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  • Crosstalk: July 23, 2020

    U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres gave a speech on Saturday, July 18. It was given ‘virtually’ to South Africa’s Nelson Mandela Foundation.

    Claiming that free markets being able to deliver healthcare for all is a lie and blaming ‘colonialism’ and ‘patriarchy’ as being responsible for aspects of inequality in the world today, the Secretary General laid out ‘…how we can address the many mutual reinforcing strands and layers of inequality before they destroy our economies and societies.’ His solution involves viewing COVID-19 as a catalyst for a new worldwide social contract called a ‘Global New Deal.’

    While the idea of a new world order may seem like a conspiracy theory to some, this thought takes on a new perspective when we have the U.N. Secretary General calling for it openly via a ‘Global New Deal.’ Does this mean the stage is being set for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled? You decide when you review this edition of Crosstalk.
  • Brannon Howse: July 22, 2020

    Guests: Former CIA Operations Office Clare Lopez and Islamic scholar Robert Spencer. Topic: Here in America most of the Islamic organizations have publicly claimed to be civil rights groups. The Islamic groups in America have for the most part allowed the Marxist revolutionaries to be out in front with their violence and calls for revolution while they stay in the background so as not to disrupt their carefully crafted narrative of being all about peace and harmony. However, over the past 12 months the public pronouncements and actions by key Islamic leaders points to the reality that Islam in America is going to publicly join the Marxists in violence rhetoric and actions. What does this mean for America? Topic: Robert Spencer declares that is Biden is elected he may find himself being arrested and charged with hate speech for speaking truth about Islam. Topic: Joe Biden calls for more Islamic indoctrination of America’s school children. Topic: Jews in France are being told to flee due to the rise of Islamic, antisemitism. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Sam Rohrer: July 22, 2020

    Hope Beyond The Headlines. We are joined by Frank Shelton (Evangelist, Author). Topics discussed include: The Truth Behind Roger Stone. Ministry Happenings. ’52 Tuesdays’ Prayer Initiative.
  • Erwin Lutzer: July 22, 2020

    Each of us has a strong desire for intimacy. But keeping our sex drives under control is one of our biggest challenges. Sex in its proper place is a great gift, while passions out of control can ruin one’s future. So, what should we do in a world that only provokes our desires?
  • Jimmy DeYoung: July 22, 2020

    Each week we bring Dave Dolan to the Broadcast Table, here at PTIB, so that he can give us his Middle East News Up-date. This is an essential report for all of us who are students of Bible Prophecy. Dave's report this week is filled with important information about Israel's attacks on Iran; Hizbullah with 28 missile launch sites in Southern Lebanon, aimed at Israel; and the discovery, by Israel, of 250 billion barrels of shale oil in the Jewish State. This is a key report on a key region of our world.
  • Crosstalk: July 22, 2020

    Few sections of the Bible have been as controversial and highly debated as that of Genesis 6:1-4 and the questions that arise including: Who were the sons of God?  Who were the daughters of men?  What do we make of the term ‘giants’ and ‘Nephilim’?    
  • Brannon Howse: July 21, 2020

    A U.S. Army Document Warns That America is in the Final Stages of an Insurrection and Revolution. Guest: Trevor Loudon. Topic: A 1966 manual on insurrection by the U.S. Army Special Operations was updated in 2016. Listen as Brannon and Trevor read from the report that listed 21 steps to overthrowing a nation. Sadly, America is only three to four steps away from a successful Marxist revolution being carried on in America. Brannon and Trevor take their time breaking down each step in the Army report and explaining how each step has been accomplished. Topic: Thinking Americans appear to be waking up to the reality of how serious the situation is in America. Gold and silver are hitting new highs not seen in several years, freeze dried food is selling in record amounts for all the companies that produce it. Ammunition and guns are in such high demand it is hard to find certain inventory. Homes in parts of Tennessee, the Ozarks and rural areas in conservatives states are selling at record levels making inventory scarce and prices high. Topic: We take your calls. 
  • Jimmy DeYoung: July 21, 2020

    Two major players in the end of times scenario found in Bible Prophecy are two major players in our world today. On PTIB Jimmy DeYoung will discuss with Ken Timmerman the China-Iran deal that will be a danger to Israel, the Middle East, and in fact, the entire world. In addition to that report, Ken will reveal interesting information on Turkey, an Israeli-Greece alliance and other geopolitical events happening around the world. This is an important report, stay tuned.
  • Andy Woods: July 21, 2020

    Here, we fill in more details on “the great global reset.“  Reparations, reimagined education, mental illness reclassification, micro-chipping, the cashless economy, and trans-humanism are among the subjects touched upon.
  • Crosstalk: July 21, 2020

    Cities, counties and states across the country are mandating the wearing of masks.  Some have made full implementation, others are on the brink of an impending mask mandate.  What is the truth about masks?  

    Appearing on Crosstalk to dissect this issue was Twila Brase.  Twila is the president and co-founder of Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom.  She’s a registered nurse and author of ‘Big Brother in the Exam Room: The Dangerous Truth About Electronic Health Records.’  She’s the speaker on the daily ‘Health Freedom Minute’ heard on stations across the nation
  • Brannon Howse: July 20, 2020

    Guest: Kevin Freeman. Topic: Are the globalist and men like George Soros setting up to crash the U.S. stock market right before the 2020 Presidential election to ensure that President Trump is not re-elected? Topic: What are uptick rules and why must they be put in place to stop the manipulation of computers from collapsing the market? Topic: The reset of the American dollar. Topic: Over $3 trillion has been added to our national debt thus far in 2020. American with off record debt or unfunded liabilities is now well over $100 trillion. Could Americans see a debasement of 40% off their dollars in the coming years? Topic: We take your calls.
  • Peter Pry: July 20, 2020

    Dr. Pry recommends for educational and beach reading R.W. Peake’s book series “Marching With Caesar” that is an entertaining way of learning about the fall of the Roman Republic and its transition into an authoritarian Imperial system. America’s Founding Fathers carefully studied this period of history, trying in our Constitution and system of “checks and balances” to devise a republican form of government that might endure. President Trump is unwise to pursue arms control treaties with Russia and China, as both nations have a record of violating treaties and international agreements to gain advantages over the United States. Arms control always constrains only the United States, not our potential enemies.
  • John Loeffler: July 20, 2020

    Twila Brase, President and Co-Founder of Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom, joins us to examine the potential realities of contact tracing and the broad redefinition of the term ‘case’ which has led to a skyrocketing – and possibly misleading – number of new coronavirus ‘cases.’
  • John Whitcomb: July 20, 2020

    Will there be cavemen in the future? Can you imagine a time when people will enter caves to escape the judgment of God? Dr. John Whitcomb described this scene from Isaiah 2, and we replay that message on this week’s edition of “Encounter God’s Truth.”
  • Jimmy DeYoung: July 20, 2020

    Each week Jimmy DeYoung brings to his Broadcast Table Dave James, here on PTIB, to discuss an issue that the Church, Christians, must deal
    with from a Biblical Perspective. This is key so that we, as Christians, can walk with the Lord on a daily basis, in His will. This week Jimmy and Dave will discuss anti-Semitism in the world. This is an anti-Semitism that will lead to a second Holocaust, worse than the first. However, this anti-Semitism is also entering the Church and is very dangerous, because it has the Church denying the Word of God, the Bible.
  • Crosstalk: July 20, 2020

    Here’s your weekly glimpse at some of the stories that made the cut for the ’round-up’:

    –The Florida State Health Department confirmed Tuesday that some state testing labs had not been disclosing their negative novel coronavirus testing results accurately, skewing the positivity rates dramatically.
  • Sam Rohrer: July 17, 2020

    Favorite Monuments and the Move to Remove Civil War Era Monuments. We are joined by David New (Constitutional Attorney). Topics discussed include: The Move to Destroy Civil War Monuments. The Culture Pre-Civil War and the 14th Amendment. The Culture Post-Civil War and the 14th Amendment. Recalibrating to a Biblical Worldview of Monuments.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: July 17, 2020

    Today on PTIB a former Muslim, born in Iran, and now a "born-again believer in Jesus Christ", will come to the Broadcast Table of Jimmy DeYoung to discuss the threat of Islam to America, and in fact, the entire world. Shahram will tell us of how Farrakhan, the leader of the Nation of Islam, is calling for the Jewish Nation of Israel to be destroyed. You must hear this conversation.
  • Crosstalk: July 16, 2020

    Is all of this signaling the end of America as we know it?  Joining Jim to examine this and related issues was Gary Kah.  Gary is the founder and director of Hope For the World.  He’s the former Europe and Middle East Trade Specialist for the Indiana State Government.  In 1987, Gary was invited to join the World Constitution and Parliament Association, one of the organizations involved at the forefront of promoting the world government agenda.  During the next 4 years he obtained detailed documents which demonstrated that the push toward a one-world government was active and rapidly advancing.  Gary is the author of ‘Enroute to Global Occupation’ and ‘The New World Religion.’
  • Brannon Howse: July 16, 2020

    Topic: Beware of men who have risen from within that draw away the disciples after themselves and not after truth. Topic: Our listeners sent us video footage of Todd Friel arguing with a police officer and not submitting to government officials or authorities joyfully without exception as he has himself preached over and over for several years, including recently declaring that everyone should wear a mask and submit to the government with no exceptions and do so joyfully. Listen as Todd is told by a Clemson University Police officer that he and his film crew cannot come onto the campus and film students without a permit. Todd is told he can talk to the students, but filming with a film crew would require a permit that can be likely obtained within 72 hours. However, Todd continues to falsely claim his freedom of speech is being violated and ends up arguing with two police officers and two Clemson University administration officials in a manner that is not only 100% the opposite of what he is preaching at others, but he does so in a manner that is arrogant, condescending, and embarrassing. Topic: Todd is known for promoting a well-known Bible teacher and his ideology and lie that the Founding Fathers sinned and violated New Testament principles when they founded America. Topic: Why has the institutional church in America lost almost all of its cultural influence within America? Topic: Why are unsaved conservatives often more likely to take a stand for what is right than self-described Christians? Topic: We take your calls.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: July 16, 2020

    Mike Gendron comes to discuss the Pope's relationship with Islam and his warning to Israel about annexation. Then John Rood gives us his European Union Up-date, revealing how the political in Europe is setting the stage for the prophetic to be fulfilled. Both are key reports. Banner