All Episodes

  • Bibles Needed! : January 30, 2023

    This past Christmas, many of you received a Bible for Christmas. What will you do with your old one? Are you aware that there’s a ministry that collects used Bibles and distributes them to people around the world who are praying that somehow, someone might send them a Bible because they lack the resources to purchase a new one? To discuss how you can meet this critical need, Jim welcomed back Jason Woolford. Jason is the president & executive director of Mission Cry.
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: January 25, 2023

    In 1837 President Andrew Jackson Predicted Today's America (Part 2), Topic: Brannon begins to break down the farewell address of President Andrew Jackson in which he warned of divisions being created in America by which to collapse the republic. Topic: President Jackson declared that only a virtuous and patriotic people would remain a free people. Brannon discusses the war on virtue and patriotism even within America’s churches. Topic: When elected officials are allowed to use the government for philanthropic purposes or to plunder for themselves or special interests then a free America cannot long survive. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: January 24, 2023

    In 1837 President Andrew Jackson Predicted Today's America (Part 1), Topic: Brannon begins to break down the farewell address of President Andrew Jackson in which he warned of divisions being created in America by which to collapse the republic. Topic: President Jackson declared that a commitment to justice, patriotism, and selflessness were imperative for the rights of Americans to be preserved. Are enough Americans committed to justice, patriotism and selflessness? Topic: President Jackson warned of the dangers of our nation abandoning gold and silver and relying upon paper money that can be expanded and counterfeited. Topic: Jackson warns that the expansion of money is used to grow government beyond its constitutional boundaries. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Covid…Shots…Sudden Deaths…What’s Going On? : January 24, 2023

    Athletes from youth to college age have collapsed or died suddenly. A surfer standing on his board suddenly collapses into the water for no apparent reason. A middle school teacher collapses in front of her class and dies. An airline pilot becomes incapacitated shortly after takeoff and later dies. A news executive, a kindergarten student, and an American Idol contestant…all die suddenly. What’s going on here? Is there any connection to COVID-19 or the shots? How long can we expect this to continue?

  • Patient Rights at Stake : January 23, 2023

    Back on December 13th, the guest on this Crosstalk was interviewed about a critical case before the Wisconsin Supreme Court dealing with patient rights. The case is Allen Gahl v. Aurora Healthcare, Inc. Questions in this case remain. What authority does a medical power of attorney hold? What are patients rights when a hospital refuses a standard of care that the patient or his representative requests? Returning to Crosstalk to discuss this case was Karen Mueller. Karen is the founder & general counsel for Amos Center for Justice and Liberty. She’s the lead attorney in this case representing Allen Gahl.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) January 23, 2023

    Top FBI Agent Arrested For Alleged Connection to Russia Who Investigated President Trump Over Russia. Todd Bensman on How America's Overrun Border Fits in with a North American Union. Are Members of DOJ-FBI & DHS-TSA Domestic Terrorists? Couy Griffin Banned From Ever Holding Public Office For Being on Capitol Grounds on J6.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) January 18, 2023

    Is There a CCP Connection to Hunter Paying Joe Biden $50,000 in Monthly Rent? United Nations' WHO Working Toward Global Tyranny. Was the Department of Defense Behind Covid-19 Plandemic and Why? Saudi Arabia to Kill U.S. Petrodollar While Iran and Russia Introduce Gold Backed Cryptocurrency? Islamic State Jihadi Goes Missing From Federal Prison?
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: January 23, 2023

    Why President Andrew Jackson Was One of America's Greatest Presidents (Part 1). Topic: Brannon details his visit on Friday to the home of President Andrew Jackson known as The Hermitage. Topic: Brannon begins this look into the life of Andrew Jackson by explaining how he was orphaned at 14 when he lost his mother and two brothers to and during revolutionary war. Topic: is the Great Reset in the Bible? Topic: We take your calls.
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: January 19, 2023

    Coming North American Courts, Laws, Tribunals and Military (Part 2). Topic: The goals of a North American Union include a North American Parliament, NAU laws, and courts that supersede the U.S. Congress, U.S. Constitution and U.S. Supreme Court. Topic: How the created immigration crisis fits in with the goal of a North American Union. Topic: Why military on the border or a completed and real border wall is so unpopular with the North American Union proponents. Topic: We take your calls. 
  • The Power of a Clear Conscience : January 19, 2023

    As is typical with many people, this is the time of new resolutions. Yet many people are hindered by feelings of guilt from the past. Perhaps you’ve been bogged down by a conscience that haunts or even imprisons you. This is not how God intends for you to live as your conscience was not created to hold you prisoner, but to guide you and point you to freedom from guilt and bad habits. It’s designed to tell you the truth so that you’re not held in bondage to lies or to sins from the past. Banner