All Episodes

  • A World in Turmoil: The Big Picture | October 19, 2023

    On October 7th, Hamas struck Israel with a deadly attack. Earlier today, Israel’s defense minister told ground troops at the border that they are to get organized and be ready with orders to advance. Tens of thousands of troops amassed at the Gaza border would seem to indicate that a new chapter in the war is about to be written.
  • Israel’s Fight Against Terrorism | October 18, 2023

    Jim led off with information from Israel National News that today, rockets continue to be launched from Gaza and Lebanon against Israel. Also, earlier today Israeli volunteers, while searching a burned-out house, found a woman and a child who’d been murdered and burned by Hamas terrorists.
  • Israel At War | October 17, 2023

    It was on October 7th that Hamas launched their deadly attack on Israel killing Israeli men, women, children, babies and the elderly. It’s the largest killing of Jews since the Holocaust. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called Hamas, “the new Nazis,” declaring that Hamas is part of a new axis of evil, right alongside Iran.
  • Israel Update / The Battle for Life | October 16, 2023

    So many people were horrified and outraged to find out how infants and children were killed in barbaric fashion by the terror group, Hamas. The problem is that while the world is enraged over this situation, at the same time we have people like our vice-president, traveling around the nation, promoting the taking of life by abortion, which is equally barbaric.

  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: October 17, 2023

    Guests: Anni Cyrus and Aharon from Israel. Topic: Brannon starts off the program with an opening monologue expressing his gratefulness for the spiritually abundant life he has been privileged to live. He encourages the audience to find comfort in taking an inventory of the blessings they have received in their life as together we acknowledge the brevity of this life and the glorious everlasting life that awaits those of us that are Christians. Topic: Aharon brings a live report from Israel as troubling developments with Iran unfold. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: October 16, 2023

    Guests: Anni Cyrus and Aharon from Israel. Topic: More Proof America's Young School, Children Are A Major Target For Mass Murder By Islamic Terrorists. Topic: IDF eliminates many Hamas leaders. Topic: Iran continues to threaten U.S. if we continue to support Israel. Topic: Iran shoots rockets into Israel from Lebanon and Iran working to deploy more weapons into Syria. Topic: Half of Israel’s hotel rooms filled with evacuees from Gaza.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) October 16, 2023

    Hamas Captive Handbook Should Be a Warning to U.S. Citizens of Hamas Tactics. Arrest of Lawyer and Freedom Advocate Could be Warning for Conservative Broadcasters. Former Federal Agent and Expert on Islam Warns A Big Event in U.S. is Coming. Live Report From Aharon In Israel As US Forces Arrive In The Region. Billions Spent On Massive Camps Used In Trafficking Children Located Across Border States
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: October 13, 2023

    Guests: Aharon live from Israel, Anni Cyrus and Dr. Andy Woods from Crete. Topic: The Lie Behind Palestinian State. Topic: The 1917 to 1920 international agreements that agree that Israel has a right to the land. Topic: Another front is opening up against Israel. Topic: Where are we on the Gog-Magog time line?
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) October 13, 2023

    Iran's Assassination Unit 910 is Absolutely in America Awaiting Orders. Global Jihad Day is Everyday For Islam and Why Arab Nations Don't Want The Gaza Palestinians. Don't Be Deceived by Wanna Be Podcasters Lacking Credentials and Credibility Spewing Hate. Why the Father of 8-Year-Old Girl Said "Yes" When He Found She Was Dead and Not in the Hands of Hamas. Col. John Mills: We Are in World War III and China is Pulling The Global Strings
  • The March Toward Globalism | October 13, 2023

    In September of 2023, a VCY rally was held featuring Pastor Richard Schmidt and his presentation, The March Toward Globalism. This included information concerning artificial intelligence and whether it may be used for or against us.
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: October 12, 2023

    Guests: Olivier Melnick and Aharon from Israel. Topic: Expert warns There Will Be Blood On October 13, 2023, Due to Hamas Call For Global Jihad. Topic: Will U.S. Christians Have to Provide Safe Haven For Jews As Hamas Calls For Them to Be Eradicated? Topic: We take your calls.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) October 12, 2023

    Will U.S. Christians Have to Provide Safe Haven For Jews As Hamas Calls For Them to Be Eradicated? Another Major Bank at Risk of Collapse and Central Banks Are Hoarding Gold Like Never Before. Refuting the Lie That Iran Does Not Now Have Use of the $6 Billion to Fund Terrorism. Clips From 2018 Documentary by Brannon Howse on Hamas Are More Relevant Now Than Ever

  • 231 Days: Faith in the Face of Terror October 12, 2023

    Proverbs 27:1 states, “Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.” For the guests on this program, what unfolded on one day in their lives has forever impacted them. Their story is told in the newly released DVD titled, 231 Days: A Miraculous True Story of Faith in the Face of Terror. It’s the powerful, true-life story of missionaries Herb & Linda Gregg, who served the Lord as missionaries in Dagestan, a province of Russia.
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: October 11, 2023

    Guests: Dr. Andy Woods, Aharon from Israel and Anni Cyrus. Topic: Aharon joins us live from Israel to discuss the new war time government formed by the Prime Minister of Israel as well as the attacks now coming from Lebanon on Israel’s northern border as well as rockets from Syria. Topic: Dr. Andy Woods joins us from Cyprus to discuss how the current events are setting the stage for the antichrist, a peace treaty and then the Gog-Magog invasion of Israel. Topic: Anni Cyrus calls on the audience to set aside emotion and to follow facts and history and not the opinion of your favorite personality or of ignorant family, friends and neighbours.
  • Israel Update / National Coming Out Day | October 11, 2023

    The broadcast began with an update on what’s been taking place in Israel as it pertains to the ongoing war against the Hamas terrorist group. For example: At least 22 Americans and over 1,200 Israelis are dead. Israel is being attacked on a second front, this time from the north. So they are now being attacked from areas in Syria and Lebanon. Also, Iraq, Jordan and Egypt are condemning Israel for attacking Gaza.

  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: October 10, 2023

    Topic: Live Report From Israel As 300,000 Troops Are Mobilized To Go Into The Gaza. Topic: The media now is talking about potential terrorists attacks from all the illegal immigrants that have flooded into America from the collapsed border. Why is the media now laying this narrative after so many years of ignoring the topic? What is the FBI talking about monitoring terrorist threats against NYC? Topic: Israel now has rockets entering their country in the north from Lebanon. Could a front also open up with Jordon on Israel’s east side?
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) October 10, 2023

    Hamas Behead Babies in Israel and Yet BLM and Marxists Left in U.S. Support Hamas. How The Biden Regime Empowered The Iranian Attack into Israel. Nearly 90 Percent of Mosques in the U.S. is Run By Hamas So What Do You Think is Coming? Former CIA Director Calls for Assassination of Republican Senator. How Global Chaos and War in Israel is Setting Stage For the Antichrist and Gog-Magog Conflict Banner