How The Globalist Use Crisis As An Opportunity For Global Governance

By Brannon S. Howse

Dr. Noebel wrote a March 2009 article for my website,, in which he documented that there were then some 123 known socialists in the U. S. House of Representatives:

[quote] The legislators involved in this socialistic undertaking belong to one or more radical House organizations: the Progressive Democrats of America (6 House members), the Congressional Progressive Caucus (74 House members), the Congressional Black Caucus (43 House members), and the Democratic Socialists of America. Incidentally, the Democratic Socialists of America do not identify their House members since they consider all members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus part of their membership due to the fact that "they both shared operative social democratic politics."  [end quote]


Pulitzer Prize-winning author James MacGregor Burns promotes globalism, and in his 1984 book, The Power to Lead, he reveals that a crisis will be what causes the American people to reject our founding documents, give up our sovereignty, and embrace globalism. The globalists/socialists are intentionally creating just such a crisis: 


[quote] Let us face reality. The framers [of the Constitution] have simply been too shrewd for us. They have outwitted us. They designed separated institutions that cannot be unified by mechanical linkages, frail bridges, tinkering. If we are to "turn the founders upside down" we must directly confront the constitutional structure they erected.

Others might press for major constitutional restructuring but I doubt that Americans under normal conditions could agree on the package of radical and "alien" constitutional changes that would be required. They would do so, I think only during and following a stupendous national crisis and political failure. [end quote]


Days before Barack Obama was sworn into office as president of the United States, Nobel Peace Prize winner and former secretary of state for President Nixon, Henry Kissinger, gave an interview on CNBC at the New York Stock Exchange. Speaking of President-Elect Obama, Kissinger said:

"His task will be to develop an overall strategy for America in this period when, really, a new world order can be created. It's a great opportunity, it isn't just a crisis."


The crisis is a great opportunity? Barack Obama's White House chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, told business leaders in a November 2008 meeting that the financial crisis presents "an opportunity to do things you could not do before." Emanuel has also said, "you never want a serious crisis to go to waste."

It sounds as if Kissinger, Obama, and Emanuel are singing from the same song sheet. But there’s another voice in the chorus Americans should find alarming. Mikhail Gorbachev, the last leader of the Soviet Union, is president of the International Foundation for Socio-Economic and Political Studies in Moscow and has been pushing one-world religion and one-world government ideas for years. Remarkably, Gorbachev has conducted much of his work right here in America from an office in San Francisco.

On January 1, 2009, Gorbachev wrote a column in the International Herald Tribune in which he seemed gleeful over the financial crisis and the “opportunity” it provides for furthering the globalist agenda:

[quote] The G-20 summit meeting in Washington foreshadowed a new format of global leadership, bringing together the countries responsible for the future of the world economy. And more than just the economy is at stake. …The economic and political balance in the world has changed. It is now a given that a world with a single power center, in any shape or guise, is no longer possible. The global challenge of a financial and economic tsunami can only be met by working together. [end quote] 


Working together for what purpose? Gorbachev reveals:

"A new concept is emerging for addressing the crisis at the national and international levels. If current ideas for reforming the world's financial and economic institutions are consistently implemented, that would suggest we are finally beginning to understand the importance of global governance."


On the heels of Gorbachev’s New Year’s comments, a January 8, 2009 Associated Press article by Emma Vandore reported on a two-day meeting hosted by French President Nicolas Sarkozy. The event roster included former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, who has been calling for a one-world interfaith dialog for years and who used the platform to promote a new financial order based on "values other than the maximum short-term profits." 


Sarkozy himself argued that:


"In the 21st Century, there is no longer a single nation who can say what we should do or what we should think… We cannot accept the status quo.…In the capitalism of the 21st century, there is room for the state."


When the State moves in, capitalism ceases to be capitalism, and that is exactly the goal. The demise of capitalism brings the fulfillment of the humanist and socialist dream: global government. 


On January 12, 2009, Henry Kissinger published an article in the International Herald Tribune entitled “A Chance for New World Order” in which he declared:


"As the new U.S. administration prepares to take office amid grave financial and international crises, it may seem counterintuitive to argue that the very unsettled nature of the international system generates a unique opportunity for creative diplomacy…. An international order can be permanent only if its participants have a share not only in building but also in securing it. In this manner, America and its potential partners have a unique opportunity to transform a moment of crisis into a vision of hope."


In a twist of irony—or perhaps in a plan well laid and patiently implemented since 1883—the British Fabian Socialists are going to dominate America's financial system. Dick Morris’s April 7, 2009 article, “European Socialism to Run our Financial System,” explains:

[quote] On April 2, 2009, the work of July 4, 1776 was nullified at the meeting of the G-20 in London. The joint communiqué essentially announces a global economic union with uniform regulations and bylaws for all nations, including the United States. Henceforth, our SEC, Commodities Trading Commission, Federal Reserve Board and other regulators will have to march to the beat of drums pounded by the Financial Stability Board (FSB), a body of central bankers from each of the G-20 states and the European Union.The mandate conferred on the FSB is remarkable for its scope and open-endedness. It is to set a "framework of internationally agreed high standards that a global financial system requires." 

Now we may no longer look to presidential appointees, confirmed by the Senate, to make policy for our economy. These decisions will be made internationally. 

And Europe will dominate them. The FSF [Financial Stability Forum and precursor to the FSB] and, presumably, the FSB, is now composed of the central bankers of Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Singapore, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States plus representatives of the World Bank, the European Union, the IMF, and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). 

The Europeans have been trying to get their hands on our financial system for decades. It is essential to them that they rein in American free enterprise so that their socialist heaven will not be polluted by vices such as the profit motive. [end quote]


The developments in Europe represent what I believe is the revived Roman Empire predicted in Daniel 2:41-43. This sort of prophecy reveals the remarkable, supernatural nature of God’s Word. Scripture repeatedly predicts, years in advance, what inevitably comes to pass. We are now are watching the fulfillment of Scripture as Europe increases and America decreases. 


Secular journalists that once laughed at the idea of a world government are now writing on the issue themselves. In the December 9, 2008 Financial Times, Gideon Rachman shared his concern in “And Now for World Government”:

[quote] I have never believed that there is a secret United Nations plot to take over the US. I have never seen black helicopters hovering in the sky above Montana. But, for the first time in my life, I think the formation of some sort of world government is plausible. 

A “world government” would involve much more than co-operation between nations. It would be an entity with state-like characteristics, backed by a body of laws. The European Union has already set up a continental government for 27 countries, which could be a model. The EU has a supreme court, a currency, thousands of pages of law, a large civil service and the ability to deploy military force. So could the European model go global? [end quote]

Rachman then lays out three reasons why he thinks it is plausible, and one of them is our global financial crisis. 

Rachman’s worries are well founded. On July 10, 2009, Bloomberg announced in “Medvedev Shows Off Sample Coin of New ‘World Currency’ at G-8”:

[quote] Russian President Dmitry Medvedev illustrated his call for a supranational currency to replace the dollar by pulling from his pocket a sample coin of a “united future world currency.” 

“Here it is,” Medvedev told reporters today in L’Aquila, Italy, after a summit of the Group of Eight nations. “You can see it and touch it.” 

The coin, which bears the words “unity in diversity,” was minted in Belgium and presented to the heads of G-8 delegations, Medvedev said. 

The question of a supranational currency “concerns everyone now, even the mints,” Medvedev said. The test coin “means they’re getting ready. I think it’s a good sign that we understand how interdependent we are.” [end quote]

Along with a few other observes, I’ve predicted for years that a global crisis would be used to implement the freedom-robbing tyranny of global governance, and now here we are.

Copyright 2009 ©Brannon Howse. This content is for Situation Room members and is not to be duplicated in any form or uploaded to other websites without the express written permission of Brannon Howse or his legally authorized representative.