All Episodes

  • Crosstalk: July 27, 2021

    Our nation is going through many serious challenges. Crime and violence are out of control. Cities are devastated and falling apart. There are those fanning the flames of hatred between people of different shades of skin color. Drug abuse and drug overdoses are off the charts. Suicides are skyrocketing. Law enforcement is being tainted as being racist, bigoted, and out of control. Morals have been thrown out the window. The family unit is just a shadow of what it once was and churches today are taking a backseat to the demands of the culture. We are told the solution lies with teaching critical race theory, paying reparations, decriminalizing certain acts or behaviors, and establishing universal basic income standards.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: July 27, 2021

    Dr. Paul Blair, a former NFL football player, and now a Pastor in Edmond, Oklahoma. He's not only a Pastor but also the President of the Liberty Pastors Network. Paul has called for "modern-day men of God" to stand up against evil and proclaim the Word of God in power, in these the end times. Today on PTIB Jimmy DeYoung will bring Paul to the Broadcast Table to discuss why Pastors and church members must fight for freedom, until the Rapture happens, which could be at any moment, perhaps today.
  • Brannon Howse: July 26, 2021

    Drafting America’s Daughters Passes Senate Committee. Since February of 2018 Brannon has been using his radio and television program to warn about the National Commission on Military, National and Public Service. Now the defense authorization act looks to include the mandate that women between the ages of 18 and 26 sign up for Selective Service. Topic: Will Congress accept the recommendation of the National Commission and implant the National Assessment of Education Progress test on each state and student? Brannon has been warning about the NAEP since the mid 1990s and now the test could be mandated. Brannon explains the dangers of the NAEP. Topic We take your calls.
  • Andy Woods: July 26, 2021

    Prophecy Update. Subjects covered: Anti-Semitism, CRT & Evolution, Marxism’s True Goal, New World Order progress, Free Speech erosion, Cashless and the Digital Dollar.
  • John Loeffler: July 26, 2021

    There are many reasons we are so divided in this country. One reason stems from the lack of honest teaching of today’s children.  Leading off the program this week is Wesley Smith, Chair and Senior Fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism.  He looks at why we have such a hard time talking to people with opposing ideologies.  It involves two sides coming at an issue with two different mindsets and two different groups of word definitions.  But fundamentally each side has a different moral frame of reference that renders debate virtually impossible.  Only when we recognize that the paradigm has changed will be able to try and bridge the divide.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: July 26, 2021

    Dr. Don DeYoung, a Professor, Scientist, and Astronomer, will join Jimmy DeYoung at the Broadcast Table on PTIB today. Don, in addition to his other credentials, is a Bible-believing, born-again Christian. Jimmy and Don will discuss a potpourri of issues, including Space Tourism, Global Warming, and Aliens in outer space. This will be a very interesting conversation.
  • Crosstalk: July 26, 2021

    COVID-19 and the related vaccines highlighted this week’s broadcast.  Here’s a sample of stories that were covered:

    –Jim presented audio of a very intense Senate hearing exchange between Senator Rand Paul and Dr. Anthony Fauci over the issue of gain of function research.
  • Brannon Howse: July 23, 2021

    Guest: Jimmy DeYoung and Lisa Watson. Topic: Putin steps away from offering a blind eye to the IDF strikes on Syria which opens. away for the Gog/Magog War. Topic: Israeli Knesset discusses a permanent entrance to the Temple Mount and the Temple. Topic: Jordan aligns with the Islamic Republic of Iran, even as Jordan's King Abdullah meets with President Biden, at the White House. Topic: The Israeli Defense Force has requested funding for a "pre-emptive strike" on the Iranian development of a Nuke WMD, as the US negotiates with Iran. Topic: Lisa Watson joins us to give her testimony of how she went from being an atheist, feminist, leader within the ACLU and Planned Parenthood to a politically, socially and conservative Christian.
  • Sam Rohrer: July 23, 2021

    Now Showing: COVID Lies and Panic Policies – Act II. We are joined by Twila Brase (President and Co-Founder of Citizen’s Council for Health Freedom). Topics discussed include: Fudging the Numbers. The Truth about Delta, Variants, and the Unvaccinated. Vaccinations and the Full Court Press. Protecting Yourself and Your Family.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: July 23, 2021

    "Attention all students of Bible Prophecy, Dave Dolan will join Jimmy DeYoung at the Broadcast Table on PTIB to give us his Middle East News Update. As a student of Bible Prophecy, you cannot miss Dave's report. Today, Jimmy and Dave will discuss the IDF requesting funding to do a "pre-emptive strike" on Iran's nuke program; Jordan, now aligned with Iran; and Israeli lawmakers discussing, in the Knesset, how to go about building a permeant bridge for Jews to be able to enter the Temple Mount."
  • Crosstalk: July 23, 2021

    We seem to be on the cusp of greater government control as we see a multi-pronged effort advancing us all toward globalism.  What’s behind this and what’s propelling it? Joining Jim to discuss this was Gary Kah.  Gary is the founder and director of Hope For the World.  Gary is the former Europe and Middle East Trade Specialist for the Indiana State Government.
  • Brannon Howse: July 22, 2021

    Guest: Joshua Phillips of Epic Times. Topic: More evidence comes forth that reals the FBI increasingly hires men and employees that do not possess the moral integrity, character or virtues worthy of Fidelity, Bravery and Integrity. Topic: Joshua Phillips of Epoch Times joins us to report on the truth behind the Wuhan virus, China’s unrestricted warfare agenda.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: July 22, 2021

    If you keep a close look at the news and current events in our world you may wonder why these events are happening today. That's why Jimmy DeYoung will bring Ken Timmerman to the Broadcast Table, here on PTIB, to explain the politics of the events, and then Jimmy will give the prophetic scenario that God's Word foretells. Ken will join Jimmy in a moment to give us the politics of these current events.

  • Crosstalk: July 22, 2021

    William Federer is a nationally known speaker, historian, author, and president of Amerisearch, Inc, a publishing company dedicated to researching America’s noble heritage.  He’s the speaker on The American Minute daily broadcast.  He has authored numerous books including, America’s God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations,  Who is the King in America? and Socialism: The Real History From Plato to the Present in which he analyzes how the Deep State capitalizes on crises to consolidate control.
  • Brannon Howse: July 21, 2021

    Guest: Mike Lindell and Gordon Chang. Topic: Mike Lindell announces $5 million dollar payment for anyone qualified cyber forensic expert that attends the August 10, 11, 12, 2021 cyber symposium and can prove that the packet captures are not from the November 2020 election. Topic: Brannon plays a portion of his interview from CPAC with Communist Chinese expert Gordon Chang.
  • Crosstalk: July 21, 2021

    The sports world is being assaulted by wokeness.  While many use sports as an opportunity to get away from the news and pressures of the day, spectators are being bombarded with social justice messaging and virtue signaling.  The American people appear to be fed up and the ratings prove it.  Even the upcoming Olympics are being affected.  While social justice protests are forbidden, athletes are being promised legal support by a global union if they do protest.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: July 21, 2021

    As the world is watching, there are thousands of "Cuban Freedom-seekers" demonstrating on the Island-Communist country, 90 miles off the shores of America. They are protesting against the Marxist leadership of this small nation. Today on PTIB, Dave James, who recently was in Cuba, will join Jimmy DeYoung at the Broadcast Table to share his observations of a Communist Country and the Christian community in Cuba. This is a very important report.
  • Brannon Howse: July 20, 2021

    Guest: Jani Allan and Trevor Loudon. Topic: Jani Allan is from South Africa but now lives in America. Jani joins us today to warn that America is headed down the path of South Africa which is on the verge of a hot civil war. Trevor and Jani explain how and why the Marxists and Communist China have taken over South Africa. How has a race war been used to divide South Africa and justify the destruction of private property and the murder of white South Africans? Topic: We take your calls.
  • Crosstalk: July 20, 2021

    Today we are seeing great divisions in politics where bills are often the result of great party line splits.  Then there are the provocateurs that are causing great turmoil based upon the idea of skin color.  Neighbors are rising up against each other.  There’s a great divide within our educational institutions and also the church.  
  • Brannon Howse: July 19, 2021

    Guest: Dr. Peter Pry. Topic: Communist Chinese scientist warns about preparation for an EMP attack. Topic: China is building over 100 ICBM silos. Topic: Why is Washington D.C. allowing our military to fall so far behind China and Russia in our military hardware and readiness? Topic: The defense industry is bragging about new W-88 missiles but the problem is they are not new buy recycled. Why is the U.S. military recycling nuclear weapons and not building or testing new ones? Topic:We take your calls.
  • Peter Pry: July 19, 2021

    Dr. Pry uses as a “teaching moment” the deployment of the W-88 nuclear warhead to U.S. ballistic missile submarines, the press describing the W-88 as a “new” and “modernized” warhead, when in fact it is a “recycled” warhead that was so old, with so many technical problems, that Washington is really just celebrating the W-88’s rescue from the junkyard. Dr. Pry also uses as a “teaching moment” efforts by the press and Washington policymakers to “bury their heads in the sand” to the nuclear threat from China represented by recent discovery of 145 new ICBM silos being built by China in the desert. Washington is so brainwashed by arms control theory about the “nuclear balance” that they ignore simple strategic arithmetic proving China already has, or soon will have, a nuclear first strike capability when it deploys just 40 DF-41 ICBMs.

  • Brannon Howse: July 16th, 2021

    Guest: Candi Cushman, Vice President, Grassroots & Communications Strategies and Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: Candi joins us to deliver a great report of parents that won as they successfully opposed the LGBTQ agenda being forced upon their children. What should parents around the nation learn from this report? Topic: Dr. DeYoung reports on these stories: President Biden to President Rivlin - No nuke powered Iran on his watch, which seems to contradict Bidens actions. Topic: The Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated the Israeli government. Topic: President Biden  orders US precision attack on pro-Iran militia in Syria and Iraq, which was a fake operation. Topic: President Rivlin tells PA President Abbas and Jordanian King Abdullah - Israel will exist forever, a statement both Arab leaders rejected
  • Andy Woods: July 19, 2021

    Here, we bring to you a mail bag segment where we answer your submitted Bible questions. Specific topics that we cover include: is annihilation biblical?, the age of accountability, the eternal fate of unreached people groups, is repentance necessary for justification?, and what about those who have believed in vain (1 Cor. 15:2)?
  • John Loeffler: July 19, 2021

    Critical race theory has taken hold in education, but now that it has been roundly rejected by a majority of the people, teachers unions and educrats are running away from it.  First up on the show this week is Lindsey Curnutte, Press Secretary for Heritage Action for America.  She looks at how the NEA seems to be washing their hands of CRT, erasing it completely from their website.  She also promotes Heritage’s new e-book on how to combat critical race theory. 
  • Crosstalk: July 19, 2021

    Here’s a glimpse at some of the stories Jim brought to the attention of Crosstalk listeners this week:

    –Thousands of Cubans have taken part in rare protests against the communist government.

    –Cuban police are allegedly beefing up patrols at the behest of the Cuban president who has made clear he will respond to pro-democracy movements with force. Banner