The world is in a State of Unprecedented Chaos

The world is in a state of unprecedented upset, with crises in multiple areas coming to a head at the same time. The stress these circumstances are generating is leaving many feeling uneasy and at a loss to know how to respond. Brannon Howse, host of Worldview Weekend Radio, gave an excellent program on a biblical and Scriptural perspective on what is happening. 

Howse began his broadcast by pointing out various emergencies:

Financial Meltdown: A major financial crisis is ongoing in New York, shaking up world markets.

Middle East War: A possibility of war between Israel and Iran is in the cards as the tensions in that region escalate.

Political Unrest in Bangladesh and Great Britain: The parliament and the Prime Minister's house have been captured, leading to a further worsening of the world's situation. In Great Britain, citizens are clashing with police as they protest the invasion of their country by violent immigrants, military aged males from foreign nations and a long history, documented by court cases, of muslim men raping the women of their communities. 

Censorship and Free Speech: More and more laws are taking effect that suppress speech, but most of it is centered on election fraud or those that speak truth about illegal immigration and Islam. 

Military Movements: The arrival of F-16s in Ukraine and the deployment of US warships and troops to the Middle East are signs of increased military conflict growing around the globe. 

The Call for a World Leader

Brannon Howse explained how the current confusion that engulfs the world is laying the foundation for a world leader who will display "counterfeit miracles, signs, and wonders." This perspective comes from understanding biblical prophecies related to the end times, where global distress precedes the rise of a significant leader known as the Antichrist.

Guest Interviews

Brannon Howse invited a panel of experts to shed further light on these matters that included: 

Colonel Rob Maness: The Colonel provided insight into the military and geopolitical impact of current events, particularly the alliances that are being strengthened between Russia, Iran, and China.

Aharon Levarko: Aharon updated the audience on the situation in Israel with the emphasis that war is imminent as he described what measures are being considered by the government of Israel including the possibility of a preemptive strike by Israel on Iran.

Peter Mcilvenna: Peter discussed the civil unrest in Great Britain, created by tensions between local citizens and immigrants, resulting in violent flare-ups and widespread public dissatisfaction. Peter also commented on the video of a senior citizen being arrested for posting his complaints about illegal immigration on his Facebook page. 

Scripture Interpretation of Current Events

Brannon reserved a portion of his show to interpret current events in the light of the Bible. He said that the global turmoil is not unexpected for those who have been studying Bible prophecy. Howse said that the events unfolding are setting the stage for the events alluded to in the Scriptures to come to pass.

The Book of Revelation

Brannon Howse talked about the verse by verse series he is teaching on the book of Revelation. You an listen to this FREE, Sunday night one-hour church service at at 8pm CT or watch later on demand on the website. 

Brannon detailed how the texts of the book of Revelation must be put into context and hope given, encouraging believers. He wants his study on the book of Revelation to give Christians assurance, as the text reveals God’s plan for true believers during these times and the days ahead.  Brannon is using this Sunday night broadcast to assure Christians that they need not be anxious amidst the chaos now unfolding and ramping up.

Encouragement and Preparation

Brannon Howse urged his listeners to be calm and prepare themselves both spiritually and in general physical ways for the challenges ahead. He encouraged prayer, studying the Scriptures, and staying informed about global events through the lens of a Biblical worldview. 

The broadcast concluded with a reminder of the importance of faith and preparedness in these tumultuous times. These revelations, along with Brannon's analysis from his guests, provide the underpinnings to understand all of the current global events and their potential implications in a prophetic, economic and geopolitical manner. 

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