All Episodes

  • Brannon Howse: June 7, 2021

    Guest: Dr. Taren Clark. Topic: Dr. Clark is a neurologist and she joins Brannon to discuss the negative consequences she is seeing in her patients since they took the Covid vaccine. Topic: Dr. Clark speaks about blood clots, dementia and Alzheimers and its connection to the Covid vaccine. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Sam Rohrer: June 7, 2021

    No God, Bible, or Church: The Millennial Pursuit. We are joined by Dr. George Barna (Researcher, Speaker, Founder - The Barna Group). Topics discussed include: Least Important: Bible, Truth, and Morals. Reshaping America’s Parameters. Reshaping America with No God, Bible, or Churches. The Challenge to the Church: Time’s Running Out.
  • John Loeffler: June 7, 2021

    When times of trouble come upon you and you’re facing spiritual red lines, you should already have plans in place on how to deal with it. This week, we speak to two gentlemen who are facing these red lines. First up is Artur Pawlowski, the pastor in Calgary, Alberta who defied the authorities during a Passover service this year, telling them to leave, and calling them Nazis. Later, he and his brother were arrested. He describes his current situation including his arrest and goes on to compare it to the tactics of the communist authorities he witnessed growing up in Poland.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: June 7, 2021

    A very interesting article appeared in a Jewish Newspaper in Israel which was an exhortation for Christian parents to teach their children the Bible. Today on PTIB Jimmy DeYoung will bring to his Broadcast Table Dave James to discuss this article and explain why it is key for Christian parents, Christian schools, and Churches to teach their children, not entertain them, the Word of God, the Bible, and all the doctrines of the Word. That would include Bible Prophecy. This will prepare the parents, as well as the children for the future.
  • Crosstalk: June 7, 2021

    Here’s the list of stories Dalton featured during the first half hour of the broadcast:

    –China threatens nuclear war over U.S. calls for probe into the origins of COVID-19.

    –The Global Times newspaper, which is controlled by the Communist Party, released an editorial article stating that Beijing is preparing for a nuclear war with the U.S.

  • Erwin Lutzer: June 7, 2021

    It takes time to develop bad habits. And it also takes time to get rid of them. But first, we have to believe some key principles. And when we do, we're on the way to freedom. In this message we learn about more prerequisites for real change.
  • Brannon Howse: June 3, 2021

    Topic: Dr. Zev Zelenko joins us to give us an updated on Covid and tyranny. Topic: Brannon plays the audio from the new Mike Lindell mini-documentary entitled Absolutely 9-0 that Brannon finished producing at 5:30am this morning.
  • Brannon Howse: June 2, 2021

    Vaccine researcher and scientists admits ‘big mistake,’ and says spike protein is dangerous ‘toxin’ and will likely cause infertility. Topic: In May of 2020 the Huffington Post wrote an article that included mocking Brannon for broadcasting his concerns about vaccines and infertility. Now in May of 2021 a group of scientists are expressing the same concerns Brannon was expressing exactly one year earlier. Listen as Brannon reads about the leaked report that is truly scary for what lies ahead for American and the world. Topic: We take your calls.
  • John Loeffler: June 2, 2021

    Liberation theology, social justice, and critical race theory have merged out of Marxism and have landed in Western schools.  Next up this week is Steve Stotsky, Senior Research Analyst at CAMERA.  In order to combat moral-based Judeo-Christian education found throughout Western schools, educrat Marxists have pushed forward a distorted and narrative-driven curriculum.  To push back, parents need to be more proactive, be more aware of what their children are learning, and not be afraid to make themselves heard.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: June 2, 2021

    Once a week Dave Dolan comes to Jimmy DeYoung's s Broadcast Table to give us his Middle East News Update. This is a key report for those of us who are students of Bible Prophecy. Today, here on PTIB, Dave will join Jimmy with that MENU. Jimmy and Dave will discuss the cease-fire between Israel and Hamas, which is still holding; Hamas declaring that they have 10,000 suicide bombers, ready to strap on their suicide belts, to go out to kill Jews; and the Palestinian Authority President Abbas saying that the cease-fire states that Jews cannot enter the Temple Mount. You don't want to miss Dave's MENU.
  • Brannon Howse: June 1, 2021

    Topic: Why Evangelicalism Has Collapsed And Is No Longer A Force For Defending A Christian Worldview in America. Topic: In this broadcast Brannon explains that evangelicalism has collapsed for three reasons. 1. A loss of a commitment to a true gospel. 2. The rise of a false gospel that confuses sanctification and justification. 3. The rise of pietism Topic: We take your calls.
  • Brannon Howse: May 28, 2021

    Guest: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: Dr. DeYoung and Brannon start out the program talking about the need to teach children a work ethic if we are to preserve the free market system in America and pass on vital virtues to our children. Topic: Dr. DeYoung brings us the latest news from Israel and the Middle East. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Erwin Lutzer: June 2, 2021

    Many of us are stuck in a rut of bad habits. But we should think of today as the starting line for a new race, and we should learn how to turn our backs on behavior that slows us down. In this message we learn that freedom is possible, even for those trapped in deep darkness.
  • Crosstalk: June 2, 2021

    In the U.S. we’ve seen the heavy hand of government in the response to COVID-19.  They determined which businesses were essential and which ones were not.  They told us how close we could be to others, whether our children could go to school and even if they could play outside with neighborhood friends.  People were arrested who defied playground orders.  Others were put on a no-fly list for having their mask down too long between bites of food or drinking on an airline.  Families were kicked off flights because preschoolers struggled to wear masks.  
  • Sam Rohrer: June 2, 2021

    Bringing Justice Back into the Law. Denny Mallonee (Pastor; Radio Network Manager). Fred Keller (Congressman, PA 12th Congressional District). Topics discussed include: When Justice Conflicts with the Law. Discussing “Eric’s Law”. Current Issues in Law Enforcement. Bringing Law and Justice Together.
  • Attacks on Israel and the Jihad in America

    Chris discusses the ongoing attacks against the nation of Israel by the Palestinian Muslim movement. We discuss the history of the rebirth of the nation of Israel, and the Palestinian movement that has opposed it from the beginning. Bible prophecy foretold that one day the Jewish people would return to their ancient homeland, and that the city of Jerusalem would be a “cup of trembling” during the last days. Is the fulfillment of this prophecy what we are witnessing today? Now we are witnessing a nationwide movement across America that seems to favor the Palestinian cause over that of Israel, but what is the Islamic interest really after? We are reminded that former PLO leader, Yasser Arafat once declared, “Peace for us means the destruction of Israel
  • Sam Rohrer: May 28, 2021

    The Islamic al Aqsa Temple Mount Deception. We are joined by Hugh Kirkpatrick (God Bless the USA Bible) and IQ al Rassooli (Author; Iraqi now living in exile). Topics discussed include: Zondervan Unplugs the “God Bless the USA Bible”. Describing the Temple Mount Structures. The Islamic Argument for the Temple Mount. Unravelling the Islamic Temple Mount Deception.
  • Crosstalk: May 28, 2021

    The American public has had a fascination with unidentified flying objects (UFO’s) for decades. More recently, the buzz concerning UFO’s has greatly increased, with sightings going from joke to national security worry for our leaders in Washington, D.C. For the Christian, this is a great opportunity for evangelism.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: May 28, 2021

    Today on Prophecy Today Intelligence Briefing Jimmy DeYoung has two of his Broadcast Partners join him at the Broadcast Table, both with very timely reports. First, we go to the European Union for John Rood's European Union Up-date. Then Sam Rohrer will join Jimmy to discuss the very anti-Israel statements coming from a number of members of the United States Congress, shameful statements, attacking the Jewish State of Israel.
  • Brannon Howse: May 27, 2021

    Topic: General Flynn says Covid was a weaponized operation by China. Topic: Hear the audio of Marxist Mayor Bill de Blasio offering people a free hamburger and fries if they take the covid-19 death shot. Topic: Johns Hopkins professor says half of Americans have Covid immunity. Topic: Big banks throw support behind Biden’s illegal immigration plan but why? Topic: Marxist Terrorists Massacre 16 in Peru. Topic: Repo market reaches historic crisis point and what it means for bank stability. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Brannon Howse: May 26, 2021

    Could Joe Biden's Executive Order Criminalize Election Integrity Efforts? Topic: Brannon reads from Biden's April 15, 2021 EO that could be used against patriots. Topic: There are reports that some of the patriots at the January 6, 2021 Capital Hill rally are being held in twenty-three hour a day isolation and beaten and tortured. Topic: We take your calls.
  • John Loeffler: May 27, 2021

    It’s time we had an honest discussion about how the media are fanning the flames of violence in Israel. John and Producer Steve open the program this week by looking at the events that have led up to the current violence. They discuss how Hamas uses civilians as human shields, but Israel’s forces do all they can to minimize civilian casualties when they retaliate. But the media unilaterally condemns Israel and favors Palestinians. It’s all part of Hamas’s strategy to diminish Israel in the eyes of the world. It’s working only because the media play their part. Banner