All Episodes

  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: June 1, 2022

    Guest: Dr. Leo Hohmann. Topic: Leo Hohmann on the Corrupt FBI, Why the Marxists Must Disarm Americans and The Tipping Point of The Left and Right Uniting Against the Globalists. Topic: Fire kills tens of thousands of chickens at Wright County farm. Topic: U.S. Marine Corps Goes Woke, Celebrates ‘Pride Month’ with Rainbow Bullets. Topic: Biden Moves To Force Americans To Mask Up Again On Airplanes. ‘Significant’ Cases of Neurological Disorder Associated with the AstraZeneca Vaccine. Topic: We take your calls 
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: May 31, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. Starting off with that big train derailment that’s received almost no coverage in the mainstream media. 43 freight-train cars owned by Canadian Pacific Railway and carrying potash derailed east of Fort MacLeod in southern Alberta on Sunday morning, May 22, the company confirmed. The train was headed westbound at the time of the derailment. Both Reuters and the CBC gave very brief reports on the train derailment with no follow up other than to say the derailment was under investigation by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
  • Crosstalk: June 1, 2022

    June is “gay pride” month, however, there should be no “pride” in what God calls an abomination.  We see the devastating progression in Romans 1 where it’s noted that God gave them up to uncleanness, vile affections and to a reprobate mind.  Is it possible that this is exactly where we’re at in our society today?
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: May 31, 2022

    When The American People Start Asking Questions Will You Have the Answers? Brannon discusses some of the law enforcement officers that are contacting him and asking when the states are going to separate from the federal government. Brannon explains that such questions are coming from a growing number of Americans but will we have the right answers? Topic: China Elected To World Health Organisation Executive Board With No Objections. Topic: How the Uvalde school massacre is being used to eliminate the Second Amendment and further the push for federalizing America’s police. Topic: Justin Trudeau Moves to Ban Purchase and Sale of Handguns in Canada. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: May 26, 2022

    In the three-day summit’s opening address, Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelensky, dressed in his trademark wartime olive-green T-shirt, and projected on monitors from Kyiv, told about 1,000 CEOs and government officials that Ukraine needs $5 billion a month, beginning immediately, in order to stave off full-blown economic collapse—a collapse that would have deep global ramifications. “The amount of work is enormous,” he said. “We have more than a half a trillion dollars in losses, and tens of thousands of facilities destroyed. We need to rebuild entire cities and industries.” Yet rather than describing the dire situation as a crisis, Zelensky cast it as a potentially lucrative opportunity for Western countries and companies.

  • Worldview Report Audio Only: May 25, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. The separation between East and West continues with Ukraine as the dividing line. Euro Weekly News is reporting that Russia’s Foreign Ministry had sent proposals to State Duma on Russia’s withdrawal from World Health Organization and the World Trade Organization. Russia’s State Duma deputy speaker Pyotr Tolstoy, as reported by Russian news agency Kommersant, said: “Exit from the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) will be considered among other organizations.”
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) May 26, 2022

    Pete Santilli Joins Brannon to Discuss The U.S. Intelligence Agencies That Have Been Turned on the American People. Leo Hohmann on Globalists Entering the Killing Phase of The Great Reset and Their Planned Global Famine. Dr. Rob Linsted on Plagues, Famine, Wars, Rumors of Wars, Nations Rising Against Israel and The Fulfillment of BIble Prophecy.
  • Crosstalk: May 27, 2022

    The roars of socialism are growing louder.  We hear of equality and even more recently we are hearing of equity, for all to be and have the same.  We hear the rich need to pay their fair share.  Those who have much are required by government mandate to give to those who don’t have what they have.  There’s the growing ‘social justice movement’ and a push toward socialism and even steps toward communism.  Month after month this roar grows louder and louder.  You see the push ever increasing in a legislative agenda pushing progressivism and shunning conservative values. 
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: May 27, 2022

    Guest: Mike Hammond of Gun Owners of America “debates” Jimmy Kimmel on gun control, the Second Amendment and escalating crime in gun free zones and anti-Second Amendment states and cities. Topic: Jimmy Kimmel went on an antigun rant on his show and Mike Hammond responds almost sentence by sentence. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Crosstalk: May 27, 2022

    While America talks about the shooting in Texas, we must remember there are tragedies taking place all around the world.  Yet despite such tragedies, there is also triumph as you’ll hear on this program as it transitions us from Texas to Turkey where the Gospel is being advanced.
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: May 26, 2022

    Topic: Brannon reads from a May 11, 1987 New York Times article that reports on how the AIDs epidemic may have been triggered by the mass vaccine campaigns against smallpox. Topic: WHO amendments may be postponed for bigger global pandemic treaty coming later this year. Topic: Biden regime to continue with disinformation board despite lies they are not going forward. Mat Staver reported to us on TV last night that the man to lead this board next is the man behind the Patriot Act. Topic: Why was the door opened at the school in Uvalde, Texas? Topic: Are the terrorists watching how easy it is to attack America’s schools? Topic: Klaus Schwab and the CEO of Pfizer speak of anti-vaccination citizens in derogatory terms. Brannon asks why should we trust them when it is a proven fact the CDC knew for 10 years the MMR shot was causing autism in children and particularly boys. Topic: We take your calls. 
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: May 24, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. In a special exclusive interview with former Pfizer employee and pharmaceutical industry analyst, Karen Kingston, we learned that the toxin being referred to a monkeypox is almost certainly not 100 percent monkeypox. Is this the one Bill Gates warned a year ago when he said, “this next one that will really get your attention?” We discussed the timing of these events, leading up to the WHO World Health Assembly and its proposed power grab over nations’ sovereignty, and also how a group called NTI ran a fictional scenario in November 2021 that predicted an outbreak of monkeypox in May 2022.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: May 23, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m your host, Brannon Howse. The state of Israel has agreed to join the U.S., the UK, Canada, the E.U. and a host of other nations in a plan to hand over sovereignty on matters of “public health emergencies” to the United Nations World Health Organization. Israeli leaders apparently have short memories. As reported by journalist Leo Hohmann at, it was just three years ago, in May 2019, that the WHO passed a resolution accusing Israel of perpetuating a “public health crisis” in the Palestinian territories.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) May 24, 2022

    Neil McCabe of Star News Network Brings us a May 24, 2022 Primary Report and Brannon Yells At Biden's Live Press Conference on the Uvalde School Shooting. Todd Bensman on Terrorists Targeting Former President George W. Bush and How Terrorists Are Exploiting The Border Crisis to Enter The U.S. Col. John Mills on China Preparing For Something But What? Dr. Judy Mikovits on Dirty "Vaccines" The Government Knowingly Has Used to Kill and Harm Millions of Americans. Daniel Greenfield on Biden Taking Blind Sheikh’s Terror Group Off Terror List.
  • Crosstalk: May 26, 2022

    Tragedy struck Uvalde, Texas, yesterday when an 18 year old gunman opened fire at an elementary school killing 19 children and 2 teachers.  The gunman was also killed.  Its the deadliest school shooting since Sandy Hook nearly a decade ago. Why are mass shootings happening?  Can they be stopped?  Where do we go from here?
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: May 25, 2022

    Guests: Mike Hammond and Darrell Scott. Topic: Brannon starts the broadcast by playing a few minutes of his television interview from the night before with his friend of 23 years, Darrell Scott. Darrell’s daughter was the first student killed at Columbine on April 20, 1999. Topic: Mike Hammond of Gun Owners of America on Politicalization of Texas School Shooting and ATF is Breaking The Law with Data Gun Registry. Topic: We take your calls. 
  • Crosstalk: May 25, 2022

    Within the hour prior to this edition of Crosstalk, Jim checked the U.S. national debt clock.  It showed nearly 30.5 trillion dollars in national debt.  Over two-thirds of the populace is saying the economy is bad.  Inflation is out of control as are food and gasoline prices, and that’s if the items you need are available at all (think baby formula)!
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) May 23, 2022

    General Michael Flynn on His Massive Lawsuit Against The Deep State and What Americans Must Do Now Before Liberty is Extinguished. Mike Adams on Monkeypox, Food Crisis, Fuel Crisis, Energy Crisis and China Preparing For War. Karen Kingston Asks if Monkeypox is Being Used to Cover The Consequences of The Covid Shots. Christian Horn and His Race For Alabama Secretary of State.
  • Worldview Report with Brannon Howse: May 24, 2022

    Guest: Patrick Wood and Leo Hohmann. Topic: Patrick Wood, Leo Hohmann and Brannon Howse play and comment on the crazy remarks from Davos 2022 of the World Economic Forum. Topic: Monkeypox may well be Event 2.0. Topic: The globalist admit that high inflation and fuel prices is the transition to the green agenda. Topic: The globalists announce that a digital economy is three to five years away. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Crosstalk: May 24, 2022

    Proverbs 18:14 says, “The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity; but a wounded spirit who can bear?”  This verse was the launching point for this broadcast as Jim mentioned the many military veterans who are committing suicide and how the percentage is far higher than for non-veterans.  One of the reasons for this is a subject Crosstalk dealt with here for the first time—Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: May 20, 2022

    Good evening everyone, and welcome to The Worldview report. I’m Brannon Howse. Radical elements within the United States are planning to launch attacks on the United States Supreme Court as well as on members of Congress, churches and clergy, if the Supreme Court follows through with its well-publicized plans to overturn Roe v. Wade. This information comes from an unclassified memo sent out by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, as reported by Axios. The Mother’s Day disruption of church services was just the beginning.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: May 19, 2022

    The amount of crude oil in the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve has dropped by 5 million barrels in the week to May 13, the lowest level since 1987, according to Reuters, which cited data from the U.S. Department of Energy. Stockpiles in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve fell to 538 million barrels. About 3.9 million barrels of sour crude was released into the market, while about 1.1 million barrels of sweet crude was issued, according to the data. President Joe Biden in March announced the largest release ever from the U.S. emergency oil reserve at 1 million barrels per day (bpd) of crude oil for six months from the reserve in an attempt to bring down gasoline prices that have soared during Russia's war with Ukraine.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: May 18, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse.Finland and Sweden have been bound to codes of neutrality since at least the Second World War, in return for security guarantees from Russia that it will not attack them.Now, all bets are off.Sweden has announced it will join Finland in applying for membership in NATO, citing Russia's invasion of Ukraine as the reason for their historic shift away from decades of neutrality.Magdalena Andersson, the Swedish prime minister, announced the move on Monday - just a day after her Finnish counterpart Sanna Marin filed her own formal application. Andersson was quoted in the Daily Mail saying that the move was being made in conjunction with Finland and marks “a historic change in our country's security policy.”

  • Worldview Report Audio Only: May 17, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. A California bill to allow children as young as 12-years-old to be vaccinated without parental consent passed the state senate on Thursday.Senate Bill 866, according to the Gateway Pundit, would allow kids to get any vaccine without their parents’ knowledge, including the COVID-19 jabs that are still being given out under emergency use authorization, meaning they are experimental.Authored by Democrat State Senator Scott Wiener, the bill passed with a 21-7 vote.According to CBS News, “if it becomes law, California would allow the youngest age group of any state to be vaccinated without parental permission.” Banner