Understanding The Christian, Cosmic Humanist, & Secular Humanist Worldview

A worldview is the lens or glasses through which you view the world and thus live your life. Your worldview is the foundation of your values and your values is the foundation of your conduct. Everyone has a worldview. Your worldview is a collection of your beliefs that form that basis of your conduct.

A Christian has a theistic worldview which means they believe in only one true God of the Bible. A Cosmic Humanist, also known as a New Ager, believes in pantheism which is the belief that all is God. A Cosmic Humanist, or New Ager, believes that God is a force that you can use to your advantage through the power of your mind.  A Secular Humanist believes in atheism; that there is no God.

Christian theism says there is a spiritual world and a natural world. A Cosmic Humanist, or New Ager, believes only in the spiritual world and holds to the belief that the natural world is really an illusion. A Secular Humanist believes in naturalism which means they believe that all that exists is the natural world; there is no such thing as a spiritual world.

A Christian theist believes that man can only be saved through repenting of his sins and accepting Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior and believing in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. A Cosmic Humanist believes that man can save himself through reincarnation. Reincarnation is the belief that one’s soul repeatedly passes from one body to another at the point of death until his good deeds or good karma outweigh his bad deeds or bad karma until he becomes a spirit or master guide. This process continues until one has climbed the reincarnation ladder to become a part of the Great Nothing. A Secular Humanist believes man dies and that is it; there is nothing beyond the grave.

A Christian theist believes that the world was created by God through the spoken word and God is the source of all truth. A Christian theist believes man has a soul that will live forever in either heaven or hell based on whether or not he has repented of his sin and accepts the atonement provided through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Since the Cosmic Humanist believes the natural world is an illusion, it really does not matter how we got here. A Cosmic Humanist believes that heaven and hell is really a state of mind. A Secular Humanist believes in Darwinian evolution. A Cosmic and Secular Humanist believes that truth is relative.

A Cosmic and Secular Humanist believes that man does not have a free will but is ultimately good and only does bad things because of the negative influences of his environment. A Christian theist believes that man is sinful and is born with a sin nature but man does have a free will and can choose to be a slave to sin or to count himself dead to sin through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Everyone has a theology which is simply one’s view of God. Christian theism is based on faith in the God of the Bible. A Cosmic Humanist or New Ager believes that God is a force or energy field that can be used to your advantage through the power of your mind. A Secular Humanist believes there is no such thing as God.

Whether you know it or not, you have a worldview and it is impacting every area of your life. Christians are to love the Lord their God with all their heart, soul, strength and mind. As you read this book, I pray you will begin to sharpen your mind to think and live according to a Christian worldview, a Biblical worldview. As one man has said, you may not profess what you believe but you will live what you believe. Commit today that you will verbally profess and live out a Biblical worldview so the world may see your good deeds and you bring glory to God your Father who is in heaven.