Chinese President Has Called On Troops To Intensify Their Preparations For War



  • A congressional inquiry on the attempted assassination of Donald Trump has issued its preliminary report, and the U.S. Secret Service does not come out looking good.
  • A renowned virologist has some bad news for the Covid vaccinated.
  • Global uncertainties are propelling gold prices to new highs, but how far can we expect prices to go?
  • Daniel Greenfield has a theory on where the leaked information on Israel’s planned attack on Iran may have come from.
  • And seven Israeli citizens are arrested for allegedly spying on behalf of Iran.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

House lawmakers tasked with investigating the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump in Pennsylvania said Monday that the attack never would have happened had the Secret Service been prepared and acted appropriately.

The House Task Force on the July 13 assassination attempt in Butler released a 53-page interim report detailing the “stunning security failures” that led to Trump being struck in the ear by a bullet fired by 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks. These failures included numerous communication errors and inadequate planning to secure the site. 

The task force stated:

“Put simply, the evidence obtained by the Task Force to date shows the tragic and shocking events of July 13 were preventable and should not have happened.”

One of the key findings of the report concluded that the security perimeter set up by the Secret Service allowed people to get within 150 yards of the stage where Trump was speaking without going through security screening. 

The report concluded:

“The Task Force found that the [American Glass Research] parking lot was in fact closed to vehicle traffic, but a crowd gathered on the adjacent grassy area near the chain-link fence that marked the outer perimeter established by the Secret Service. Onlookers in that area did not need to pass through the event’s magnetometers to see the rally stage — despite being approximately 150 yards from where the former President was speaking.”

Additionally, the task force noted that the Secret Service recognized that areas outside the security perimeter were risks but didn’t take the proper steps to secure them. 


Renowned Belgian virologist Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche sounded the alarm over a looming collapse of immunity among the fully vaccinated, resulting in widespread global turbo cancer, heart attacks, strokes, and ultimately death.

The mass deaths, which Bossche describes as a “massive, massive tsunami,” will be a result of compromised immune systems among those who received the COVID-19 vaccine and boosters.

The incoming mass deaths will not only overwhelm hospitals. Dr. Bossche said it will destroy the economy and cause social chaos.

Bossche said the spike in so-called long COVID, a term created by Big Pharma to cover up vaccine injury, will begin to become more noticeable this year.

Bossche said:

“You will see what will happen, for example, in the next coming weeks … is more and more cases of more serious long COVID. They will start to replace the surge of the cancers … now we have a more chronic phase.”

“It will end with a hyper-acute phase, a huge, huge wave … I’ve been studying this now for four years. I know what I’m talking about. We will have to build a completely new world.”

Bossche predicts an imminent health crisis beyond what the world has ever seen.

The mass deaths will result in a total failure of the system, which Bossche warns that “a completely new world” will emerge – the elite’s “great reset.”

“It is very, very clear that when this starts, our hospitals will collapse,” Bossche warned.

“And that means the chaos in all kinds of layers of society – financial, economic, social, you name it – will be complete.”

COVID was the first of many dominoes that would destroy the current world order, and a new world order would emerge.

He added that:

“It’s very strange for me to make such statements, but I’m not hiding it because I’m 200 percent convinced that it will happen. You commit errors or even crimes at the very small scale, you can hide them – I’ve seen this happen with the Ebola vaccination with Africa a number of years ago. However, if you do this at the very large scale, like what has happened with this mass (COVID) vaccination campaign, the truth will surface.”

The mass genocide event is not happening in a few years; it’s happening now.

“If these people would now go out and say, ‘Yeah, wait a minute, we have been making some mistakes, it wasn’t all right, we have to correct them, we have to revise our opinion,’ these people will be stoned in the streets. They can only hope that something will happen that will distract from this issue, but it won’t.”


This could be why the globalists are so keen on starting World War III. That would be the perfect cover, and distraction, from the nightmarish bioweapon they have unleashed.


Global uncertainties are propelling gold prices to new record highs, above $2,700 an ounce, and precious metals analysts expect prices to go still higher, perhaps eclipsing the $3,000 mark.

The price surges have resulted in renewed attention from both retail and institutional investors, according to a report by the Liberty Daily. This shift comes as traditional safe-haven assets are increasingly perceived to be under threat.

Strategists at Bank of America suggest that investors, including central banks, should consider reallocating into gold as a means of protecting wealth against persistent inflation and the risks associated with excessive fiat currency creation and government borrowing.

A Bank of America strategist stated:

“Gold looks to be the last ‘safe-haven’ asset standing, incentivizing traders including central banks to increase exposure.”

As U.S. debt continues to rocket upward, there are concerns regarding Treasury supply risks. Analysts warn that higher interest rate payments relative to GDP will elevate gold’s appeal in the coming years.

Analysts have also referenced insights from the International Monetary Fund, which anticipates global spending could reach 7% to 8% of GDP annually by 2030.

The Bank of America report concludes:

“Ultimately, something has to give: if markets become reluctant to absorb all the debt and volatility increases, gold may be the last perceived safe-haven asset standing.”


Chinese President Xi Jinping has called on troops to intensify their preparations for war, just days after China staged large-scale military exercises around Taiwan. 

These exercises, the fourth such drills in just over two years, involved fighter jets, drones, warships, and coast guard vessels encircling the island.

Xi's comments, made during a visit to a People's Liberation Army Rocket Force brigade, emphasized the need for the military to “comprehensively strengthen training and preparation for war” and ensure “solid combat capabilities.” 

The Chinese dictator stressed the importance of safeguarding China's “strategic security and core interests,” a clear reference to Taiwan, which China claims as part of its territory.

While Taiwan President Lai Ching-te's recent National Day speech maintained the status quo on cross-strait relations, China framed it as a provocation, justifying its aggressive military exercises. The drills, named Joint Sword-2024B, simulated a blockade of Taiwan and involved China’s biggest aircraft carrier group, marking an escalation from previous exercises.

The Chinese government and state media issued harsh statements condemning Lai's speech and emphasizing China's determination to achieve “complete reunification of the motherland.” 

The Ministry of National Defense warned of a “sword hanging over their heads” for those seeking Taiwanese independence.


In an unexpected and somewhat bizarre new development out of Israel, Zero Hedge reports that government authorities say they've busted up a significant spy network, arresting seven Israeli citizens for gathering information on behalf of Iranian intelligence.

Israel's internal security agency Shin Bet announced Monday that it “successfully dismantled a spy network involving seven Israeli citizens who were operating on behalf of Iranian intelligence.”

The detained have been identified as Jewish residents of Haifa and the north, even including an IDF soldier who had deserted the military. Two of the seven are reportedly minors.

Shin Bet has said the group conducted hundreds of small operations on behalf of Tehran, mostly focused on photographing and monitoring sensitive military sites, even the locations of where Iron Dome battery sites are positioned.

They reportedly spied on Kirya defense headquarters in Tel Aviv and the Nevatim and Ramat David air bases, along with other bases of the Israel Defense Forces.

Some of these very sites were targeted by Iran's Oct.1st ballistic missile attack, or they have also been targeted by Hezbollah rockets from the north.

The tasks also allegedly involved the exchange of maps with their Iranian handlers, detailing locations of military sites. It is being called one of the most serious cases of Iran-related spying in memory.

The Times of Israel writes:

“In return for their actions, the suspects were paid hundreds of thousands of dollars, some of it in cryptocurrency…All of them have carried out espionage activities since the start of the war.”


Donald Trump made a surprise stop in Asheville, North Carolina Monday after the devastation of Hurricane Helene earlier in the month.

Among other things, Trump announced that the GoFundMe he put together for the victims of the hurricane has raised $8 million.  

Trump said he set up the GoFundMe account right after the storm hit and left thousands with damaged or destroyed homes and businesses. 

He said property and material goods could be replaced, but nothing will erase the effect that death has had in the community. The official death toll from Hurricane Helene is around 350 people but hundreds remain unaccounted for.

WATCH VIDEO (clip first 2:54)


Beginning at the start of this month, the United Kingdom has mandated that all farmers and homeowners must register their poultry flocks with the government, and will soon be required to report the emissions in the bird’s excretion.

The implementation of the law and deadline to sign up began as of October 1st.

All British homeowners and farmers are required to register the number of birds they own with the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA), even if it’s just one and if it’s kept as a pet.

This includes all manner of:

  • chickens
  • turkeys
  • aviary birds
  • birds of prey
  • ducks
  • emus
  • geese
  • guinea fowls
  • kiwis
  • ostriches
  • partridges
  • pigeons

The British government plainly states, “You’re breaking the law if you do not register.”

There are two separate registries: one for owning and raising less than 50 birds, and another form for farmers who manage over 50 birds.

According to the registration form for the over 50, APHA explained that the law applies to 50 or more birds kept for any period of time for the consumption of meat and eggs; other commercial purposes; restocking game birds; or breeding.

APHA will also ask for contact details, a list of details on the owner of the birds, the location where the birds are kept, and details of the birds that are kept, such as the species, the number and why the owners keep them.

This is the nannie state on steroids.


A viral video of President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama appears to show the two Democratic presidents agreeing that Vice President Kamala Harris is “not as strong” as Biden.

According to The New York Post, Jeremy Freeman, a professional lip reader who has served as a University College London-certified witness, translated a video of Biden and Obama talking together at Ethel Kennedy’s memorial service in Washington, D.C., last week.

In the video, Freeman said Biden appears to tell Obama, “She’s not as strong as me.” 

In response, Obama reportedly said, “I know … that’s true,” before adding, “We have time.” 

According to Freeman, Biden then told Obama, “Yeah, we’ll get it in time.”


Freeman also said that Obama told Biden, “It’s important that we have some time together.” The New York Post indicated that Obama’s comment could have been made in reference to the two Democratic presidents campaigning for Harris.


Time now for our nightly Worldview Report commentary.

We take a look at the mystery leaker that may be hiding in plain sight.

The U.S. government is investigating after an alleged leak of classified U.S. military documents detailing Israeli plans to strike Iran.

A social media channel called Middle East Spectator published the U.S. military documents online over the weekend. The documents, marked top secret, provide a U.S. assessment of potential retaliatory actions Israel may take after Iran launched a wave of ballistic missiles at it on October 1st.

The U.S. documents describe heightened Israeli movements of air-launched ballistic missiles, as well as covert drone surveillance operations. 

White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby addressed the leaks during a call with reporters on October 21st, but said U.S. officials were unsure whether the documents came to light via a hack or exposure by an internal source within the Department of Defense.

Kirby said:

“We’re not exactly sure how these documents found their way into the public domain. I know the Department of Defense is investigating this, and I’m sure that as they work through that, they’ll try to determine the manner in which they did become public.”

Kirby said Joe Biden was concerned about the leak, adding:

“We’re deeply concerned, and the President remains deeply concerned about any leakage of classified information into the public domain. That is not supposed to happen, and it’s unacceptable when it does.”

It’s all a charade, says Daniel Greenfield in an article for Jihad Watch.

Greenfield writes:

“The media has been filled with anonymous leaks and quotes from Biden-Harris administration officials regarding Israel’s attack plans on Iran. It was all too obvious that these leaks were deliberate and orchestrated.”

He says the long history of leaks now appear to have escalated to directly passing material.

Rob Malley, Biden’s Iran envoy, is under FBI investigation for mishandling classified documents. Much of the State Department covered for him, lying to Congress and foreign officials.

And then there’s Ariane Tabatabai, the Chief of Staff to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations, an Iranian immigrant who was collaborating with the Iranian Foreign Ministry back in 2014 and ran her congressional testimony past Iran.

Tabatabai was already the subject of extensive scrutiny and according to a report by RedState, there’s a source saying that the leak came out of the same office.

Greenfield notes that these are just the obvious red flags with links to Iran. 

He writes that:

“There’s a whole army of radicals, Islamists and anti-Israel activists now deeply embedded in the National Security Council, the intelligence community, the Department of Defense and just about everywhere else.”

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for watching and supporting this broadcast. 

Until next time…


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