The Trojan Horse Within Christian Media

The Trojan Horse Within: Why Christian Media Is Unfit for Consumption

By Brannon Howse
March 18, 2025

Folks, if you’re still getting your news—or worse, your theology—from so-called “Christian media” like Christianity Today, World Magazine, or The Christian Post, it’s time to wake up. These outlets aren’t just drifting from biblical truth; they’re actively subverting it, pushing a progressive agenda that’s poisoning the church and undermining everything we stand for. I sat down with Tom Littleton, our Religious Trojan Horse Reporter, to unpack this mess, and what he’s uncovered is a coordinated effort to co-opt Christianity for a globalist, anti-American endgame.

The Players: Alasky, Moore, and the Progressive Pit

Tom’s latest piece at nails it: “Warning: Christian Media Unfit for Consumption.” Exhibit A? Marvin Alasky, the former World Magazine editor, now cozying up with Russell Moore at Christianity Today—or as I’ve called it for 20 years, Christianity Astray. Alasky’s a supposed “legendary” journalist, a Presbyterian elder with a hefty bio, but his track record tells a different story. This guy’s an avowed anti-Trumper who’s peddled critical race theory and interviewed Marxist operatives like Justin Giboney of the & Campaign—a Democratic Party shill for Obama and Hillary pushing “social justice and biblical values.” I dubbed that mix “Marxianity” in my 2018 book, and Alasky’s been a cheerleader for it.

Then there’s Russell Moore, the ex-Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) head, who tanked his credibility with an anti-Trump tirade so shrill it earned him a no-confidence vote in 2021. Now he’s at Christianity Today, welcoming Alasky like some prodigal son. These two are peas in a progressive pod, hating Trump, MAGA, and the patriots trying to save this country from Islamists and globalists. Tom’s right: they’re political operatives, not journalists, and they want you to believe Make America Great Again is anti-American. Let that sink in.

But it gets worse. Al Mohler, Moore’s mentor and the Southern Baptist Seminary kingpin for decades, is now at World Magazine, running their “World Opinions” page with Moore’s disciple Andrew Walker. Mohler’s playing a slick game—sounding conservative on Christian radio to fleece the older crowd for donations while mentoring a generation of neo-Calvinists who push ecumenical, one-world-church nonsense. My wife called him out years ago at dinner, labeling him a “useless pompous ass”—crude but spot-on. These guys are deceivers, and they’ve got the stomach for it.

The Trap: Christian Nationalism vs. Anti-Trump Hysteria

Here’s the scheme Tom exposed: they’re herding Christians into two toxic camps. On one side, Moore and Alasky lead the anti-Trump brigade, shaming evangelicals for backing a president who’s kicking pro-Hamas radicals out of our country. On the other, Mohler’s crew pushes “Christian nationalism”—a trap I’ve warned against for years. Don’t fall for it. When someone calls you a Christian nationalist, don’t say “guilty.” Say, “I’m a Bible-believing Christian for a constitutional republic.” Why? Because they’re itching to paint you as a fascist, a neo-Nazi, tying you to Hitler’s playbook to vilify MAGA and scatter Trump’s base.

Tom’s spot-on: both sides come from the same progressive pit that’s trashed our denominations, seminaries, and pulpits with critical theories and globalist claptrap. They’re not leaving room for anything else—no space for biblical conservatism or constitutional patriotism. Their endgame? Collapse MAGA, confuse Christians, and drive us toward a “global Christianity” that ditches the Constitution, free speech, and America itself for a Marxianity that feeds the left’s agenda.

The Globalist Tie-In: Christian Post and the WEA

Take The Christian Post. Tom’s dug up the dirt: it’s run by Richard Land, a Council on Foreign Relations and World Economic Forum insider, and since 2018, Dr. Christopher Chow from the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA). The WEA’s all-in on the UN’s Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development Goals—globalist buzzwords for control. These aren’t fringe outlets; they’re three of the most influential “Christian” publications out there, alongside Christianity Today and World Magazine. And they’re all neo-evangelical mouthpieces pushing identity politics, shaming Trump supporters, and grooming Christians to be “global citizens” instead of patriots.

Why They’re Targeting the Church

Tom hit the nail on the head: they see the church as the backbone of conservatism, MAGA, and the Constitution. That’s why they’re co-opting it. Lenin said it best: handle your opposition by owning it. My books—Religious Trojan Horse (2011), Religious Reich (2016), Marxianity (2018)—charted this takeover, and Tom’s research, independent of mine, confirmed it when we met in 2017. They’re building a harlot church for the New World Order—politics, economics, and religion fused into one. Mohler, Moore, Alasky—they’re neo-Calvinist architects of this ecumenical nightmare.

The Call: Tune Out, Dig In

Tom’s advice? Stop being a Christian consumer. Ditch the mainstream “Christian” media—it’s unfit for consumption. World Magazine even banned my ads years ago for criticizing Rick Warren, a faith-based partnership darling Alasky helped prop up under Bush’s “compassionate conservatism.” These outlets aren’t just tainted; they’re warping your worldview and twisting Scripture to serve political operatives. Subject them to the Word of God, not the other way around.

That’s why we’re here at Worldview Weekend—35 years of unvarnished truth, not clickbait. Check our archives at and support us at Join us in Milwaukee April 15th ( or October 3rd-4th ( Tom’s at—read him. This is a fight for the church, the Constitution, and America. Don’t let the Trojan horse win.


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