All Episodes

  • Crosstalk: July 16, 2021

    Mat Staver is the founder & chairman of Liberty Counsel.  Mat has over 300 published legal opinions and has authored eight scholarly law review publications.  He’s the host of Faith & Freedom and Freedom’s Call and has argued two landmark cases before the U.S. Supreme Court.
  • Brannon Howse: July 15, 2021

    Guest: Selwyn Duke & Mike Hammond. Topic: Teenage girl goes topless at Iowa pool claiming to be a boy. The next day an adult man and women show up at the pool dressed in a way that reveals what happens when the LGBTQ rules and standards are embraced by a community, state or nation. Topic: Censorship Now Also Infects Google Translate, as It Whitewashes Islam. Topic: Mike Hammond of Gun Owners of America join us with breaking news related to attacks on the Second Amendment through the Biden Administration and their proposed budget. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Peter Pry: July 14, 2021

    Dr. Pry notes the recent discovery China is building 145 new missile silos, probably for their DF-41 ICBM that can carry 10 warheads. This means China may have 1,450 nuclear warheads just on the DF-41 ICBM, not the 200-300 warheads estimated by (the perpetually wrong) U.S. Intelligence Community. Dr. Pry and his colleagues have estimated China may have over 3,000 nuclear warheads, far more than the United States. Dr. Pry debunks a new report on “Cyber Power” by the left-leaning International Institute of Strategic Studies that falsely claims the U.S. is the world’s only “Cyber Superpower.” “Cyber Power” is not the same thing as “Cyber Warfighting Power” in which Russia, China, and North Korea are superior.
  • Brannon Howse: July 14th-2021

    Guest: Alex Newman. Topic: Forbes reports that the FBI is concerned about Mike Lindell and his followers, their concerns about the election and violence. Brannon explains how the FBI has declared war on American Christians, and conservatives while giving a pass to Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Muslim Brotherhood and the the red-green axis. Topic: The rise of a secret police force in America. Topic: Joe Biden declares that anyone concerned about election fraud is involved in subversion. So says the man that has been a puppet of the communists since he was put into the U.S. Senate by a communist front group known as the Council For a Liveable World. Topic: China is building 145 ICMB silos in Mongolia. Topic: What is occurring in Cuba? Topic: We take your calls.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: July 15, 2021

    Today Jimmy DeYoung brings to his Broadcast Table, here on PTIB, Winkie Medad to discuss a potpourri of items in the news in Israel today. Their discussion will include a recent vote in the Israeli Knesset that almost brought down the new Israeli Government; Israeli President Rivlin, in the last days of his Presidency, told the Palestinians that Israel will exist, forever; the Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz wants to help Lebanon in their crisis, which could provide "cedars of Lebanon" for the next Temple to be built in Jerusalem.
  • John Loeffler: July 14, 2021

    When it comes to declaring sanctuary status, one side of the political aisle says one thing while the other side says the opposite – but it all depends on the issue. First up this week with an even-handed conversation is Jacob Sullum, Senior Editor at Reason Magazine. He looks at the questions: what does sanctuary status mean? Should federal laws apply in states? If so, how would that work? Where have the courts stood on these issues? If the rules are good for one side, they should be just as good for the other. The trick is getting both sides to agree to abide by these rules.
  • Erwin Lutzer: July 15, 2021

    God went to extreme lengths to force Egypt’s Pharaoh to let the children of Israel go. Would He do the same to you and to me? God wants our full attention, and no idols are to take His place. But many people today harden their hearts, and they won’t let go of their idols.
  • Sam Rohrer: July 15, 2021

    The U.S., Prophecy, and Enemy Threats. We are joined by JR McGee (CEO X-Stream Leadership Group, Geopolitical Expert, Biblical Scholar). Topics discussed include: Biden Threatens Door to Door COVID Visits. Israel, Technology, and Iranian Attacks. Russia and China Align Against the U.S. Prophecy, End Times, and the U.S.
  • Crosstalk: July 15, 2021

    On Monday, several dozen Texas Democrats fled the state. These legislators abandoned their responsibilities at the capitol and left their constituents hanging without representation. It’s reported that the majority of the members flew to Washington, D.C., on private jets chartered for the occasion.
  • Brannon Howse: July 13, 2021

    Worldview Radio Goes to Live TV Starting Today. Topic: Brannon gives a run down on the great things that happen at CPAC Dallas 2021 as they set up the TV studio and broadcast for three days at CPAC. Topic: People that have been vaccinated are getting Delta variant. So much for the effective vaccine. Topic: Lake County, IL health workers going door to door lying to citizens and collecting data on unvaccinated. Topic: Brannon talks about going to Daley Plaza in Dallas the site of President Kennedy’s assignation. Topic: Brannon plays the audio of Mike Lindell taking on Salon writer Zachary from the broadcast booth at CPAC.
  • Brannon Howse: July 9, 2021

    Guest: Leo Hohmann. Topic: Tracking of Unvaccinated, IBM and Hitler. What are the similarities between how big business and big government tracked the lineage of the Jews and how big government and big business are now door to door tracking on unvaccinated conservatives, libertarians and those that will not join the group consensus? Topic: We take your calls.
  • Crosstalk: July 8, 2021

    According to various news accounts, 48% of Americans are fully vaccinated, while the number of those who’ve received at least one shot stands at 64%.  President Joe Biden wanted to see a 70% COVID-19 vaccination rate by July 4th.  
  • Brannon Howse: July 7, 2021

    Topic: Is the deep state getting nervous over Mike Lindell’s cyber symposium? Topic: Biden Administration to start going door to door to bully Americans into taking the COVID death shot and collecting data on Americans? Topic: Roger Stone joins Brannon to describe how the deep state and Department of Injustice charged him with what they knew and admitted were false charges in an attempt to flip him against President Trump, which Mr. Stone refused to do. When the Marxist democrats take over the Justice Department and the FBI they use these powerful government agencies to destroy their political enemies. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Erwin Lutzer: July 8, 2021

    When believers know what God wants them to do, but refuse to do it, they often find creative excuses for their refusal. That’s what Moses did, until God graciously overcame his objections and lame excuses. In this message we learn about the importance of obeying God.
  • Andy Woods: July 6, 2021

    “The Myth of Separation of Church and State,” July 4, 2021. Dr. Andy Woods, Sr. Pastor. In this special patriotic teaching on Independence Day, learn here about the misleading legal metaphor that has been used by our unelected deep-state judiciary to systematically remove America from her Judeo-Christian foundation and instead onto the sinking sands of humanism.
  • John Loeffler: July 6, 2021

    Happy Independence weekend everyone! It’s important to learn the truthful history of our country, but the prevailing leftist narrative today is that because some of our Founding Fathers were slave owners, any good that they accomplished is forgotten. First up on this holiday show is Bill Federer (, President of AmeriSearch, Inc. He gives an accurate account of the history of slavery in America: who held slaves, who initiated the abolitionist movement, and where the two political parties have stood on the issue throughout the years. The narrative is that the U.S. is irredeemable because of our history with slavery. What is often ignored is that we also got rid of it.
  • Erwin Lutzer: July 6, 2021

    If life were a bed of roses, we might never appreciate how good roses smell. For 40 years of Moses' life, herding sheep was his job. But during this season, God prepared him for leadership beyond his wildest dreams.
  • Sam Rohrer: July 6, 2021

    The First Amendment: Tyranny’s First Victim. We are joined by John Carpay (Pres., Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms) and David New (Constitutional Attorney). Topics discussed include: The State of Tyranny & The Freedom of Speech. Pastors & Tyranny Across the Border. The First Amendment and the Master Strategy. First Amendment Distinctives: States vs Federal.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: July 6, 2021

    "Today on PTIB there will be a focus on "the abortion issue". Jimmy DeYoung will bring Dave James to the Broadcast Table to discuss "abortion", an issue so close to the heart and person of God. Jimmy and Dave will discuss why abortion is wrong, from a medical, logical, and Biblical perspective. Please don't miss this conversation, today on Prophecy Today Intelligence Briefing."
  • Crosstalk: July 6, 2021

    Some communist goals were written into the Congressional Record on January 10th, 1963.  Here are just a few:

    Get control of the schools.
    Discredit the American Founding Fathers and present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the common man.
    Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the grounds that it was only a minor part of the big picture.
  • Brannon Howse: July 2, 2021

    Guest: Tom DeWeese. Topic: Biden’s Infrastructure Bill is Really The New Green Deal. Topic: Learn how radical environmentalism is being used to accomplish the goal of destroying the free market system. Learn the connection between globalism, environmentalism and Agenda 21 now known as Agenda 2030 and its connections to the United Nations. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: July 2, 2021

    A former State Senator in the State of Pennsylvania, Sam Rohrer, will join Jimmy DeYoung at the Broadcast Table on PTIB to tell us of a ministry in the Pennsylvania State House, among the elected officials serving at this time. It is a Biblical Plan that we must follow today. Sam is JImmy's guest with this new ministry report. Sam is the President of the American Pastors Network and the Host of Stand in the Gap, radio, and television. Banner