Understanding The Unbiblical Philosophies of Pantheism and Panentheism

Welcome to the program.  Glad you’re with us.  Hope you got your Bible or a pen, a piece of paper.  Going to give you some Bible verses today.  We’re going to do some studying.  We’re going to be Bereans.  We’re going to be workmen who are not ashamed.  We’re going to study to show ourselves approved.  We’re going to do all that today as we seek to understand the times and know how God would have us respond.


Now, you know that I’m doing a lot of research on the church being co-opted by the globalist, by the environmentalist, by the progressives, by the new spirituality crowd, the cosmic humanist, the new agers, whatever you want to call them; and I was up to about 3 o’clock this morning researching for several hours when the house got quite, which is why I like to do that, plus I’m a night person anyway, and, boy, am I learning a lot.  I mean, this will be a whole chapter in the book which will come out hopefully maybe next fall, maybe sooner, but you’re going to get all the stuff on the radio.  It’s just too important to wait for the book to come out.  I need to give it to you now.


How many of you have ever heard of panentheism?  Now I know you’ve heard of pantheism.  We talk about it all the time.  Pantheism, all is God, God is all.  But how about panentheism?  Panentheism is the belief that God is in all.  Pantheism is the belief all is God.  Panentheism is the belief God is in all.  Let me give you the Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, and you say, what are you splitting hairs here for?  Well, because it’s not splitting hairs, I mean, they are close.  Pantheism and panentheism are very similar but they are different and Rick Warren and some of these guys would say, well, I don’t believe in pantheism but I’m not sure they can’t say they don’t believe in panentheism.  I’m going to show you how I believe many of them are teaching panentheism, which I believe will be one of the ways all the religions of the world can come together.  In other words, the key to the one world religion, I think, is going to be panentheism.


The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, 1974, defines pantheism and panentheism this way.  Pantheism is the belief, this is a direct quote, pantheism is “the belief or theory that God and universe are identical.”  Panentheism is “the belief that the being of God includes and penetrates the whole universe so that every part of it exists in Him, but that His being is more than and is not exhausted by the universe.”  So panentheism is the belief that God is in everything.  Everything actually exists also in Him but He is beyond the universe.  Let me give you another definition.  This comes from Wikipedia, “panentheism is a belief system which reports that God exists and interpenetrates every part of nature and timelessly extends beyond as well.”  Panentheism is distinguished from pantheism which holds that God is synonymous with the material universe.  Briefly put, in pantheism, God is the whole.  In panentheism, the whole is in God, okay?


Want another definition?  This comes from an article from Berit Kjos’ website.  I don’t know who wrote it.  Oh, it’s just religious terms where Berit Kjos, many of you know who she is, K-J-O-S is how you spell her last name.  She defines panentheism this way, “all is in God yet God is transcendent over everything.”  She says, “notice the difference between panentheism and pantheism.  Some would assume that as everything in the universe evolves, this unbiblical God would also evolve and grow in knowledge and complexity.”    So panentheism is very important for us to understand if we want to understand the emergent church, if we want to understand the new spirituality, if we want to understand really what Marc Gafni was teaching yesterday, the evolution of panentheism, that’s one of the videos that you’ll see at his website in the Center for World Spirituality, the evolution of panentheism.  This is what Leonard Sweet, Brian McLaren, Jerry Haselmayer wrote in their book, A is for Abductive, subtitle the Language of the Emerging Church, okay?  So it’s important for you to understand what they believe.  You got back to their own writings, Page 108, 109.  Here’s what they write, “Emergence theory incorporates into an intellectual and spiritual framework ancient and recent argument of intelligent design.”  Let me back up, “Emergency theory incorporates into an intellectual and spiritual framework ancient and recent argument of intelligent design.  In this view, part of the goodness of Creation is an inherent potential to generate new possibilities so that more and more goodness can emerge.”


Okay, remember how I defined to you before that the emergent church believes that good and evil merge to produce a better third option?  Remember how I talked to you about the Hegelian dialectic process from George Hegel, the German philosopher, George Hegel, where opposites would merge and evolve together and we’re all spiritually evolving upward?    Well, there’s a German theologian by the name of Jurgen Moltmann who in the 1960’s created what he called a theology of hope, that’s what it’s called, “A Theology of Hope.”  And it was based largely on the philosophy of George Hegel.


Let me explain this by giving you the quote here.  Pastor Bob Dewaay reveals that the heretical teachings of the emergent church find their source in Jurgen Moltmann.  Listen to this, “The Hegelian synthesis denies absolutes, such as absolute truth or knowledge, and instead, claims that everything evolves as incompatible ideas merge into something new and better.  Two incompatible opposites such as good and evil combine and evolve into an improved third option that surpasses both.  Moltmann applied Hegel’s synthesis to theology and eschatology deciding that because incompatibilities were evolving into new and better things, God could not possibly allow the world to end in judgment.  Instead of judgment, Moltmann set aside scripture to declare that the entire world and all of creation was heading towards paradise and progressively leaving evil behind.”  Does that not sound exactly the same thing that Leonard Sweet, Brian McLaren, and Jerry Haselmayer, and his last name is spelled H-A-S-E-L-M-A-Y-E-R, wrote on Page 108 and 109 of their book, The Language of the Emerging Church?  Let me read it again, “Emergence theory incorporates into an intellectual and spiritual framework ancient and recent argument of intelligent design.”  So there’s your evolution, your intelligent design and evolution.  Picking up, “In this view, part of the goodness of Creation is an inherent potential to generate new possibilities so that more and more goodness can emerge.”  In other words, more and more goodness can evolve.  As good and evil merge to produce a better third option, we’re all evolving and because we’re all evolving, this goodness can emerge, thus the emergent church.  Things are merging, getting better, and as we understand our Christ consciousness, our divinity, if you will, our Christ being, our divine nature, because Chris dwells in all, panentheism, God is in all things.


As people understand that, then they have atonement, then they have salvation, then they can begin to fulfill the social vision, social justice as mandated by Jesus Christ.  They can fulfill the social justice, the social vision that Jesus had, that’s what they believe.  There is no talk of sin, repentance, salvation, The Cross, exclusivity of Jesus Christ, the deity of Jesus Chris.  We don’t have to get into all those things because really there was no reason for Christ to die on the Cross when you look at their heresy.  We all have Christ in us.  We  just need to understand that and then when we do understand that, then that is atonement and then we begin to live a life of social justice creating heaven on earth.  That’s what they believe.  So the world’s just going to get better and better and better as more and more people realize their Christ consciousness.  Does this not sound like exactly what Alice Bailey was teaching?  I’m going to get to that in a minute but look into this other emergent church writer.  We quoted him yesterday on the program, Marcus Borg, The Heart of Christianity , which is recommended reading by Rob Bell in his book, Velvet Elvis.  Here’s what Marcus Borg says about panentheism, “Rather than imaging God as a person-like being “out there,”  this concept imagines God as the encompassing spirit in whom everything that is, is.  The universe is not separate from God but in God.  This concept of God does not reduce God to the universe or identify God with the universe.  As the encompassing spirit, God is more than everything, even as everything is in God.  Thus, God is not only “right here,” but also “more than right here.”  Okay, so this is panentheism and it’s very popular today in the emergent church.  It’s very popular with Hindus.  It’s very popular with people like Brian McLaren.  In fact, this is how Brian McLaren, who has said the Cross and Hell are false advertising for God, can say such things as, “I don’t hope all Jews or Hindus will become members of the Christian religion but I do hope all who feel so called will become Jewish or Hindu followers of Jesus.”  What’s he saying?  That they will  understand the Christ consciousness within them and that they will then practice that inside the tradition of their religion, which is why this Marc Gafni, who we played the clips from yesterday, says you can have dual citizenship.  You can practice this panentheism, understanding your Christ consciousness, in the tradition of being a Hindu or a Muslim or a Jew or even, “a traditional protestant evangelical.”  Folks, it’s what will bring, I believe, the one world religions together.


Now, you might be shocked.  You might be shocked to find out that this is exactly what other folks are teaching like Rick Warren.  And when we come back from the break, I’m going to share with you some things that Rick Warren is saying that really, I think, embrace panentheism right out of his book, The Purpose Driven Life.  Also some clips, some sound bites, if you will, that I’m going to read to you by Alice Bailey saying the very same thing and this will be the basis of the new world religion, the new world order that she calls it with her demon that’s _______.


And I’m Brannon Howse, it’s World View Weekend Radio, we’ll be right back.




Welcome back to the program.  Glad you’re with us.  Brannon Howse here’s.  It’s World View Weekend Radio.  Our website’s worldviewweekend.com, worldviewweekend.com.


I’m talking about panentheism and how it’s being taught in “the church” and yet it’s also being taught by the new spirituality crowd and I think it is what will be the bridge to bring all the religions of the world as the Bible says there will be a one world religion.  It’s humanism.  Genius 3:1-5, “You will be like God.  You are God.”


This is exactly what Alice Bailey, now you know I have a whole chapter on Alice Bailey in my book, Brave Influence, but this is what Alice Bailey taught in her book, A Course in Miracles, and many other books that she wrote.  And, by the way, she wrote some 24 books totaling over 10,000 pages with her demon whose name was the Tibetan and she channeled this demon and she would write her books, 24 books, over 10,000, sometimes through automatic writing and you’ll find such things in A Course in Miracles that is panentheism.  It teaches that man’s real sin is not remembering his Christ consciousness, not remembering that He is God.  The original sin of man is not as defined as the scriptures.  The sin of man is defined by Alice Bailey and her demon.  It is that man forgot their Christ consciousness.  In fact, in the Course it teaches, “A sense of separation from God is the only lack you really need correct.”  In fact, the Course teaches, Christ is in everyone and that the Christ in everyone is the divine connection with God and others.  That’s not a direct quote there but that’s what it teaches.  In fact, Warren  B. Smith has written a great article and it’s called Biblical Atonement or New Age At-One-Ment.  But this is exactly what Alice Bailey was teaching.  Atonement is when a person realizes they are really God.  They are one with the creation.  They are one with the Creator, God, panentheism.


Well, how many of you know Neale Donald Walsch is?  Didn’t he write the book, Conversations with God, a really big seller?  Neale Donald Walsch, W-A-L-S-C-H.  Here is what he wrote, this is a direct quote, “Our opportunity now is to create the space of possibility for a new spirituality to emerge upon the earth…”  Let me hold right there.  There you go, emerge, emergent, emergent church.  Let me back up and start over again but I had to say that.  “Our opportunity now is to create the space of possibility for a new spirituality to emerge upon the earth…bringing to our world at last an individualized experience of the Divine in a unified form that makes no one wrong for the way in which they are approaching the God of their understanding, and that creates no condemnation or conflict in God’s name.”  Sounds very similar to what the Tibetan was telling Alice Bailey, the demon Tibetan was telling Alice Bailey, “Today men’s minds are recognizing the dawn of freedom.  They are realizing that every man should be free to worship God in his own way.  His own God-illumined…” -- it’s I-L-L-U-M-I-N-E-D, illumined.  Thank you.  “His own God-illumined mind will search…” -- by the way, that’s where you get this term illuminati which they don’t go by that anymore.  They quit using that term years and years ago.  “His own God-illumined mind will search for truth and he will interpret it for himself.  The day of theology is over.”


All right, how about this from the Tibetan channeled by Alice Bailey, “We are concerned with only one subject, the ushering in of the new world order We are occupied with the formation of that new party which will gather into its ranks all men of peace and good will ... This new party can be regarded as the embodiment of the emerging Kingdom of God on earth, but it should be remembered that this kingdom is not a Christian kingdom ... It is a grouping of all those who -- belonging as they do to every world religion and every nation and type of political party -- are free from the spirit of hatred and separativeness, and who seek to see right conditions established on earth through mutual good will.”  This is the Tibetan writing with the help of Alice Bailey.   Notice again in the quote, “This new party can be regarded as the embodiment of the emerging Kingdom of God on earth.”  There’s that emerging again.


Well, then you have – let me make sure that’s all the quotes I want to give you on that page.  I think it is.  Oh, here’s one.  I’m glad I looked down.  Look at this one.  This is also the Tibetan speaking through Alice Bailey, “The Kingdom of God is not some one particular church with its own particular doctrines, its particular formulations of truth…and of approach to God.  The true Church is the Kingdom of God on earth…comprised of all, regardless of race or creed, who live by the light within, who have discovered the fat of the mystical Christ in their hearts, and are preparing to tread the Way of Initiation…The work of the disciples is the founding of the Kingdom, the primary characteristic of its citizens is immortality…”  Wow!  Listen to what Neale Donald Walsch says, “The New Spirituality is a civil rights movement for the soul, freeing humanity at last from the oppression of its belief in a separate, angry, violent, and fearful God.”  That’s from his book, Neale Donald Walsch, Page 209.


Is this not interesting that so much of what the most popular “Christian” authors are saying today is the same thing a demon was saying as the demon wrote through Alice Bailey?  As they talk about the Kingdom of God coming on earth and that the Kingdom of God is when men will live by the light within who have discovered the fact of the mystical Christ in their hearts?  Wow!  This is the emerging Kingdom of God.


And then you have Henri Nouwen, last name is spelled N-O-U-W-E-N, a promoter of contemplative prayer, he’s a universalist, but Rick Warren in his book, Purpose Driven Life, Page 269, references him.  He references Henri Nouwen, “Through the discipline of contemplative prayer, Christian leaders have to learn to listen to the voice of love.”  Now why would Rick Warren be quoting Henri Nouwen, or Nouwen, however you say his name, N-O-U-W-E-N.  And did you know that September 2010 Rick Warren, according to news reports, tweeted Henri Nouwen.  This guy that teaches basically the Buddhist worldview.  So that kind of gives us an idea of where Rick Warren is coming from, does it not?  In fact, in his book, Nouwen’s book, Sabbatical Journey, Page 51, “Today I personally believe that while Jesus came to open the door to God’s house, all human beings can walk through that door whether they know about Jesus or not.  Today I see it as my call to help every person claim his or her own way to God.”  And this is who Rick Warren is quoting in Purpose Driven Life and tweeting about?


Nouwen, in his book, The Way of the Heart, said, “The quiet repetition of a single word can help us to descend with the mind into the heart.  This way of simple prayer opens us up to God’s active presence.”  What’s he talking about here?  I believe it’s nothing more than contemplative prayer.  What is contemplative prayer?  Transcendental meditation, you encounter God.  Henri Nouwen, again, is quoted by Rick Warren, Page 269, Purpose Driven Life, “Through the discipline of contemplative prayer, Christian leaders have to learn to listen to the voice of love.  For Christian leadership to be truly fruitful in the future, a movement from the moral to the mystical is required.”


Okay, so why again is Rick Warren promoting Nouwen?  Maybe this tells us a lot more about Rick Warren than a lot of people have been willing to admit.  How about the fact that Rick Warren, on Page 88 of the Purpose Driven Life, uses the extremely flawed New Century Bible and quotes Ephesians 4:6, “He rules everything and is everywhere and is in everything.”  Folks, that’s panentheism.  Rick Warren’s promoting panentheism.  Now you would say, well, that’s not what he means.  You know what, this book has been out for several years now.  There is plenty of stuff on the internet about him being criticized for this.  If he really cares, would he not have corrected it in the next publishing?  I mean how many times has this book been printed?  How many editions?  What print run is it in, the second, third, fourth, fifth, tenth?  I mean, it’s in a gazillion different languages.  Would he not have fixed it?  And I’m not aware that he has.  So he must have no problem with using this sloppy flawed translation, the New Century Bible, that states, “He rules everything and is everywhere and is in everything.”  God is not in everything.  God is on my present but God is not in the creation.  He is the Creator.  This is the creation.  He is distinct and separate from it.  But, as my research has revealed, this panentheism really is taught in Rick Warren’s church, that’s what I’m reading.  An article from Warren Smith titled, The Shack and Its New Age Leaven - God is in Everything?, June 24, 2008, we read that as part of the foundations class, that’s the name of the class, foundations, as part of the foundations class, at Rick Warren’s Saddleback church, an ill-defined reference to imminents on Page 46 of the Saddleback Foundations Participants Guide, that’s what it’s called, Foundations Participants Guide, plays right in the hands of the new spirituality, the new world religion, by stating, “The fact that God stands above and beyond his creation does not mean He stands outside His creation.  He is both transcendent, above and beyond His creation, and imminent within and throughout His creation.”  Wow!  That’s just completely false.  That’s panentheism.  God is not throughout His creation.  God is not in all things.


This is exactly what the Shack teaches.  This book, The Shack, has been so popular.  Page 112, The Shack says, “God, who is the ground of all being, dwells in, around, and through all things.”  Panentheism, folks.


Now, when I come back from the break, I want to play a couple clips for you of how I believe actually Glenn Beck is helping to teach this same concept.  So the right and the left are now coming together for social justice and the emergents.




Welcome back, my friends, to the program.  Glad you’re with us.  Brannon Howse here.  It’s World View Weekend Radio.  Our website’s worldviewweekend.com, worldviewweekend.com.


So everything is emerging, everything is getting better.  That’s humanism that we’re getting better and better.  Really?  Then how come the 20th Century was the bloodiest of all centuries combined?   But everything’s emerging as people understand their Christ consciousness, and that is salvation, that is atonement, and it really doesn’t matter if you follow Jesus or Buddha.  As Marcus Borg was saying, God doesn’t really care which one you are.  Remember that quote I gave you yesterday?  You can be a Buddhist, a Hindu, a Muslim, a Christian and follow Jesus in your own tradition.  In fact, it sounds awfully similar to what Glenn Beck has said about we need a Jesus or a Buddha.  Let’s role it.


[Begin sound bite]

That’s the idea of America -- you.  You have the freedom to create.  You have the freedom to dream.  That idea comes from one source and it is only attainable or allowed when you have self-regulation.  We don't need Cass Sunstein if we're all living within the parameters we set for ourselves. We need a Jesus or a Buddha or in the case of Penn Jillette, I don't know what he — just a little self-control. He does it without Buddha or without Jesus or without Mohammed. But he does it.  I can't — I find it hard to believe that I have to tell Americans to think big. But perhaps it's more hard to believe that we actually think we can get our answers or our counsel on solving these gigantic problems from the Republicans or the Democrats or, worse, from the press.

[End sound bite]

We need a Jesus or a Buddha says Glenn Beck.  Marcus Borg, The Heart of Christianity, again, a book recommended by Rob Bell in his book, Velvet Elvis, Marcus Borg wrote, “By living more deeply into our tradition as a sacrament of the sacred, we become more centered in the one to whom the tradition points and in whom we live and move and have our being.  A Christian is one who does this within the framework of the Christian tradition, just as a Jew is one who does this within the framework of the Jewish tradition,  a Muslim, within the framework of a Muslim tradition, and so forth.  And I cannot believe God cares which one of these we are.  All are paths of relationship and transformation.”


This helps you understand while earlier I was able to give you the quote by Marcus Borg talking about how it doesn’t really matter, it doesn’t really matter if you’re a Christian or a Buddhist or a Muslim or a  Hindu.  Or how Brian McLaren can say things like, “I don’t’ hope all Jews or Hindus will become members of the Christian religion, but I do hope all who feel so called become Jewish or Hindu followers of Jesus.”  This is why the pastor of the emergent church, Faith House out of Manhattan, can say that you can be a messianic Muslim, a follower of Mohammad but a follower of Jesus as well.


Now, again, let me give you the number for you to get on board and comment, questions or comments, 1-800-347-9829, 1-800-347-9829.  Again, 1-800-347-9829.


Panentheism, God is in all.  God is in all of us.  We just need to understand and realize that.  We have forgotten the ancient secrets that we are God, that’s what they’re teaching.  This is the lie of Satan and some of the most popular “Christian” authors and pastors are teaching this.  You know, folks, the more I study Rick Warren, the more I believe this guy is not only a false teacher, but is an intentional false teacher.  I believe, it is my opinion, from my research, that he knows exactly what he’s doing, exactly what he’s saying, and he is, perhaps, one of the most dangerous “pastors” in America.  He’s called what, America’s Pastor?  America’s most dangerous pastor maybe?  That’s my opinion.  Because I believe he’s a false teacher and you can’t teach all this stuff without knowing what you’re saying and doing.  You don’t just teach this stuff by mistake.


While you’re getting on the lines, 1-877-347-9829, I want you to understand why I’m telling you this.  Pantheism, all is God.  Panentheism, God is in all or all is in God.  That is important for you to understand because Panentheism is really what they are all teaching and why all religions can come together as one because we all have the same Christ consciousness dwelling within us.  That’s what they teach.  And as we understand this, then we have salvation.  We have atonement.  And then we can start to live the social vision, the social justice of Jesus.


And I have another clip by Glenn.  This one is -- which one is this, Gordon?  This is the one -- or Jim.  Which one is this next one?  Yeah, one is in faith.  Listen to Glenn Beck having a conversation with one of his guests, I think Damon Vickers a few weeks ago, talking about this oneness in faith.  Again, we can all come together as one, just as the Tibetan was saying to Alice Bailey.  This is why I’m telling you I believe Glenn Beck is dangerous.  He’s bringing Opera crowd along.  He’s bringing the conservatives along.  Opera’s bringing in the left.  Beck is bringing in the right.  Hmm?  Someone’s going to have to bring in the right if you’re going to have a one world religion.  You can’t have a one world religion, a one world government, a one world economy just to the left, and here, I believe, is Glenn Beck promoting the very same lie, whether he knows it or not, whether he intends to or not, I’m sorry.  He is, in my opinion, from my research.  Listen to this oneness thing that’s being taught, this panentheism which is what I believe one faith, one community.  Let’s role it.


[Begin sound bite]


Damon Vickers:          And I would say that in spite of the fact of a new world order and potentially a scary thing, that there’s a growing awareness that all of us are a part of one planet and one community and that we’re moving towards oneness, whether it’s Facebook or whether it’s…, the society wants to be closer to one another.  We have the opportunity now to begin to -- to making the decisions and putting about in place what we want that world to look like next.


Glenn Beck:                I don’t think -- see, because I think that is too -- this thing breaks down, you’re not going to be able to put it together without fascism or communism in a global community but you can piece it back together in small communities where small communities choose to do that and you live –


Damon Vickers:          But this is people coming together, the small community.


Glenn Beck:                Yes, yes, yes, but in small communities, not a global.


Damon Vickers:          Not the government.


Glenn Beck:                Yeah, yeah, yeah.


Damon Vickers:          But people.


Glenn Beck:                Correct, I agree with that.  You still don’t agree with that?


Damon Vickers:          Well, no, I agree within the context of America and what makes America great and why America exceptionalism exists.  It’s something that’s incredibly important for the rest of the world to follow us, not for us to be part of some one world, new world order.


Glenn Beck:                But I don’t think it, but I think, Brad, if you’re talking -- if I’m on the same page with you guys, you’re talking about flag don’t mean nothing, Jack, nothing means anything anymore.  You got to start -- am I wrong Damon?  That’s what you’re talking about, right?  Nothing means anything anymore.  There is nothing of value.  You got to start from scratch.


Damon Vickers:          I think you have a global reset but –


Glenn Beck:                Yes.


Damon Vickers:          – but I would argue that everything has value, that all culture, that’s all –


Glenn Beck:                Yeah, but – no, no, no, no.  What I’m saying is, that you have to start from the beginning.  You’re starting at ground zero.  You have the opportunity to start all over again.  It’s not like you’re going to pick up your phone and your phone’s going to work because the telephone company’s no longer working.  So if you have that zero reset –


Damon Vickers:          You know we’re worried about the depreciation of the dollar, the collapse of the dollar, but the common currency, the common thread, the common thing that we all share on this planet that is above all value, of all things, is faith, is courage, is love, and a new era could emerge from this that could be positive beyond all our wildest imaginings.


Glenn Beck:                I have to tell you that that rings true to me.  I think what is coming -- do I have another break or is this it?  Wow, let me – I’ve got a profound thought and I’ve got like ten seconds.  I think that’s what I feel inside.  What is coming is profound and it will either be profound global slavery, profound darkness, or profound goodness and it is up to us to choose but it will require you to exercise your spirit, exercise your mind now, exercise your body.  Get into shape.


[End sound bite]


Well, there you go.  And if you can’t figure that out based on what he just said, based on what I’ve just laid out for you, you’re not going to get it.


All right, before we go to the phone lines, let’s play this last clip by Beck where I told you for months now that I believe he believes in social justice.  Social justice is the attempt to create heaven on earth and that’s what the Mormons desire, the Kingdom of God on earth and united order where the Mormon Church owns everything and distributes it on an as needed basis.  And some of you say, oh, he doesn’t believe in social justice, he’s always criticizing social justice.  And I’m telling you, he criticizes Jim Wallace’s version but he believes in his own version of liberation theology, of social justice.  Well, he finally admitted it the other night.  Listen to this exchange on his TV show.


[Begin  sound bite]


 I don’t approach politics or any of these social issues out of my ideology.  I approach it out of my Christology, my Christology.  Now, that says that I am responsible for the conditions of the society in which I live and as an individual citizen of that society, I have a responsibility to do something and that begins with making sure that I am empowered within myself so that I can then turn around and empower others.  I’m not here to depend on government to feed me, to take care of me.  Government’s responsibility is to empower me to feed myself, to take care of myself.  So if you’re talking about social justice in the sense that I, as a citizen, have a responsibility to do my part, yeah, I’m for that.


[End sound bite]


Okay, Glenn said I’m for that.  So I told you he’s for social justice.  It’s what brand is it, and this is how this all fits in with the panentheism and the oneness and the incredible goodness that can emerge that all these guys are talking about, communautarism.


Let’s go to the phone lines, 1-877-347-9829, 1-877-347-9829.  Let’s go to Etti.  Etti, welcome to the program, thanks for calling in.


[Caller speaks]


Etti, thank you for your call.  I hear exactly what you’re saying and this is why we got to prepare our kids because this is what they’re getting when they go to college but it’s also, unfortunately, what they’re getting when they go to church, some churches.


When we come back, I’m going to give you some scripture to refute panentheism and then we’ll get to some more of your calls.  Don’t go away.




Welcome back to the program.  Glad you’re with us.  Let me give you a couple verses here real quick to refute panentheism, that God is in everything and everything is in God.  How about 1 Peter, or excuse me 2 Peter 1:3, “As His divine power is given to us, all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and future.”  Verse 4, “By which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.”  Okay, so do you automatically possess a Christ consciousness, a spark of God in you?  Do you automatically possess that?  No, you become partakers.  You become partakers, verse 4 says, “By which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature.”  You’re not automatically possessing that divine nature.


How about Ephesians 1:13, “In Him you also trusted after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation in whom also having believed you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise.”  So the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in the life of those, who through faith and repentance, except Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.  It’s not something that happens at the point of conception or birth.  You’re just automatically have this Christ consciousness, this spark of God that’s in you that you just have to understand and once you understand it then you have atonement and salvation.  That’s what they’re teaching.  That’s what new agers teach.


How about Romans 8:9, “But you are not in the flesh but in the spirit, if indeed the spirit of God dwells in you.  Now if anyone does not have the spirit of Chris, he is not His.”  Verse 10, “And if Christ is in you, the body is dead because of sin but the spirit is life because of righteousness.”  So again, you can be corrupted and carnal or you can be converted.  You can except Christ through faith and repentance and then you become a new creation but this is not something that automatically happens to you.  This is what Jesus was speaking about in John 8:44, “You are of your father, the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do.”  He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him.  So, again, you don’t automatically possess a Christ consciousness.


Isaiah 42:8, “I am the Lord, that is my name, and my glory I will not give to another.”  So we are not little gods running around here on earth that we just need to simply figure out our Christ consciousness.  That refutes panentheism.   Hope you got those verses.


Beck has some good information that he can put out but he mixes in this spirituality and how many are buying into it?  He’s accomplishing what Opera could not accomplish with people on the right and that, I think, is what makes him dangerous.  And Rick Warren’s doing his share and Neale Donald Walsch and Marcus Borg and the emergent church and Rob Bell.


Talk to you Monday.


[End of Audio]

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