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  • A U.S. Air Force base in Texas comes under attack by drive-by shooters. 
  • A House committee releases a major report on the Biden family’s foreign business dealings, and the conclusion isn’t pretty.
  • Hamas carries out the first suicide bombing attack inside Israel in more than a decade.
  • The unvaxxed need not apply for any jobs within Kamala Harris’s 2024 presidential campaign. 
  • GM lays off more than 1,000 tech workers.
  • Trump hires Tulsi Gabbard as an advisor.
  • And China’s communist government is stockpiling unprecedented amounts of food. We’ll explain why.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now! 


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

U.S. Air Force security guards exchanged gunfire with someone who opened fire at an entrance to Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland on Saturday, according to a spokesperson for the base.

Base officials said a suspect in a dark sedan was passing by the main entry gate of the facility when they began shooting toward the gate at around 4:30 a.m. local time, according to CBS News affiliate KENS5. The suspect attempted to shoot again, prompting a service member on guard at the gate to pull out a gun and return fire. The sedan then left the scene. 

No injuries were reported, public affairs chief Stefanie Antosh told the San Antonio Express-News.

The San Antonio Police Department is leading the investigation.  

It was not known how many rounds were fired, how many shooters there were, or what their motive was, Antosh said. Base officials said they do not believe the shooter had ties to the military. 

Antosh added that:

“We don't know what, if anything, started it. But it wasn't an active threat to the installation, and there is no active threat to the installation.”

The entrance was closed for several hours after the shooting, but the base was not locked down, according to Antosh. No arrests have been made, KENS5 reported. 


A House committee released a 292-page report Monday documenting how the Biden crime family received at least $27 million from foreign entities since 2014. Biden “actively engaged” in impeachable conduct while he “defrauded the United States to enrich his family.”


One has to ask, why is this coming out now, when Biden has already dropped out of the race? Will it be used to get him to resign his office before the end of his term, allowing Kamala to replace him as the first female president ahead of the November election? It certainly bears watching.


Hamas and Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for a rare suicide-bombing attack Monday which targeted the heart of Tel Aviv, Israel. 

That's when a powerful explosive device ripped through a south Tel Aviv neighborhood. A suicide bomber was observed carrying a backpack before it detonated early, killing the culprit and injuring an innocent bystander who was on a motorized scooter.

A research analyst at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, shared a video of Sunday’s explosion that was captured by security cameras.


The Times of Israel reports that “The Shin Bet said it was still working to confirm the identity of the bomber, a man in his 50s, although Hebrew media outlets reported that he was believed to be a Palestinian from the Nablus area in the West Bank.” The last suicide bombings in Tel Aviv were in the early and mid-2000s.

Hamas and Islamic Jihad confirmed they were behind the operation, and promised more suicide attacks to come.


Israfan reports that Jordan has decided to open its airspace to Israeli aircraft while simultaneously closing it to Iranian planes. This unexpected move enhances Israel's ability to intercept potential threats from Iran, strengthening its regional security posture. 

The United States has been actively working to create a coalition of Arab states that previously cooperated with Israel, the U.S., and Britain during an Iranian drone attack back in April. This coalition shot down nearly every projectile from reaching Israeli territory. The reopening of Jordanian airspace is a crucial step in reestablishing this alliance, which aims to deter Iran from retaliating against Israel following recent high-profile military operations. These include the elimination of Hezbollah’s second-in-command in Beirut and Ismail Haniyeh, the head of Hamas, in Iran. 


Kamala Harris has deemed the unvaxxed unhireable in recent help-wanted ads run on behalf of her campaign.


One such ad posting, for a media booking agent paying a salary of $90,000 to $100,000, reads:

Harris for President requires all employees to be ‘up to date’ on COVID-19 vaccination status as prescribed by the CDC as a condition of employment, unless otherwise prohibited by applicable law. If you seek a reasonable accommodation in relation to the campaign's COVID-19 policy, you should speak to the HR Department* prior to reporting to an office location.”

Can you imagine trying to reason with a paper-pusher in the Harris HR Department? How gender-diverse, how colorful would one have to be in order to gain such employment?

And now, we ask, how many toxic Covid death shots must one endure? I think the official UP TO DATE number is something like six shots, but it could be seven. I lost track a while ago.


Former President Donald Trump called former Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard to advise him ahead of his first presidential debate against Kamala Harris.

Notably, Gabbard debated Harris during the 2019 Democratic presidential debates. The former Hawaii congresswoman has since left the Democratic Party and has become an outspoken critic of the Biden administration, specifically Harris.

Here she is debating Harris in 2019.


The New York Times reported that Gabbard met with Trump at his South Florida Mar-a-Lago residence to prepare him for his debate against Harris.

This revelation comes after Gabbard was on Trump’s vice-presidential shortlist.


The Gateway Pundit reports that in 2021, former NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins resigned just a few weeks after documents exposed he lied about his involvement in gain-of-function research in the Wuhan lab.

The Intercept obtained 900 pages of Wuhan documents through a FOIA request revealing that Collins and Anthony Fauci lied about funding gain-of-function research.

“The documents make it clear that assertions by the NIH Director, Francis Collins, and the NIAID Director, Anthony Fauci, that the NIH did not support gain-of-function research or potential pandemic pathogen enhancement at WIV are untruthful,” Rutgers University chemical biology professor Richard Ebright said.

Collins also admitted to radio host Hugh Hewitt that the U.S. collaborated with the Wuhan Virology Laboratory.

The duo even teamed up to initiate a propaganda attack against the hundreds of doctors worldwide who signed a declaration urging the medical community to initiate a plan of action that included “focused protection” rather than the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the COVID-19 policies pushed by Collins and Fauci.

A video shared online shows Collins being confronted on behalf of a COVID vaccine injury victim.

The man told Collins, “Hey Dr. Collins….you and Ralph Baric and Anthony Fauci deserve to be in prison for the rest of your lives. You have so much blood on your hands, I hope you sleep well at night.”


Sadly, that’s a man who probably hasn’t lost a moment’s sleep for the death and suffering he has caused to millions of men, women and children.


Slay News reports that an 18-year-old student collapsed and died suddenly after traveling to the UK to work during a sabbatical year.

Jack Ryan from Australia dropped dead in the bathroom at his accommodation over the weekend.


Ryan was working in southeast England as part of the “Letz Live” program at the Dulwich Cranbrook school in Kent, according to the Daily Mail.

The 18-year-old was considered healthy and was very active in sports, including rugby and cricket.

No cause of death was released.

Even his family says they have no idea how their teen died so suddenly.

Ryan’s father, Peter, is on his way to the UK to get some answers regarding his son’s death. He’s unlikely to get much.

But there is a brand-new study out of Oxford, England, which we reported on yesterday, showing that children and teenagers who got the Covid vax are dying suddenly of heart attacks and other cardiac events.


As war rhetoric heats up, nearly all major airlines have announced suspensions of their service to Tel Aviv and Beirut. This also as foreign nationals have scrambled to get out of both countries, given ongoing fears of the outbreak of a larger regional war involving Iran attacking Israel.

While American Airlines was among the carriers announcing temporary pauses in service, it has now issued a surprisingly lengthy extension to its suspension in flights. On Friday, the Fort Worth-based company announced it doesn't plan to resume flights to Tel Aviv until next spring.

American Airlines has suspended operations to and from Tel Aviv through March 29, 2025, a spokesperson said in a statement to Newsmax.

So it seems that despite recent U.S. declarations that a Gaza ceasefire is at the "eleventh hour" and near the goal line – major carriers like American Airlines remain deeply skeptical and foresee extended safety issues in terms of airspace over the region.

Iran has yet to retaliate for the July 31st Israeli assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran; however, Israel is still on the alert, and believes such a reprisal attack could come in the form of a ballistic missile and drone launches at any moment. That makes air travel a non-starter.


Catholic News Agency reports that British Police have paid $16,800 in compensation to Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, the Christian volunteer who was twice arrested for praying silently near an abortion facility in Birmingham, England.

The settlement comes as the U.K. government is reportedly set to strengthen its crackdown on silent prayer near abortion facilities by expressly labeling it as “criminal” in upcoming nationwide “buffer zone” legislation.

Vaughan-Spruce, director of March for Life UK, was first arrested in December 2022 for silently praying within a public space protection order zone outside a closed abortion facility.

The order prohibited “protesting and engaging in an act that is intimidating to service users,” which local authorities interpreted to include silent prayer.

In February 2023, Vaughan-Spruce was acquitted of all charges related to the incident. However, she was arrested again in March 2023 for the same activity.

Vaughan-Spruce said in a statement released by Alliance Defending Freedom UK:

“Silent prayer is not a crime. Nobody should be arrested merely for the thoughts they have in their heads — yet this happened to me twice at the hands of the West Midlands Police, who explicitly told me that ‘prayer is an offense.’”

The compensation from West Midlands Police acknowledges the unjust treatment and breach of Vaughan-Spruce’s human rights.

ADF UK reported that Vaughan-Spruce had issued a claim against the police for “two wrongful arrests and false imprisonments; assault and battery in relation to an intrusive search of her person; and for a breach of her human rights both in respect to the arrests and to the onerous bail conditions imposed on her.”

Despite this victory, concerns remain about potential future violations of religious freedom and freedom of thought. 

Britain’s Lord Frost stated: “It is incredible that people have been arrested for thought crime in modern Britain.”


The Federalist reports that prior to her sudden silence after becoming the Democrat presidential nominee, Kamala Harris had been an eager, full-throated supporter of single-payer medicine systems like the Bernie Sanders-sponsored Medicare for All Act of 2023

This would put the federal government in complete control of all aspects of health care: financing, staffing and credentialling, and all medical decisions.

Presumably, if Harris attained the presidency, she would “do whatever it takes,” just as Barack Obama did with the (un)-Affordable Care Act, to pass her version of Medicare for All. 

As noted by the Federalist, “preserving just one payer for health care is the best choice. That should be the patient, not the federal government.”

Although the specifics of Medicare for All are variable and complex, the major elements are straightforward. D.C. promises to deliver cradle-to-grave medical care at a cost of $33 trillion to $40 trillion over a 10-year period. The higher figure is according to Sanders.

For perspective, consider this: In 2023, the combined GDP of all nations was $105 trillion. Harris would spend nearly half the productivity of planet Earth on her single-payer health care. 

Medicare for All would abolish all public and private insurance plans, except Indian Health Service and Tricare, replacing them with a single federal plan. A national health budget would dictate payments for both services and goods. Patients would pay nothing directly but a massive amount indirectly, as Medicare for All would be funded by taxes. Given the cost of Medicare for All, the tax burden could easily double for Americans. 

The 2023 Medicare for All plan would cover most Americans. Harris intends to add at least 11 million illegal entrants. That’s just for starters. The Medicare for All bureaucracy would determine what care individuals get, when, by whom, where, and even if. Medical autonomy, the freedom to choose one’s care, would be nullified, just as in the United Kingdom’s single-payer system. 


China’s communist government is stockpiling tons and tons of food, making it a major national security priority for its people. Why is this?

All News Pipeline reports that Tommy Waller, president and CEO of the Washington, D.C.-based think tank the Center for Security Policy, says most Americans do not understand that “food security is national security”

And currently, the safety of American citizens is being jeopardized by the U.S. government. The retired Marine Corps lieutenant colonel, in an interview with WND, explained that “at the federal level, our nation has catastrophically failed to prioritize food security while all of our adversaries, both hostile nations and globalists, have had their crosshairs on food for quite a while.”

For example, Waller said the Chinese government has an entire agency called the National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration. It is largely responsible for laws and regulations that oversee China’s grain and material reserves.

Waller said, “China’s grain inventories are so abundant that the stock-to-use ratio is well above the international grain security threshold.”

In contrast to the Chinese regime’s prioritizing strategic reserves of food, he says, “The U. S. government has not put a major priority on food security or preparedness.” 

He told WND, “under the Biden administration, the USDA and FEMA have transitioned from a culture of preparedness to priorities of diversity, equity and inclusion – DEI – and climate change.”

What’s more, he said, the Biden administration has incentivized many farmers to reprioritize the use of their land away from cultivating it for food production. Through the Conservation Reserve Program, he explained, “farmers are getting paid more to get their land into the program as opposed to farming it.” While he conceded there are some benefits to the program, he also pointed out that farmers are producing less food as a result, and this diminishes America’s food security.


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

General Motors is laying off more than 1,000 salaried tech employees in its software and services division in an effort to streamline the unit’s operations, CNBC is reporting.

The layoffs include roughly 600 jobs at GM’s tech campus in Warren, Michigan, just outside of Detroit.

The cuts come as automakers attempt to reduce costs during an industry downturn and as they’re spending billions of dollars on super-expensive all-electric vehicles and so-called software-defined vehicles. These include self-driving autonomous vehicles that are continuously gathering up and sending all your personal data to a central computer, then they sell it off to third parties. These cars will also include remote kill switches.

In other words, the auto industry is pouring all of its R&D money into vehicles that nobody in their right mind would want to own. 

Only a digital slave to Klaus Schwab’s Fourth Industrial Revolution would want a car that spies on them, reports their driving habits to the insurance companies, and offers the government the opportunity to shut their car down.

It would be nice to see some new automobile manufacturers spring up to fill the niche of consumers who would like to remain free. Free of tracking, free of those nagging beeping reminders to put your seatbelt on, free of cameras checking your every move, and with no online connection to the socialist nanny state. The time for such a car company has arrived. Will anyone answer the bell? I hope so. 

What about you? Would you buy a car that’s made in America, specifically for freedom-loving Americans, who want nothing more than to be left alone, free of the entangling web of Big Brother surveillance? 

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for watching and supporting this broadcast. 

Until next time…


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