False Revival: Similarity Number Twenty Between the False Church of Nazi Germany and Today’s Growing False Global Church

By Brannon S. Howse

People often ask me what—after all the years of studying the philosophical, worldview, and theological issues related to the culture, church, and trends—has shocked me the most. My answer is the dizzying speed at which the global false church is rising and the corresponding lack of discernment by individuals I have respected for many years who embrace various aspects of the false church. This dilemma, however, is not new. Lutzer shows how it happened in Germany:


[quote] When Oswald J. Smith of the People’s Church in Toronto (a missionary statesman and a man with impeccable evangelical credentials) visited Germany in 1936, he came back impressed by what Hitler had done for the country. Smith’s report was based on what he heard not from liberal Christians but from those who were evangelical. Note also that Smith wrote in 1936, long after Hitler’s party purges—when the persecution of the Jews had already began…. Smith even believed that an evangelical awakening was coming to Germany, with the gospel of Christ preached in the churches. [end quote]


In summer 2010 when Glenn Beck declared that he sees another great spiritual awakening coming in America, several members of the New Religious Right joined him for his radio and TV program and, like Smith in 1936, voiced their hopes for such an awakening. At the same time, many New Apostolic Reformation leaders also called for a great spiritual awakening. 

At the time, I received an e-mail from a Christian broadcaster, considered one of the leaders of the New Religious Right. He was aware of my criticisms of Beck’s “Restoring Honor” rally in Washington, D.C., and wanted me to consider that God might use Beck to spark a revival in the American Church. I politely informed him that God would not violate His own Word by using a New Age Mormon to lead a spiritual awakening. The fact that prominent broadcasters, pastors, and evangelicals believed Beck was being used by God to bring revival reveals the dangerous, spiritually deceived state of modern evangelicalism. I believe spiritual awakening is occurring, but it is not a biblical spirituality. It is, rather, a pagan stirring laying the foundation for a one-world religion and a coming one-world leader. 

Obviously, I would like to see a genuinely biblical spiritual awakening, but I don’t want to see the Church embrace a false revival and false teachers and call it biblical. After all, what kind of spiritual awakening can it be if it involves a New Age Mormon? 


Be Ready


My ultimate goal in writing on the 21 similarities between the false church in Nazi German and the growing global false church is to warn true believers not to be deceived by a growing false dominant church and not to give aid and comfort to the false global church now attempting to co-opt the true Church. Recognizing true believers and true churches is going to become easier and easier. They will be recognized by their defense of the Gospel and essential Christian doctrines and by the bold exposing of false teachers and the false church. They will also likely be persecuted. “Soft” and eventually “hard” persecution will be a major way to identify true believers and a truly biblical New Testament church. So stand by, and stand firm.


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