The Second Beast Out of the Earth: The False Prophet and the Coming Deception

The Second Beast Out of the Earth: The False Prophet and the Coming Deception


Greetings, my friends. Last night, on the Worldview Weekend Hour, we dove into lesson 32 of our ongoing study of the Book of Revelation. The date was March 9, 2025, and we turned our attention to Revelation 13:11, where John writes, “Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth.” This second beast, as I explained, introduces us to the false prophet—a figure who will play a pivotal role in the end-times deception, energized by Satan himself, and working in lockstep with the Antichrist, the first beast from the sea. If you missed it, you can catch the full broadcast at starting today, Monday, March 10. But let me unpack some of what we covered, because this is critical for every believer—and every soul—to understand.

Another Beast, Another Deception

Revelation 13:11 tells us this second beast comes “up out of the earth,” distinct from the first beast that rises from the sea. As I shared last night, scholars like David Hawking point out that the Greek word for “another” here means “another of the same kind.” This false prophet shares the same beastly character as the Antichrist—both are empowered by the dragon, Satan (Revelation 12:9). But while the first beast wields political power with his ten horns and seven heads, this second beast has “two horns like a lamb” and “spoke like a dragon” (Revelation 13:11). He’s a counterfeit, folks—a religious leader masquerading as a lamb, mimicking the true Lamb of God (Revelation 5:6), but speaking the lies of Satan.

What does “out of the earth” mean? Some, like Dr. Andy Woods, suggest it could mean “the land”—a biblical reference to Israel. This leads to a fascinating possibility: Could the false prophet be Jewish? Think about it. The Jews have awaited Elijah’s return for 2,400 years as the forerunner of the Messiah, even setting a place for him at the Passover Seder. What if this false prophet positions himself as an Elijah figure, paving the way for the Antichrist to be accepted as a substitute Messiah? Malachi 4:5 promises Elijah’s return “before the great and dreadful day of the Lord.” Could Satan twist this expectation to deceive the Jews and the world? It’s a sobering thought.

Signs, Wonders, and Artificial Intelligence

The text goes on to say this false prophet “performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men” (Revelation 13:13). Fire from heaven? That’s Elijah’s signature move (2 Kings 1:10-12). This counterfeit prophet may mimic Elijah to bolster his credibility. But here’s where it gets chilling: Revelation 13:15 says he’s “granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.” An image that speaks? Blasphemous words in the temple (Daniel 9:27; Matthew 24:15)? How might this happen?

Enter artificial intelligence (AI). Last night, I played a clip of Elon Musk from an interview where he jokingly said of his AI project, Grok, built in Memphis—the ancient Egyptian capital—“Perhaps that’s where our new God will come from.” Funny? I don’t think so. Musk has warned about AI becoming a “digital god,” and he’s not wrong to be concerned. Imagine an AI-powered image in the temple, speaking blasphemies, tracking every person’s allegiance via a digital mark (Revelation 13:16-17). No buying or selling without it. Sound far-fetched? Look at the European Union’s push for a digital euro. Look at Musk’s own words about universal basic income replacing jobs lost to AI. The stage is being set, folks—not just for convenience, but for control.

The Unholy Trinity and Today’s False Teachers

This false prophet doesn’t act alone. He’s part of an unholy trinity—Satan (the dragon), the Antichrist (the first beast), and himself—mocking the true Triune God. Revelation 16:13-14 shows their unity in deception, spewing lies and counterfeit signs. But here’s the kicker: the groundwork is being laid now by false teachers within the church. Jesus warned of this in Matthew 24:24—false christs and prophets deceiving even the elect, if possible. I showed you last night screenshots from our website, exposing groups like the American Family Association promoting New Apostolic Reformation figures like Heidi Baker and Lou Engle. These are laying a foundation of acceptance for miraculous signs divorced from biblical truth.

Worse yet, so-called discernment ministries defend interfaith dialogues with those who deny Christ’s deity—like James White’s meeting with a Jew-hating, Holocaust-denying imam. The Bible is clear in 2 John 7-11: don’t greet such people in a spiritual sense, lest you share in their evil deeds. Yet some twist Scripture to give their buddies a pass. Who’s more dangerous—Benny Hinn, whom most can spot, or these insiders preparing the way for the false prophet?

A Substitute Christ

The word “antichrist” doesn’t just mean “against Christ.” The Greek “anti” means “in place of” or “substitute for” (Strong’s #473). This isn’t Satan opposing religion—he’s too smart for that, as Vance Havner said. He’s crafting a counterfeit so close to the real thing that good Christians hesitate to call it out. During the Tribulation, many will crave a spiritual salve for their guilt, and the Antichrist—propped up by the false prophet—will offer it. A global religion, economy, and government (Revelation 18) centered on a substitute Christ. Blasphemy will abound—Revelation 13 mentions it four times in this chapter alone.

A Warning and a Cliffhanger

We closed last night with a cliffhanger: What does “breath” and “image” mean in Revelation 13:15? I’ll dive into the Greek next week, offering some sanctified guesses about how AI and demonic forces might converge. But here’s my warning, echoing last night: Do not worship the beast. Do not take his mark. Some watching in the Tribulation may hear this now or later and refuse it—not yet believers, but open to truth. Revelation 14:9-11 is clear: those who take the mark face eternal judgment.

The stage is set—technologically with AI, religiously with false teachers, politically with globalism. Are you tired of God being blasphemed? Psalm 74:10 cries out, “How long will the enemy blaspheme Your name forever?” Not forever, friends. Christ, the true Lamb, holds the scroll (Revelation 5:7). He’s coming back. Until then, stand firm. Join us next Sunday at for lesson 33. We need your support to keep this broadcast going—visit to help. Until next time, I’m Brannon Howse. Take care.



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