Jesuit Order Exposed (Part Three)

Brannon:  Hello, I’m Brannon Howse, and welcome to the Worldview Weekend Hour.  This is program Number 3 in our series on “The Counter-Reformation of the Jesuit Order.”  My guest again is Chris Pinto of  You can also hear his daily radio show on our website at  You’ll hear my daily radio show there as well, along with other great biblical worldview programs, each and every day, at  Chris, welcome back to our third program together.


Chris:  Well, it’s good to be back, Brannon, as always.


Brannon:  All right, let’s get into ecumenicalism.  That is, we’re going through the eight areas that I think the Jesuits concentrate on.  The first one in our last program we touched on was ecumenicalism, and you defined that as the world’s religions coming together as one.  That would be a good way to describe it.


Chris:  Yep, absolutely.


Brannon:  And the Jesuit order of really ecumenicalism is a major part of their agenda.  There’s eight areas that we’re going to look at.  The first one is ecumenicalism.  We finished up last time saying that we would talk about “Evangelicals and Catholics Together.”  Look at this slide here.  On March 29, 1994, evangelicals and Catholics signed the declaration “Evangelicals and Catholics Together.”  It’s subtitled, “The Christian mission in the third millennium.”

And The New York Times, March 30, 1994, reported this:


They toiled together in the movements against abortion and pornography, and now leading Catholics and evangelicals are asking their flocks for a remarkable leap of faith to finally accept each other as Christians.  In what’s being called a historic declaration, evangelicals, including Pat Robertson and Charles Colson, join with conservative Roman Catholic leaders today in urging Catholics and evangelicals to stop aggressive proselytization of each other’s flocks.

John White, president of Geneva College and former president of the National Association of Evangelicals, said the statement represents a – quote – triumphalistic moment – end quote – in American religious life after centuries of distrust.


Brannon:  All right, what’s interesting, Chris, is that they want to say that we are Christians to finally accept each other as Christians.  And people like Colson signed onto this, the late Chuck Colson.  This is a real victory for the Church of Rome, was it not, in 1994?


Chris:  Oh, absolutely.  And especially the part about not proselytizing each other’s flocks.


Brannon:  Yes.


Chris:  Not – there hasn’t really been a huge wave of people converting to Roman Catholicism, although there are those who do convert.  But the greater problem was the number of people who have left the Roman Catholic Church and become part of the variant Protestant/evangelical church movements.


Brannon:  Yes.


Chris:   And, of course, that’s a real problem for the Catholic Church.  So, they have very aggressively spoken against what they call sheep stealing.


Brannon:  Yes.


Chris:  And they’ve even had people that have signed agreements and things like this, saying that they’re not going to do that, they’re not going to get people to leave the Roman Catholic Church and come and join a Protestant church, even though the representation of the Gospel by Rome is completely different than biblical Christianity.


Brannon:  It is.  And the thing is, what I have heard is that it’s the Protestants that have stopped evangelizing the Catholics.  The Catholics haven’t stopped trying to convert the Protestants.


Chris:  Exactly.  In fact, somebody who’s well known for this is Billy Graham and the Billy Graham Crusades.


Brannon:  Yes.


Chris:  And I got an e-mail some time ago from a former Catholic who worked at a Billy Graham Crusade years ago.  Now, today they’ve converted and become a Christian, but they said they worked at a Billy Graham Crusade as a Catholic, and that while they were there, they were there for the express purpose of serving the cause of the Roman Catholic Church.


Brannon:  Iain Murray, who was the assistant to the great preacher Martyn Lloyd-Jones, wrote a whole book on Evangelicalism Divided that came out in 2000.  His first two chapters are all on Billy Graham.  So, when you talk about Billy Graham and the Church of Rome, the footnotes in my book are overwhelming, coming from the St. Louis Dispatch, from the Minneapolis Star Tribune, St. Paul Pioneer Press.  They were training for the 1996 Billy Graham Crusade.  They were training their counselors inside a Catholic Church.  And the leaders of the Catholic Church there in the Twin Cities said, “Hey, we’re partnering up with the Billy Graham Crusade in order to bring back home disenfranchised Catholics.  So, the Catholics know exactly what they’re doing when they use groups like Billy Graham’s organization to infiltrate evangelicalism.


Chris:  Yeah, Billy Graham – I agree with your assessment.  I think Graham was really the biggest minister of the 20th century who opened the door to Rome –


Brannon:  Absolutely.


Chris:  – and then – and really be welcomed in evangelical churches, traditional Protestant churches, as though Catholicism were simply another denomination of Christianity.  And I came out of Catholicism myself.  I came out when I was a teenager, and I didn’t become a born-again believer until I was about 30 years old.  But for the first few years that I was a new-born Christian, I generally thought that Catholicism was – it had its problems, I thought, but it’s just a different system, just like being a Baptist, or a Methodist, or any of these other different groups.

And it was only once I began to study the official doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church, and what they say about salvation, and how you cannot be saved without being in submission to the pope, and without the rituals and the sacraments and so on of the Church of Rome, and that it’s like they’ve set up this – you know, I call it a system of doctrinal barbed wire around the Gospel so that you’re forbidden from believing the Gospel.  And if you believe the true Gospel, the Church of Rome says you’re accursed; you’re anathema.

And I thought, “Well, is that just my assessment of things?”  Then I start reading the writings of the reformers, men like Luther and Calvin and others, and come to find out, they had determined the same thing, that the reason they believed the Roman Church was literally anti-Christ is because the papacy forbids you from believing the true Gospel.


Brannon:  Mm-hmm, that’s right.  Here, let’s read right from the “Evangelicals and Catholics Together” document of ’94.  Here’s what it says:


In the exercise of these public responsibilities, there’s been, in recent years, a growing convergence –


There you go, opposites converging, the Hegelian dialectic process that we’ve talked about before.


– in cooperation between evangelicals and Catholics.  We thank God for the discovery of one another in contending for a common cause.  Much more important, we thank God for the discovery of one another as brothers and sisters in Christ.


Let me just stop right there.  The Jesus of the Church of Rome is not the Jesus of the Bible.  The Jesus of the Bible was sacrificed once for the sins of the world, for those who through grace and faith placed their faith and trust in Christ, repent of the sins.  But yet the Church of Rome has Christ showing up every week in the wafer and the juice, being sacrificed over and over.  That is not the Jesus of the Bible.


Chris:  Right.  And they teach in the communion – this is a very important point to make, because this was the major point during the Reformation, most Bible-believing Christians were put to death over the doctrine of transubstantiation.


Brannon:  Yes.


Chris:  The idea that when the Catholic priest says hoc est corpus – which the corruption of which is hocus-pocus – but when the Catholic priest says hoc est corpus, that literally the wafer becomes the physical, literal manifestation of Jesus Christ, the flesh, bones, sinew, Christ himself in the flesh.  So much so that you are expected and commanded to bow down and worship this wafer.  And Christians in the Middle Ages that refused to do so, they thought it was blasphemy and idolatry, were often arrested, persecuted, tortured, and killed because they refused to bow down to a “crust of bread” as they often called it.

So, the issue is that important.  It’s not a light issue, but that’s the Jesus of Roman Catholicism.  And if you don’t believe in that Jesus, the Church of Rome says to this day, “You are accursed.  You’re anathema.”


Brannon:  And so, that’s why when they say, “We thank God for the discovery of one another as brothers and sisters in Christ, that’s a real problem.  It’s not the same Christ.  And yet Paul says, “I’m afraid that someone will come with another Jesus, another Gospel, that you may well put up with it.”  And that’s what we see evangelical and pro-family leaders doing, putting up with it for the sake of nationalism really, reclaiming America, which is really nationalism.  The definition of nationalism that I like to use being that the state is of primary importance.

These people are more interested in the state, reclaiming the government, the nation, than they are defending the Gospel.  And so, again, this ecumenicalism has been furthered by attacking liberty and freedom against a false church and a theologically shallow church to embrace ecumenicalism, because they have their focus on something else, thus embracing a false Jesus and a false gospel.

It goes on to say, in the “Evangelicals and Catholics Together” document of ’94:


Our cooperation as citizens is animated by our convergence as Christians.  We promise one another that we will work to deepen, build upon, and expand this pattern of convergence and cooperation.


The document went on to say:


In view of the large number of non-Christians in the world and the enormous challenge of our common, evangelistic task, it is neither theologically legitimate, nor a prudent use of resources for one Christian community to proselytize among active adherence of another Christian community.


So, of course, the problem is we’re not both Christians.  If you’re following the teachings of the Church of Rome, it is a false Jesus, a false gospel; it is heresy.  I mean Ian Paisley was quite strong about that in our last program.  We played a clip by him.  He said it’s demonic; it’s satanic.


Chris:  Absolutely.  I mean who but the father of lies would develop doctrines to prevent people from believing the truth and coming to salvation.  Well, of course, if people reject the truth – I mean the Bible says, “He that believes the Son of God has life, but he that does not believe Him shall not see life; the wrath of God abides on them.”


Brannon:  Yes.


Chris:  So, yeah, I agree with Ian Paisley I think.  I came to believe, and it took me some years after I came out of Catholicism, that the official doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church are satanically inspired.


Brannon:  I agree.  All right, as we conclude Point 1, ecumenicalism, this is what I write in The Coming Religous Reich, the next book to come out after Religious Trojan Horse – I wrote, “One of the leading organizers of this work,” meaning “Evangelicals and Catholics Together,” “was former aide to President Richard Nixon Chuck Colson.  A year earlier, at the 1993 Parliament of World Religions in Chicago,” that’s an ecumenical movement in and of itself.


Hello, I’m Brannon Howse, and thank you for watching the Worldview Weekend Hour.  One reason we started was because we have found a disturbing trend, and that is many within the Christian media are censoring those of us who are politically incorrect.


In other words, it has become politically incorrect, within much of evangelicalism today, to point out such biblical facts as Mormons are not Christians; the Jesus of the Church of Rome is not the Jesus of the Bible.  If you’re offering up Jesus in a wafer or in the juice through transubstantiation, as the Church of Rome does, the Catholic Church, that’s not the Jesus of the Bible.


We know that the Jesus of Mormonism is not the Jesus of the Bible.  The Jesus of the Word of Faith is not the Jesus of the Bible.  They actually teach that Jesus came to Earth as a man, not as God, and then became divine.  That is not what the Bible teaches.  That is not the Jesus of the Bible.  If you redefine Jesus, you redefine the Gospel.


And we have increasingly been told by broadcast outlets, Christian magazines – they won’t take our program or they won’t take our advertising because of the things we have declared.  In fact, not too long ago, I heard in a sermon Dr. John MacArthur said they have to be very careful what they put into his program Grace to You or Christian networks will pull his program.


Do you know that Walter Martin, back in the early ’80s, spoke at the ordination service for a friend of mine?  And in that ordination service, which I have a copy of the audio, Dr. Walter Martin said, back in – I think it was 1982-1983, he said that Christian media would increasingly become known for censoring Christians.  He said he can go to secular outlets and speak biblical truth quicker than he can onto Christian media outlets.  Do you know where we find that to be true?


I get interviewed on secular talk stations about biblical things that most Christian radio stations would never interview me about or allow me to talk about.  So, we have found it necessary to start, where we can broadcast our weekly television show through our computer system, through Roku, iPhone, iPad, Android.  It’s making it available to anyone all throughout the world.


We also have a radio page.  It’s, where we carry a lot of Bible teaching at  In other words, we’re finding it increasingly necessary to be our own broadcast outlet because much of evangelical broadcasting, I believe, is not interested in biblical truth.  They’re interested in political correctness.


Chuck Colson was awarded the $1.2 million ecumenical award known as the Templeton Prize for progress.  In his award acceptance speech, Colson affirmed Templeton stating – quote – I salute Sir John for establishing this award and doing it in such a generous way – end quote.

The problem, Chris, is that John Templeton was a promoter of pagan spirituality and even called for one to establish a world religion – quote – about God that doesn’t rely on ancient revelations or Scripture – end quote.  He wanted to establish a world religion apart from any Scriptures.  That means the Bible as well.  And yet, here you have Colson praising him.

Bill Bright, another signer of the “Evangelicals and Catholics Together” received the Templeton Prize in 1996 at a Catholic Church in Rome and in his acceptance speech called for prayer and fasting for – quote – a worldwide spiritual awakening – end quote.  He also claimed that– quote – the prestigious Templeton Prize to me, because of the nature of its objective, is greater than any other prize that could be given for any purpose – end quote.  Amazing, huh?


Chris:  Well, it’s – I mean it’s a prize if you read all – and you read some of the quotes there.  I know Dave Hunt, in his book – I think it’s Occult Invasion, documents part of the Templeton Award –


Brannon:  Yes, he does.


Chris:  – Prize, and the whole reason the prize was given was really, by definition, for those who are willing to deny the Gospel.  Those who are willing to deny the Gospel and embrace this universal theology.  Those are the leaders that are chosen to receive this award, because they’re supposedly advancing the cause of a Universalist spirituality in the world.


Brannon:  All right, let’s go to Number 2.  Number 2 of our eight areas that the Jesuit order likes to concentrate on to have this Counter-Reformation to turn everybody back to Rome.  The second one is “Social Justice and Liberation Theology.”  Social justice really is Socialism.  That’s the best way I can say it.  Social justice is often referred to in the – quote – evangelical – end quote churches as a social gospel.  It’s also referred that way in mainline liberal churches.  So, oftentimes in the Protestant world it’s called the social gospel.  In the Catholic world it’s called social justice.

However, more and more – quote – evangelicals – are now using the term social justice.  So, the term social justice is actually coined by a Jesuit by the name of Luigi Taparelli in 1840, which is very interesting, because this is before Karl Marx and the Communist Manifesto, and it is a matter of documented proof that Karl Marx, for a while, went to a Jesuit school.


Chris:  Yeah, Karl Marx was educated by the Jesuits.  Taparelli coins the term social justice in 1840.  Marx publishes the Communist Manifesto in 1848.  And so, the Jesuits and Marxism are clearly connected, and they’re working together throughout the 19th century.  Yeah, in fact, I’ve got a quote here I wanted to share with you, Brannon, from a book by Werner Blumenberg called Karl Marx: An Illustrated Biography says specifically – quote – For five years, Karl Marx went to the Jesuit school in Trier, which during the Prussian period was known as the Friedrich-Wilhelm Gymnasium.”  All right, so that’s a direct documentation, proving that Karl Marx was educated by the Jesuits.

Then, 1840, Luigi Taparelli coins the term social justice.  1848, Karl Marx publishes the Communist Manifesto.  And then later, in 1891, the Vatican issues an encyclical called Rerum Novarum.


Brannon:  Now, this is coming out of the Vatican.


Chris:  Out of the Vatican.


Brannon:  This is one of the writings of the pope.


Chris:  Absolutely.  And it’s documented by, in this book Ecclesiastical Megalomania by John W. Robbins.  And he does a great job of tying in Communism and the Jesuits and the Vatican and Rome.


Brannon:  And that’s what this really – this whole book is showing the influence of the Vatican onto the idea of using Communism to their own ends.


Chris:  Absolutely, absolutely.  That’s what he’s talking about in this book.  But I wanted to read one of the quotes that he shares in the book on this.  He says – quote:


 One of the Roman Church-State’s most influential statements on economic matters is the 1891 encyclical Rerum Novarum on the condition of the working classes.  In this encyclical, the Roman Church-State allied herself with the proletariat, which in Marxism is the great and final enemy of the Capitalist order.


Brannon:  And the proletariat is the property owner.


Chris:  Right.


Brannon:  Okay, keep going.




The encyclical’s Marxism is so blatant that one Roman Catholic writer declared that – quote – Much of the encyclical Rerum Novarum appeared only to repeat in more orthodox language what Marx had said ten years before.  Indeed, there are paragraphs, if not pages, in the Communist Manifesto that might have been written by the pope.


Brannon:  Wow, and that is stated in this book.


Chris:  Ecclesiastical Megalomania.


Brannon:  Which people should get.  If you really want to get a good book on how the Church of Rome, the Vatican, has promoted and used Communism to their end, you have a Jebbie, like TIME magazine said in April of ’73, on every side of the issue.  We’ve got pro-Capitalist for free market Jebbies and Jesuits.  You’re going to have Communist or social justice Jebbies.  They use it to their own advantage, as we’ll see in a few minutes.


Chris:  Right.


Brannon:  Here is a headline.  This is in, “Jesuits Superior General Says Give More Time to Liberation Theology.”  Well, liberation theology – and again, this is the Jesuit General – I mean that’s the guy who’s in charge of the Jesuits, the Black Pope, as they call him, because of his black robe.  But this was in November – November 20, 2008, “Liberation theology is the mixture of Christian,” if you will, “with Marxism,” which, of course, it ceases to be Christianity then.  Liberation theology was very popular in South America, Communism very popular in South America, and who is – what is the predominant religion in South America?  Oh, yeah, Catholicism.


Chris:  Catholicism.


Brannon:  So, there you go.  So, liberation theology is the mixture of Christianity with Marxism.  That’s liberation theology.  It’s tied right directly to social justice.


Chris:  And that is – I mean that’s the preaching, essentially, of Reverend Jeremiah Wright, who ministered to Barack Obama for over 20 years.


Brannon:  Yes.


Chris:  And so – and that’s why Obama is so clearly tied to socialist/communist/liberation theology philosophy.


Brannon:  Yeah.  The Superior General of the Jesuits, Father Adolfo Nicolás said this week he was disappointed that liberation theology has not received a vote of confidence.  And he said the controversial approach should be given more time to mature.  The Society of Jesus in the United States – this is a website you can go to – the Society of Jesus in the United States.  Here is the page printed out for you right here.  Just go to the website  This is where I found this in my research,  Here’s what the website says:


Circle of protection from poverty.  Very Reverend Tom Smolich, S.J. –


Means Society of Jesus, that means he’s a Jesuit.


– president of the Jesuit Conference, has signed on as a primary signatory to a new ecumenical and interfaith circle of protection statement, urging the federal government to protect programs for the poor.


Here you have the National Association of Evangelicals working with the Jesuits at, and this group, the Society of Jesuits in the United States, with Jim Wallace, all of them working together.  Again, the NAE was supposed to counter this Socialism, this Fabian Socialism, this Marxism.  Now they’re running in lock-step with it.


Chris:  You know, as you were talking about that, and talking about how these evangelicals who were supposed to oppose these things are now embracing them, I couldn’t help but think of Revelation 17 and Revelation 18, where we’re reading about the harlot, mystery of Babylon, clad in purple and scarlet and so on, and then the voice cries out from Heaven and says, “Come out of her, my people, lest you be partaker of her sins and receive of her plagues.”  And that’s what’s happening as evangelicals are being allied with Rome, they’re becoming partakers of the sins of the Vatican and the Jesuit order.


Brannon:  Absolutely.  Here’s a former Jesuit, Malachi Martin, writing in his New York Times best seller The Jesuits, and I’ve got it all marked up here with Post-it notes because it is such a good book in the sense of getting some quotes, although the guy is a part of the Church of Rome and is pro-Jesuit, it does have some good information for us.  Again showing that this is not conspiracy stuff; this is coming from a former Jesuit himself.


Chris:  New York Times best seller and the Vatican officially acknowledges his writing.  So...


Brannon:  Here’s what he wrote:


Francis Carney, S.J. –


Society of Jesus.  He was a popular Jesuit in the 1970s.



Francis Carney, S.J., if not the most famous or influential of all modern Jesuit liberation theologians –


Again, liberation theology is the mixture of Christianity with Marxism.


– drunk on the ignorance-laden idealism of liberation theologians, this Jesuit came to the belief that a Marxist is not dogmatic but dialectical.


In other words, a Marxist isn’t a bad thing.  It’s not dogmatic.  A Marxist is into the dialectic, the mixing together, and that’s exactly what we have today, mixing of Christianity with Marxism, which Marx was into Satanism.  Karl Marx, I write in my book Grave Influence: 21 Radicals That Rule America From the Grave, you can get it at, Karl Marx was thoroughly demonized.  The man that started Voice of the Martyrs spoke of this as well, Richard Wurmbrand in his book Marx and Satanism.

So, Marx is dogmatic.  Marx is anti-Christ.  Marx is Satanism.  Marx talked about his desire to destroy Christianity.  Marx talked about his desire to wage war against God, to destroy Christianity, destroy Capitalism.  Here you have Jesuits embracing Marxism and saying, “Oh, it’s a dialectical strategy.”  So, what you end up doing is mixing Marxism with Christianity, liberation theology, and eventually you’re going to have the dialectic of Capitalism coming in and mixing, for a mixture of both, which is called Communitarianism.


Chris:  Yeah, I think that’s what that quote reveals, saying that Marxism is not dogmatic but dialectical.  What I hear in that is, what they’re admitting is that a real Marxist – in other words, for Marxism to prevail, Marxists have to go to both sides of the fence.


Brannon:  Yes, absolutely.


Chris:  They have to infiltrate both camps.


Brannon:  In fact, here’s what Francis Carney, the Jesuit, said, quoted in Malachi Martin’s book, he said, “Neither Communists nor Capitalists.”  Okay?  So, here is Francis Carney, a Jesuit, saying, “Neither Communist nor Capitalist, the new Socialism will be a brotherhood,” this is a quote now, “a brotherhood and a sisterhood of all humanity and equally a classless society.”  End quote.  Theologically speaking – quote – the universe of man is in dialectical evolution towards the kingdom of God – end quote.  So, exactly what we’re saying: you’re not Marxist; you’re not Capitalist; you’re a mixture of both.  It’s evolution.  Notice he says that the world is in evolution.  This is the spiritual evolution that’s promoted by another Jesuit, which is Teilhard de Chardin.  We’re all spiritually evolving; nobody will go to Hell, everybody will end up in a good place as good and evil merge to produce a better third option.  So, everything’s spiritually evolving, both spiritually and economically.  And then eventually, we’ll establish the kingdom of God right here on Earth.  We’ll end poverty; we’ll fix education issues, and we’ll establish the kingdom of God right here on Earth.  So, they have a dominion theology, the Church of Rome does, as we’ll see in a few minutes, but so do many – quote – evangelicals, like the New Apostolic Reformation and many within the new religious right and neo-evangelicalism that think, “Hey, we’re to build God’s kingdom here on Earth, right now.”

But Jesus said, in John 18:36, “My kingdom is not of this world; it is not from here.”  We build God’s kingdom in the spiritual realm as we preach the Gospel.  God will be the one that sets up His kingdom, and Christ will rule for a thousand years.  It’s not something we do in our man-centered ways, as many within the neo-evangelical and New Apostolic Reformation movements believe, “Jesus is sitting on the right-hand side of God today, waiting for us to take over politically,” which is why they’re also involved politically, which is why they’re also involved in ecumenicalism, because they believe that the kingdom will not be established until – and I’ve quotes by people like Earl Paul, and Bill Hamon and others, who are of the New Apostolic Reformation, they’re saying, “Hey, we have to work with the Seventh-Day Adventists, the Mormons, the Catholics.  Until there’s a unity in faith, the kingdom will not come.”  That plays right into the hands of the Church of Rome and their ecumenicalism.  But that’s what they’re talking about.

When he talks about – Francis Carney does – using this economic system, mixing it with Communism, Christianity, Catholicism, mixing it together to establish a kingdom of God on Earth.


Chris:  No, as you were talking – as you were talking, I was thinking about the difference between what modern evangelical-professing Christians are doing, and what they’re accomplishing, which I think is not very effective at all, either politically, and certainly not theologically, but as they’re part of a movement that’s really being led by the ecumenism of the Church of Rome.  When we compare that with the Puritans, with the Pilgrims, with the Reformers, with Luther and Calvin and so on, when they were preaching the Gospel, and they were really defending and lifting up the Word of God, and their fight was about the souls of men, winning souls to salvation.  And they were able to subdue whole kingdoms and to transform most of Europe and get them to become Bible-believing countries.

Now, that doesn’t meant that they were perfect; they had their flaws; they had errors and so on, but they were teaching the Bible in schools, and they were teaching the Gospel to their children, and they were able to win.  I think God granted a lot of victories politically, but it was as a result; it was that blessing from Heaven because they were being faithful and trying to walk and pursue holiness with the Lord and with the Lord Jesus Christ – not compromise, and apostasy, and embracing things that the Bible very clearly tells us are demonic and trying to find a way to make it Christian.


Brannon:  Absolutely.  I agree whole-heartedly.  Look at this.  In June of 2009, in his 30,000-word encyclical, Pope Benedict XVI declared – quote – In this way, it will be possible to experience and to steer the globalization of humanity in relational terms, in terms of communion and the sharing of goods.  The sharing of goods.  That’s also called common good.  That’s Communitarianism.  That’s social justice.  That’s Socialism.  That’s redistribution of wealth.

He goes on to say, “The more we strive to secure a common good, corresponding to the real needs of our neighbors, the more effectively we love them.”  Again, common good is a phrase used by those who want to mix Communism or Socialism with Capitalism.

Then we have this report that came out in October of 2011, and here’s the report.  You can get it right off the Internet.  It’s, “Vatican Calls for World Central Bank.”  In October of 2011, the Vatican released an 18-page report that called for a global political authority.  That’s in quotes, folks.  And – quote – a central world bank – end quote.  And – quote – a super national authority – end quote, with – quote – universal jurisdiction – end quote.  The 18-page document released by the Vatican contained the often-used Communitarian phrase common good 22 times.  How do I know that?  Because I counted it.  I counted ever time the word common good was used.  And it was used in this document 22 times.

Here you have the Vatican calling for a world central bank, a global political authority.  A world central bank, a super national authority, a universal jurisdiction.  And the pope has gone on to say that the organization best suited to do all this the United Nations.


Chris:  And what’s incredible to me is that in the midst of all this, we have the left-wing media in our country.  And when these things are happening, like when Barack Obama went to the Vatican, and the pope handed him his economic encyclical, there’s not a word from our left-wing press about a separation of church and state.


Brannon:  Right.


Chris:  There’s no argument.  Why is Obama meeting with the head of a religious organization and receiving instructions from him.  Nobody said that even once anywhere that I saw in the news.


Brannon:  And in that 2009 encyclical, the pope called for a world political authority with teeth.  And in fact, I think it was in 1964 that the pope then went to the United Nations and left his tiara, a symbol of papal power, papacy power.  In 1964, he left it at the United Nations.  Left it there.


Chris:  Right, right, which I think was – I think it was a ploy.


Brannon:  Sure.


Chris:  I think it was – I think it was the pope’s way of saying that his crown is really the power behind the United Nations, even though he tries – I think what he tried to do was make it look like he was submitting himself to the United Nations, but I don’t think that’s what he did at all.


Brannon:  I don’t either.  In fact, there’s a quote that we also give that, “There are two popes in this world: one –” this is coming from an insider who has said, “There are two popes in this world: one is at the Vatican, and one is at the United Nations.”  There are two religious leaders.  There really are two tracks to globalism: spiritual and political.  And we’ve seen them merge when people like Tony Blair running the Tony Blair Faith Foundation to bring the religions of the world together.  He’s converted to Roman Catholicism.  On his advisory board sits Rick Warren.  I mean it’s all lining up.

This is Seton Hall University.  This is a known Catholic University.  They boast on their website – in their own website at – they boast on their own website – quote – Unique to the Whitehead School is its exclusive alliance with the United Nations Association of the U.S., which is a key division of the United Nations Foundation.

And what they have is, you can go and do internships with the United Nations or the U.S. State Department from Seton Hall.  So, Seton Hall is saying, “Become a global leader.  Work inside the United Nations.  Do an internship in the United Nations.  Do an internship at the State Department.”  This is an exclusive relationship, this university, Seton Hall, has with the United Nations.  Global leaders.


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Chris:  Yeah, become a global leader.  Well, it’s all moving in that direction we talked about earlier, a revived Holy Roman Empire.


Brannon:  Absolutely.  So, that gives us Number 2, “Social Justice and Liberation Theology.”  Now, let’s move on to Number 3.  Number 3 in our eight is “Dominion Theology.”  Of course, a lot of what we were just talking about in the area of social justice and liberation theology was dominionism, world dominion, world political power, global central bank, political power with teeth.  But dominion theology would be the third area of the eight that the Jesuits concentrate on.

Dominion theology, I think, is probably best represented by this logo.  Look at this logo here.  I think you were the one that told me about this.


Chris:  Yeah.


Brannon:  This logo at Georgetown University.  Explain this logo.


Chris:  Well, it’s the – Georgetown University is a Jesuit university.


Brannon:  Yeah, I hope they just caught what he just said.  Georgetown University is a Jesuit university.


Chris:  Is a Jesuit university.  In fact, you can read about it in a book called Washington in the Lap of Rome, which was published in 1888.  In that book, the author talks about how Georgetown University was founded there, right near the capital, right there in Washington, D.C., founded to give the Jesuits a headquarters inside the new American capital city, so that they could begin to infiltrate and begin to manipulate and ultimately take control of our government.


Brannon:  And major political leaders, like Bill Clinton and many others, have gone to Georgetown, have studied.


Chris:  Right, are graduates of Georgetown University.  And so, it continues to be – I mean Rupert Murdoch, who owns Fox News, went and gave a speech there and said that his news organization runs very much like a Jesuit institution.  So, you have a lot of very powerful, influential people that are associated with Georgetown U.  But their symbol, which looks very much like the American eagle, with the shield, and then the stripes on the shield and so on.  And whereas the American eagle has a bundle of arrows in one talon, and then the –


Brannon:  Olive branch.


Chris:  – the olive branch in the other, the Jesuit seal is a variation of it, and on one side you find the cross, and on the other side you find the globe.  And the cross, of course, in this context, symbolizes the Roman Catholic Church, and the globe obviously symbolizes the world.


Brannon:  And then their logo, on this own website – this is on their own website.  Look at this.  This picture came right off the website at Georgetown University.  And they, on their own website, have this: the seal of Georgetown University.  It bears the founding date, 1789; the university motto – that’s Latin, isn’t it?


Chris:  Utraque Unum.


Brannon:  And what it means is “both into one.”  This is right off – this wording comes right off their own website.  I just typed a PowerPoint slide of it, both into one.  So, you go back to looking at the picture, what both become one?  The cross, or their religion, and the globe become one.  That’s a really, I believe, dominion theology, a world dominion, a world religious dominion, a theocracy, a religious world government, the Church of Rome.


Chris:  Ab.  That, I believe, is the clearest symbolism of it.  I mean they’ve designed it to be a variation of our own American eagle, but it represents their ambitions for world domination.  And of both one, really, I think, the Church of Rome governing this world theocracy, as it were, through ecumenical compromise.  And I often say to people, because some people would say – I mean they would say to, I think, both of us, “Are you saying that Christians should not be involved in government and it’s wrong for Christians to hold political office?”  I don’t believe it’s wrong.


Brannon:  No, I don’t either.


Chris:  I think because historically –


Brannon:  But their basis has got to be the proclamation of the Gospel.


Chris:  Exactly.


Brannon:  Or to keep the pulpits free for the preaching of the Gospel, radio networks, TV networks.  Their motivation has to be for the Gospel, not some kind of Christian America or dominion theology, as is so popular within the neo-evangelicals, new religious right, New Apostolic Reformation.


Chris:  Well, that’s what happens when Christians in America get involved in politics because of the ideas of religious liberty, meaning that all religions are supposedly – you know, have to be embraced as one and the same.  Christians find themselves compromising and finding ways to say, “Yes, I think that somehow or other Islam or Buddhism or Catholicism and all these other different belief systems are acceptable.”  Even George W. Bush.  I remember watching an interview with him when he was being asked about his own beliefs about Jesus, and he referred to Jesus as “a savior.”  And the clear implication was that, well, He’s a savior, one of many.  And then, when they asked him later on – Charlie Gibson interviewed him and asked him about whether or not he believed that both Christians and Muslims go to Heaven, he said, “I think they do.”


Brannon:  I wonder if he would have said that if he was going to stand for another election for the White House?


Chris:  Well, you have to wonder, because my – what I remember of that time, a lot of evangelicals who were very zealous to go out and support Bush, did not realize that he held to these ecumenical anti-Christian views.


Brannon:  Yeah.  World dominion.  I mean we believe Daniel 2, Daniel 7, Revelation 13, Revelation 17, there will be a revived Roman Empire.  It will be a Holy Roman Empire.  We were talking in our first program about people in Europe, they’re very concerned about this idea of a Super European Union President combining the president of the European Commission and the president of the European Council, creating the Super European President.  And opponents of this in Europe are saying, “Hey, this is going to create a revived Roman Empire.”  They also said it will create a revived Holy Roman Empire.

We said, in the first program, there will be a revived Holy Roman Empire.  Daniel 2, Daniel 7, Revelation 13, Revelation 17 clearly say that.  

And then, at some point, the ten world leaders, his ten assistants, turn against the woman that rides the beast, this apostate harlot church, devour her, and eat of her flesh, in the back half of Revelation 17.  Then a new world religion is established, when the antichrist sets himself up in Jerusalem, in the temple, and declares himself to be God.  That then becomes the second world religion.  But this first world religion that we’re moving to now, this ecumenicalism and the Counter-Reformation of the Jesuit order is going to be based in Rome.  And yet, many within the Reformation movement were saying this, that this one-world system would come out of Rome.

And what is interesting is we have already discussed now that the Jesuits were behind the idea of social justice, coining that phrase; they’re behind the idea of so many things that happened in our world, including preterism, the idea that the Rapture really occurred in A.D. 70.  Explain to our audience why the Jesuits – why a Jesuit by the name of Luis Alcázar, 1554 to 1613, a Spanish Jesuit theologian, why would he create the idea of preterism, which says that the Rapture actually occurred in A.D. 70?  Why would he do that?


Chris:  Well, Alcázar was part of the early phase of the Counter-Reformation, and one of the biggest problems that the papacy had was the prophetic teachings of the Reformers which declared that the pope and the papal system was anti-Christ and that the Church of Rome was the harlot of Revelation 17.  And so, this proved to be a devastating declaration by Luther and Tyndale and Wycliffe had declared it 150 years earlier, and it swept across Europe, and it’s the reason why so many countries cast off any confidence or obedience to the pope.

And so, they had to do something to counter or overturn those prophetic teachings.  And so, Alcázar comes along, and he develops these ideas of preterism.  And preterism, what he basically did was he took the book of Revelation, and he pushed it all the way into the past to 70 A.D. and the fall of Jerusalem, when it was sacked by Rome under Titus Vespasian.

And he basically declared that Nero was the antichrist and Armageddon was the fall of Jerusalem, and that the harlot, Revelation 17, was really old pagan Rome and therefore could not be the Roman Catholic Church.  And because Nero was the antichrist, it could not be the pope.


Brannon:  So, the whole purpose was to put all of these characters, the antichrist, the harlot church, everything in the past so that the Reformers had no justification for saying, “Oh, the antichrist, the harlot church will all come out of Rome.”


Chris:  Exactly, that was it.  It was to clear the way to make it look like it was simply doctrinally impossible for the Catholic Church to be the fulfillment of these prophesies in Revelation.


Brannon:  And, of course, we have many – quote – evangelicals today that are either preterist or partial preterist, who are now giving credibility to this theology which was actually started by a Jesuit.  I mean if we haven’t already, we will, in the final programs, understand that the Jesuits created social justice and coined the phrase.  The father of the New Age movement is a Jesuit by the name of Teilhard de Chardin.  The Jesuits came up with the idea of the infallibility of the pope.  The Jesuits came up with the idea, really, of the worship of Mary.  Would you agree with that?


Chris:  Oh, absolutely.


Brannon:  And the Jesuits came up with the idea of preterism.  So, the Jesuits are busy – they’re busy people.


Chris:  Yeah, very busy.  Through their college – I mean, they’ve established hundreds of colleges and universities.


Brannon:  They’ve got 28 Jesuit universities here in America.


Chris:  Right here in America, but they’re all over Europe.


Brannon:  That doesn’t count the secondary schools, the elementary schools.  That’s just 28 Jesuit universities and colleges, and that’s just in America.  Worldwide it’s a big system.


Chris:  Yeah, a very big system.  And it’s – and they’ve really seized control of education around the world.


Brannon:  And as we’ll see in our next program, education is one of their – the eight areas we’ve identified as their targets.


Chris:  Yes.


Brannon:  So, let’s do that in the next program.


Chris:  All righty.


Brannon:  All right, we’re out of time for this program.  My guest is Chris Pinto of  If you would like to hear his daily radio show, you can do that on his website, or at our website,

And again, if you appreciate this program and want to watch it in its entirety, maybe you’re only getting to watch 15-20 minutes of it – we do make available 15-20 minutes of it for free at – but if all you’ve seen is 15-20 minutes then you’re missing out on really the whole hour.  I mean you only got 20 minutes of a whole hour.  You want to see the whole hour, then cruise on over to and join.  For a very nominal fee, you can join and not only have access to this entire program, but literally about 140 to 150 DVDs and growing that are on demand, over 1,400 MP3s, our daily radio show, 5 new shows each week.  We also have a second hour we do often that’s for Situation Room members only.  All the information is at  It’s a VIP club.  You can also get a little box there called a Roku and buy it for a nominal fee, hook it to your computer, sink it with your wireless router, and you can watch all of our TV programs on demand on your flat screen television through this little, very inexpensive device you buy; you just pay for it one time.  You’ll find all the details on this at

We look forward to continuing our series here on the Counter-Reformation of the Jesuit order on our next program.  Till then, for all of us here at Worldview Weekend and the Worldview Weekend Hour, I’m Brannon Howse.  Thanks for watching.


Hello, I’m Brannon Howse, and thank you for watching the Worldview Weekend Hour.  In about 1982-1983, my friend, the late Dr. Ron Carlson, had his ordination service.  And the man that delivered the ordination message that day was a man by the name of Walter Martin.  I have an audio of the sermon he preached that day, back in about 1982-1983.  You know what’s striking?  In that presentation, he said that Christian media would increasingly become known for censoring biblical truth.  In fact, he talked about the fact that he could go on a lot of secular radio and television outlets and say things that Christian media outlets would not let him say.

Well, that was 1982-1983, and guess what?  We can tell you from firsthand experience of Christian media outlets that don’t like what we have to say, and it’s simply biblical truth.  Recently a well-known magazine that claims to be a biblical worldview magazine would not take our advertising.  They didn’t like the fact that we were calling out the false Jesus and false gospel of Mormonism, of the Word of Faith, of the Church of Rome, of the New Apostolic Reformation.  And we find that many radio stations don’t want to carry our radio show because we speak biblical truth.

I believe that much of Christian media today is doing exactly what Dr. Walter Martin said was occurring and would only increase.  They’re censoring biblical truth.  Because, you see, I believe there’s a form of political correctness that’s followed even within Christian media.  It’s not politically correct to speak out against Mormonism.  It’s not politically correct to speak out and say, “Hey, the Jesus of the Church of Rome is not the Jesus of the Bible.  When they’re offering Jesus to be sacrificed in the wafer or in the juice through transubstantiation every week, as the Church of Rome does, the Catholic Church, that’s not the Jesus of the Bible.  You redefine Jesus, you redefine the Gospel.  But it’s not politically correct today to say these things.

In fact, I was listening to a sermon not too long ago by Dr. John MacArthur.  And in that sermon, he said that they have to be very careful what they put into their daily Bible-teaching program Grace to You, because if they put certain things in, stations won’t carry the program, or will drop the program altogether.

Well, that’s why we have found the need to increasingly create our own broadcast outlet, where we can speak biblical truth without what I believe is now becoming censorship within the Christian media.  Again, we’ve started Worldview Weekend Television,, so that we can get out biblical truth without fear of censorship, or without fear of, “Well, if we say this, this outlet won’t carry it,” or, “this outlet will cancel the program.”  So, now we’re pretty independent to speak biblical truth without apology and without compromise.