April 26, 2010, Jean-Claude Trichet, then president of the European Central Bank, visited New York and gave a speech entitled “The Evolution of Global Governance.” He revealed to the audience his view of how a one-world system would come about:

[quote] Let me turn to the question of how global governance is evolving after the [financial] crisis. Overall, the system is moving decisively toward genuine global governance that is much more inclusive, encompassing the key emerging economies, as well as industrialized countries. The significant transformation of global governance that we are engineering today is illustrated by three examples. 

First, the emergence of the G20, the prime group for global economic governance at the level of ministers, governors and heads of state or government. Secondly, the establishment of the Global Economy Meeting of central bank governors under the auspices of the BIS [Bank for International Settlements] as the prime group for the governance of central bank cooperation. 

...the Global Economy Meeting, which gathers at the BIS headquarters in Basel. Over the past few years, this forum has included 31 governors as permanent members plus a number of other governors attending on a rotating basis. The Global Economy Meeting, in which all systemic emerging economies’ Central Bank governors are fully participating, has become the prime group for global governance among central bankers. (emphases mine) [end quote] 


The Bank for International Settlements is made up of the centralized or westernized banks of the world. It consists of the Federal Reserve here in America, the Central Bank of Canada, and that of Japan. They meet regularly at the headquarters of the central bank of central bankers in Basel, Switzerland. Their “get-togethers” are also called the Global Economy Meeting (GEM).


Open Season on Sovereignty


To substantiate my contention that this is not “conspiracy stuff”: even mainstream media experts have recognized the targeting of national sovereignty during the past two decades. On the August 28, 1994, edition of ABC’s This Week with David Brinkley, for example, Cokie Roberts noted that “global bankers are really running the world.” And the May 4, 1996, issue of The Seattle Times published an article by syndicated columnist Alexander Cockburn in which he declares, “There is, in emerging outline, a world government composed of the International Monetary Fund and the central banks of leading industrial nations. National sovereignty is being eroded.”

Gideon Rachman wrote a piece in the December 8, 2008, Financial Times entitled, “And Now for World Government,” in which he explained: 

[quote] I think the formation of a sort of world government is plausible. A world government which would involve much more than cooperation between nations. It would be an entity with state-like characteristics backed by a body of laws. The European Union has already set up a continental government for 27 countries, which would be a model. The EU has a supreme court, a currency, thousands of pages of law, a large civil service, and the ability to deploy military forces. So, could the European model go global? [end quote] 


In the April 7, 2009, issue of Newsmax, Dick Morris, wrote an article entitled, “European Socialism to Run Our Financial System.” He describes Europe’s Financial Stability Board as “a body of central bankers from each of the G20 states and the European Union.” Then he explains the organization’s intentions:

[quote] The Europeans have been trying to get their hands on our financial system for decades. It is essential to them that they rein in American Free Enterprise so that their Socialist Heaven will not be polluted by vices such as the profit motive. . . The results of the G20 economic summit amount to nothing less than the seamless integration of the United States into the European economy. [end quote]


A phrase in Morris’s last sentence—“seamless integration of the United States into the European economy”—is especially revealing, and it’s fascinating to note that Carroll Quigley wrote of this very thing in The Anglo-American Establishment. Even the cover of his book told a story that should have put people on the alert. It shows the flag of Great Britain with the United States flag inside the British flag and upside down.

Other books, too, have warned of this encroachment on national sovereignty. In 1996, Steve Solomon, former staff reporter for Forbes magazine, published The Confidence Game: How Unelected Central Bankers Are Governing the Changed Global Economy, in which he explained the economic globalization process in detail. 

This fairly well lays out how the central bankers of the world are working in concert as Carroll Quigley said they would in Tragedy and Hope. We are, indeed, seeing America decrease and Europe rise. We are seeing the Ruskin/Rhodes/Webb vision of a Euro-centric, revived Roman Empire


Constitutional Bewareness


Very little about what is happening in global convergence is going on at random. The European Union has its own constitution, finalized at the official signing on Capitoline Hill in Rome on October 29, 2004. Tony Blair and a pantheon of European leaders signed the document under the building’s gigantic statue of Pope Innocent X. I think it was highly symbolic that the Roman Catholic Church hovered over the proceedings.

The revived Roman Empire has political, economic, and religious legs, and this three-legged stool fits precisely what we see in Daniel 2 and 7, as well as Revelation 17. These scriptures foretell a religious system called “the great harlot” in Revelation 17:1 that would work with the political and economic elements of Daniel 2 and 7 and converge in a world capital based in Babylon. Indeed, it appears that we are seeing the foundation laid for the religious Reich to come. Although we can’t be dogmatic, we can explain what we see through the lens of Scripture and revise our understanding as we move along and note that it seems as though the stage is being set for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled. 


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