All Episodes

  • Crosstalk: February 21, 2022

    Here’s your weekly selection of highlights from the Crosstalk news desk:
    –Canadian police started arresting protesters today as part of an operation to end a 3 week blockage of Ottawa by hundreds of truck drivers that crippled the capital and prompted Prime Minister Trudeau to assume emergency powers.
  • Brannon Howse: February 18, 2022

    How The CIA and FBI Have Joined Forces Through Shared Technology To Become America's KGB and Spy on Americans. Topic: The CIA and their program Deep Dive. Topic: The FBI and their program Pegasus. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Crosstalk: February 18, 2022

    There was a great disinformation campaign that sought to stop President Trump from receiving the nomination for president.  He was targeted by those who espoused a globalist/deep state agenda, and who like Hillary on election night, were stunned that plans to advance their agenda now had opposition.  Then from his very first day in office, the president continued to be targeted.  
  • Brannon Howse: February 17, 2022

    Bank seizures and the end of civil liberties is part of the Great Reset that's already underway in Canada. Has Justin Trudeau created bank runs in Canada and is that coming to America? Topic: Christians and conservatives are now on a global scale being called domestic terrorists, racists and haters and now Whoopi Goldberg compares Trump supporters to a Taliban mentality. Topic: Listen to a speech given by Carol Adams at the Oxford Union Society in which she calls those that eat meat: racists, Nazis, white supremacist and misogynist. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Chris Pinto: February 18, 2022

    DOCTRINE OF THE LESSER MAGISTRATES Chris interviews Pastor Matt Trewhella, author of the book, "The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates" about the rise of tyranny as a result of the international Covid mandates, and what to do about it. We also discuss the movement "County Before Country" which focuses on getting involved with local counties to protect them from federal violations. An exciting interview with a pastor who has taken a strong stand against the powers of darkness in the world today."DOCTRINE OF THE LESSER MAGISTRATES Chris interviews Pastor Matt Trewhella, author of the book, "The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates" about the rise of tyranny as a result of the international Covid mandates, and what to do about it. We also discuss the movement "County Before Country" which focuses on getting involved with local counties to protect them from federal violations. An exciting interview with a pastor who has taken a strong stand against the powers of darkness in the world today."
  • Crosstalk: February 17, 2022

    Jim began the program with audio from Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who declared a national emergency, invoking the Emergency Powers Act to go into effect due to the trucker strike in Canada over COVID mandates.
  • Brannon Howse: February 16, 2022

    Guests: Karen Kingston, Tom DeWeese and Kathleen Marquardt. Topic: Karen Kingston on Threat of Hemorrhagic Fever. Topic: Tom DeWeese and Kathleen Marquardt on who controls China controls the world. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Brannon Howse: February 15, 2022

    Guest: Dr. Li-Meng Yan. Topic: Brannon interviews Dr. Li-Meng Yan on China's Plan to Release Hemorrhagic Fever on The World. Topic: Dr. Yan is an MD, virologist and PHD. She worked for the World Health Organization in Hong Kong. In this broadcast Dr. Yan was really the first scientist in the world to warn about Covid-19, its make-up and origin. Dr. Yan was born and raised in China and explains the evil nature of the CCP and their on-going biological program. Topic: Dr. Yan explains how her sources have informed her that China is testing the Hemorrhagic Fever on its own people in the same city that is reportedly testing for the antidote. Topic: Dr. Yan explains the extreme fear and psychological impact a release of Hemorrhagic Fever would have on Americans, the American economy, the American supply chain and the world. Topic: What is the antidote for Hemorrhagic Fever, are there enough supplies of it in America and do enough doctors in America know how to treat Hemorrhagic Fever? Topic: We take your calls.
  • Peter Pry: February 15, 2022

    In this edition of The Pry Report, Dr. Pry criticizes the Biden Administration for risking a nuclear World War III over Ukraine. Dr. Pry notes that Russia has vital strategic interests at stake in Ukraine, while the U.S. does not. Russia could win World War III in Europe by making a single nuclear EMP attack 70 miles high over NATO HQ in Brussels, which would blackout Poland, Germany, France, the Benelux countries, and Britain, paralyzing NATO militaries, creating a "red carpet" for Russian tanks to roll to the English Channel. NATO is already fracturing over the Ukrainian crisis, which is no doubt what Russia intends. Dr. Pry recommends using the crisis to make peace with Russia, try to turn Russia into a strategic partner in the New Cold War with China, and catch-up with Russia in modern nuclear weapons, because: "The Bear respects only strength."
  • Brannon Howse: February 14, 2022

    Guests: Karen Kingston, Leo Hohmann and Kami Irwin. Topic: Mike Lindell Gets De-banked but why? Topic: Mesa County Colorado ClerkTina Peters is running for Secretary of State. Will the FBI and police continue their campaign of intimidation against her now? Topic: Leo Hohmann joins us to discuss how globalists are coming for your cars, cash and they want to literally hack your brain. Topic: Karen Kingston on how the globalist literally want to hack your brain. Topic: We take your calls.
  • John Loeffler: February 14, 2022

    It’s difficult to fight against any enemy – whether it be a vast army or hordes of ideological Marxists slowly eroding the foundation of your country – if you don’t know who you are as a society.  America has lost what it means to be American.  Opening up this week, we are joined by author and cryptography expert Paul Rosenberg. He points out that America has lost its metanarrative.  We used to build things, care about things.  But today, our proud heritage of innovation and freedom has fallen victim to a Marxist enemy intent on destroying us.  Can we fight back?  Only if we remember who we are.
  • Crosstalk: February 14, 2022

    Here’s your weekly selection of news highlights from the Crosstalk news desk:
    –The Biden administration raises the terror threat alert over concerns of misinformation dealing with election fraud and COVID-19. –Senator Ted Cruz denounces the soft-on-crime policies coming from Democrats.
  • Brannon Howse: February 11, 2022

    Topic: The treason and subversion of the Biden regime. Topic: It is now coming out that the CIA has been collecting data on the America people through what is known as Deep Dive. Is this how many of our elected officials are controlled and blackmailed? Has the CIA been running America since they took part in the assassination of President Kennedy? Topic: Are Americans being set up as domestic terrorists so the deep state can use the court to persecute and confiscate the property and resources of their political enemies? Topic: Is January 6 all about the propaganda of insurrection so they can charge President Trump with subversion or insurrection so he cannot run for the White House again?
  • Crosstalk: February 11, 2022

    February 12th is the birth date of the man known as the father of evolution.  That man is Charles Darwin.  Every year on this second week of February, there are clergy and churches across America that celebrate what’s known as Evolution Weekend.
  • Brannon Howse: February 10, 2022

    The American Government Has Declared War on The American People. Topic: The IRS is cashing the tax payments of Americans and losing their tax returns. Reports are that the IRS is behind on recording over 10 million tax returns. Brannon’s accountant told him of a recently retired IRS agent in the mid-south that reported twenty-two tractor trailer loads of unopened mail just in the mid-south. While the federal government financially rapes the American worker they are also violate their civil liberties.
  • Crosstalk: February 10, 2022

    We see presidents come and go, but regardless of which political party is in control or the political persuasions of the president, how do we pray for them? First of all, we should pray that they’d come to know Jesus Christ and that they have accountability before God for the decisions that they make.
  • Brannon Howse: February 9, 2022

    Guest: Leo Hohmann. Topic: Brannon lays out a detailed briefing on how Iran has infiltrated America with proven terrorist cells as Iran is now openly threatening to attack America from within. Topic: Iran continues to increase its presence in Venezuela and according to Todd Bensman Iranians are coming into America from Venezuela through Mexico. Topic: Leo Hohmann joins us to discuss how the Department of Homeland Security is not focusing on the threat from Iran but focusing their focus and recent terrorist bulletin on targeting American patriots as terrorists.
  • Chris Pinto: February 10, 2022

    Today’s Show: UPDATE ON CANADA WITH CHP PARTY LEADER In a special one hour episode, Chris interviews the leader of the Christian Heritage Party of Canada, Rod Taylor. We ask about the ongoing controversy with the Truckers Freedom Convoy. We also discuss the advance of globalist principles into Canada overall with the LGBT agenda, which has jailed at least one parent who objected to the transgender manipulation of his 14 year old daughter. What really happened? Also, we pursue and update on the Canadian Parliament’s M-103, the motion that specifically condemned “Islamophobia” and some argue, set the stage for the advance of Sharia in the system. Listen as the leader of the CHP Canada explains the Christian history of their great country. 
  • Crosstalk: February 9, 202

    When it comes to COVID-19, originally we were told it will only take a couple of weeks to “flatten the curve.”  As weeks, months, and now years have passed, we continue to get contradictory messages from the highest medical experts and government agencies.
  • Peter Pry: February 9, 2022

    In this edition of The Pry Report, Dr. Pry praises the Biden Administration and Congressional Democrats for passing bill HR 4521 "The America Competes Act of 2022" that tries to do something about protecting electric grids from EMP. Dr. Pry says the bill is still "too little, too late" and does not give EMP high enough priority, but it is better that they are trying to do something instead of nothing. The U.S. is conducting a nuclear forces exercise called GLOBAL LIGHTNING, that Dr. Pry warns is probably not wise, possibly very dangerous, amidst twin international crises with Russia and China over Ukraine and Taiwan. Dr. Pry warns that one of times the world came closest to nuclear war was during the U.S.-NATO theater nuclear exercise ABLE ARCHER-83, in November 1983. Moscow misconstrued the exercise as U.S.-NATO preparations to make a surprise nuclear attack. Russia nearly launched a preemptive nuclear strike.
  • Brannon Howse: February 8, 2022

    Guest: Nathan Pawlowski, Sheronna Bishop, and Senator Kelly Townsend. Topic: Pastor Artur Pawlowski Arrested again in Canada but why? Topic: Tina Peters is cuffed in public by the FBI at a coffee shop but why? Is this more public intimidation by America’s FBI that now resembles the KGB? Topic: Arizona State Senator Kelly Townsend on the resolution to decertify Arizona’s 2020 electors. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Brannon Howse: February 7, 2022

    Guest: Anni Cyrus. Topic: Biden Regime Gives $29 Billion to Iran. Topic: Joe Biden is a Neo-Marxist that was put into the U.S. Senate by a Communist group and now the Biden Regime is furthering the agenda of the Red-Green Axis with the help of Iran. Topic: Inflation will likely lead to hyperinflation in the U.S. Topic: How does one prepare for what is coming? Topic: We take your calls.
  • John Loeffler: February 7, 2022

    Narratives can be a tricky thing and for the globalists, they use narratives to convince the public that their gradual stranglehold on control is acceptable.  Climate change had been their vehicle for some time but it has been supplanted by Covid in the last two years.  Are we seeing a transition back to climate change now that Covid is beginning to fade?
  • Crosstalk: February 7, 2022

    –For the second time in less than a week, police officers converged on St. Patrick’s Cathedral Wednesday morning as they gave a solemn farewell to slain officer Wilber Mora.
  • Brannon Howse: February 4, 2022

    Guest: Andy Woods. Topic: The Rise of the New World Order, Israel’s Regathering, Israel’s Division, Gog-Magog Update. Topic: Putin adviser declares: “until a new world order is established in which the US is weaker and its role is diminished, we will be in more or less acute political conflict with them.” Topic: Israeli ministries meet to plan possible airlift of Ukrainian Jews if Russia attacks. Topic: Part of Israel falling into Palestinian hands. Topic: signing of a security memorandum of understanding between Israel and Bahrain on Thursday comes amid growing threats from Iran. Topic: We take your calls Banner