All Episodes

  • Erwin Lutzer: November 6, 2020

    When marriages break up, many couples have prenuptial agreements to divvy up their possessions. Few take seriously the covenants they enter into. Let’s go back to basics, and why marriage, in God’s eyes, is a lifetime deal, come what may.
  • Sam Rohrer: October 6, 2020

    Counting the Votes: Considering the Courts. We are joined by David New (Constitutional Attorney). Topics discussed include: The Latest Update on the Presidential Vote Count. Considering Courts – Reliable or Not? Packing the Court – History. The Pathway to Victory.

  • Jimmy DeYoung: November 6, 2020

    Today on PTIB Jimmy DeYoung will have two of his Broadcast Partners at the Broadcast Table to discuss with him some very important issues. John Rood comes first to give us his European Union Up-date. Then Dr. Don DeYoung comes to tell us about the "Blue Moon", what it is, when it shows up, and why it's so rare. Then Jimmy will ask Don about the differences between Astronomy and Astrology. Many people don't understand these differences and thus get involved in activities that are displeasing to the Lord. Both of these conversations are important for you to listen to today here on PTIB.
  • Crosstalk: November 6, 2020

    Increasingly we’re hearing a rallying cry for socialism in our society. Free healthcare, free education, free food, free housing, free public transportation, free childcare, guaranteed jobs and free welfare for the poor. Certain politicians are fanning the flames of the mobs to change our government, our constitution, and our way of life as a nation. Do we really want to go the way of Russia, Communist China, Cuba or Venezuela? Is socialism a wonderful utopia or is it a totalitarian nightmare? Will everything be free or will deep-state bureaucrats decide who gets what? Is there a difference between socialism and communism?
  • Brannon Howse: November 5, 2020

    Guest: Mary Fanning and Leo Hohmann. Topic: Listen to the audio of Anita Dunn, top advisor to Presidential candidate, Joe Biden, as she declares that Communist Chinese leader Mao is one of “the two people that I turn to most.” Topic: Listen as Anita Dunn declares the need to fight your own war based on your own values and to not be constrained by right or wrong. What does her worldview tell us about the kind of people Joe Biden would be surrounded with if he becomes President? Topic: Joe Biden’s involvement in Gulftainer and the container port in Florida and Wilmington, Delaware that could allow Russia and other American adversaries to import WMDs inside America for a Pearl Harbor 2.0. Topic: What did the late Phil Haney warn Brannon about on his live television program that is perhaps one of the biggest threats to America? Did any of Phil’s research and concerns about the Club-K Cars, Ports and CITGO terminals up and down the East Coast have anything to do with Phil’s demise? Topic: Brannon shares publicly for the first time of how he and two of his fellow researchers found, and have screenshots of, a notice on Phil Haney’s Facebook that said he had checked into a hotel or visited a specific hotel in Los Angeles one day after Phil’s body was reportedly found almost 400 miles north of Los Angeles. Was this a computer glitch by Facebook, or does it point to other possibilities? Brannon reveals why this is a fact that cannot be disputed, despite what others might declare. Mary Fanning and Leo Hohmann respond to this public revelation.
  • Brannon Howse: November 3, 2020

    Guests: Vice President Mike Pence’s Nephew and Campaign Consultant John Pence, Minnesota U.S. Senatorial Candidate Jason Lewis, National Security Expert Mary Fanning, Researcher Jim Simpson. Topic: Mary Fanning discusses the computer program known as the HAMMER that can be used for voter fraud. Topic: Joe Biden’s role in turning two of our American ports over to a family with ties to Russia and Saddam Hussein. Topic: Jason Lewis joins us to discuss his final hours of campaigning for the U.S. Senate in Minnesota and the clear choice between his worldview and that of his opponent who brags of her ties to Planned Parenthood as a former executive. Topic: James Simpson joins us to discuss the Joe Biden corruption in Guatemala and how the left have persecuted their political opponents in Guatemala. Would a Biden Administration follow such a pattern? Topic: John Pence joins us to discuss what the Trump/Pence Administration have accomplished and how and why they will continue to defend religious liberty that is the foundation of so many other liberties.
  • Peter Pry: November 3, 2020

    The elections on November 3rd are a crossroads in American and World History. Will the United States—the freest, fairest, most prosperous civilization ever to exist—continue on the course of liberty and prosperity, or will it fall to the totalitarian forces of falsehood and socialism, leading to poverty and tyranny? The choice is that stark. Joe Biden is bought and paid for by Communist China. The Democrat Party wants to eliminate the nuclear Triad that has deterred nuclear war for decades. VOTE TRUMP AND REPUBLICAN FOR FREEDOM AND SURVIVAL.
  • Erwin Lutzer: November 3, 2020

    In the drama of redemption, the Old Testament is a grand prologue. In the New Testament, the great transaction takes place. Jesus gives his life not far from where Abraham almost offered Isaac. No playwright could dream of a story so wonderful.
  • Chris Pinto: November 3, 2020

    In a special one-hour program, Chris discusses the 2020 Presidential election, a showdown between President Donald Trump and the Democratic challenger, Joe Biden. Yet many argue that it’s really a choice between American freedom and the tyranny of Socialism. But not only are there the ongoing riots by Marxist left-wing radicals, but also the rising danger of radical Islam, with a new series of deadly attacks, including beheadings, in France. President Trump has warned that if Joe Biden wins, the “horrifying attacks like in France” will likely come to the United States. We also discuss the arguments of Pastor John Piper against supporting President Trump over a moral analysis of his personal character, as opposed to his political policies. Could Piper’s view hold sway over a significant portion of the Christian community?
  • Jimmy DeYoung: November 3, 2020

    "As we approach Election Day here in America, we must remember what God's Word says about Human Government. God brought Human Government into existence in order to direct Human Kind in the way He wants them to go, that's Genesis 9:6. Romans 13 says the political leaders of Human Government are ordained of God to fill these positions of Human Government and make political decisions in their role, that will set God's plan for the future, to be played out, in the days ahead. Today on PTIB Jimmy DeYoung will bring Sam Rohrer to the Broadcast Table to remind each of us of our responsibilities in the realm of Human Government, to pray, and to participate. "
  • Crosstalk: November 3, 2020

    Unbelievable orders are coming out due to COVID-19.  The State of Illinois has just recently closed all indoor dining, while Michigan’s governor is going to require restaurants to take the names and contact information of diners. Meanwhile, according to Dr. Anthony Fauci, mask mandates and social distancing may be necessary through 2021 and into 2022.

    According to the guest on this Crosstalk, totalitarians and con-artists who have hyped and exploited the coronavirus to steal freedom and destroy livelihoods are in the crosshairs for a coming tsunami of legal action.
  • Brannon Howse: November 2, 2020

    Guest: Mike Lindell of My Pillow and Kevin Freeman of Economic War Room. Topic: Mike Lindell of My Pillow Joins Brannon to Discuss President Trump And Election 2020. Listen as Mike talks about his friendship with President Trump, their first meeting and what he describes as the accomplishments of President Trump for Christians and conservatives. Mike also discusses his concerns over abortion, the break up of the American family, drug addition and the threat of socialism. This 20 minute interview is truly inspirational due to the contagious passion of Mike Lindell for faith, family and freedoms. Topic: Kevin Freeman joins us to talk about a government computer program that could be used to carry out voter fraud. What is the name of this program and who else is warning about it? Topic: The liberal media continues to quote polls that show President Trump losing big time. Is this a narrative the liberals are laying down in order to justify a wave of illegal ballots they hope to flood the zone with after election day that they hope will defeat President Trump? Topic: We take your calls.
  • Brannon Howse: October 30, 2020

    Guest: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung, Trevor Loudon and Shahram Hadian. Topic:L Trevor Loudon joins us to give us his prediction of what will happen on election day. Topic: Shahram Hadian joins us to discuss why Islamic an Islamic terrorist would carry out a beheading in a church in Paris so close to the U.S. election. What is the message being sent to the Europe and the U.S.? Topic: Israeli Defense Force launches a large military drill simulating war with Hezbollah because of Israeli Intelligence report saying that Iran through Hezbollah to attack Israel before election to embarrass Trump. Topic: Hezbollah threatens Sudan over their ties with Israel. Topic: U.S. Elections will shake up Israeli politics. Topic: The Sanhedrin ask God to reelect Trump.
  • John Whitcomb: November 2, 2020

    ​​​​​​​What were the Dark Ages, how did the Protestant Reformers rescue us from them—and how might we be going back into them once again? Host Wayne Shepherd welcomes you to "Encounter God's Truth" from Whitcomb Ministries—where we declare plainly that God's Word is true from the beginning to the end.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: November 2, 2020

    Today on Prophecy Today Intelligence Briefing Jimmy DeYoung and Dave James will have a conversation, with a focus on recent statements from Pope Francis, at the Vatican. The Pope made two statements that not only shocked the Catholic Church but the world as well. Pope Francis said that atheist, those that believe that there is no God, that atheist will be able to go to heaven and have eternal life in the presence of God. The Pope also called for "same-sex" marriage to be legalized bypassing civil laws for that to happen, so that a same-sex married couple can have a family, one that is not defined from a Biblical Perspective. This is scary stuff, but true. Please stay tuned.
  • Understanding The Threat: November 2, 2020

    "Tuesday's Presidential election is a clear choice between Freedom, unalienable rights and the continuation of our Constitutional Republic (Donald Trump) vs the continued attack on liberty, the promotion of slavery (communism & Islam), and the destruction of our Constitutional Republic (Democrats). This week the UTT team has put together a hard-hitting and powerful show that is a MUST LISTEN!!!"
  • Brannon Howse: October 29, 2020

    Guest: Former federal and undercover agent David Gaubatz and research journalist Leo Hohmann. Topic: Leo has written an article about David Gaubatz entitled: Undercover Agent Warns of Post-Election Plans to ‘Ignite’ Violent Revolution That Will Shock the Nation. Topic: Dave Gaubatz and his team infiltrated an Antifa event in Tampa and he reports to us today what he and his team have learned about the violence Antifa and Black Lives Matter Marxists plan to start election night if Trump is leading in the electoral college or wins.
  • Sam Rohrer: October 29, 2020

    Israel Update: Israel - Saving the Arab World? We are joined by Jimmy DeYoung (Prophecy Today). Topics discussed include: Iran: The Next U.S. President Will Surrender. The Arab World: Looks to Israel for Food, Making Peace with Israel. Foreign Visitors to Visit the Temple Mount.
  • Erwin Lutzer: October 29, 2020

    If you want a big-picture view of the whole Bible, you’ve come to the right place. We’re exploring The Drama of Redemption, getting a quick overview from Genesis to Revelation. Join us today as more of the Old Testament will fly past us, so listen carefully.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: October 29, 2020

    As a student of Bible Prophecy Jimmy DeYoung always wants to hear from Dave Dolan with his Middle East News Update. This report is key to understanding the current events of this major region of the world. Today on PTIB Jimmy and Dave will discuss how the people of Saudi Arabia can see a pathway to peace with Israel; the Palestinians are totally opposed to this normalization, and with any of the Arab States; that Syrian President Assad is ready to talk peace with Israel if the Israelis return the Golan Heights to Syria; and how the Israeli Lawmakers are calling for all foreign dignitaries who are visiting the Jewish State, to not only visit Yad Vashem, but the Temple Mount as well.
  • Crosstalk: October 29, 2020

    There’s great political tension in America with vitriol at an all-time high.  There’s a divide based upon skin color and the ideology surrounding that as we’ve seen the formation of Antifa and Black Lives Matter.  Family members are rising up against each other.  There’s also a spiritual divide between those who accept the authority of God’s Word and those who don’t. Another issue that has sparked division within all of these areas is something referred to as critical race theory (CRT). Banner