Brannon Howse: Aired July 17, 2014


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Eight Transformational Steps to a Global Church: Chaos is all over the globe. Today, Israel invades the Gaza Strip, a Malaysian airline jet is reportedly shot down by Putin’s rebels, America is on the verge of financial collapse from over 100 trillion in debt, Islam is marching around the globe and the list goes on and on. All this chaos is laying the foundation for a world leader but first there must be a false global church. Brannon lays out the prevailing ideas, philosophies, and theologies, that change agents have introduced into modern-day evangelicalism in order to use religion as the catalyst for globalism? Revelation 17 describes this Harlot church that the antichrist will use to lay the foundation for a one-world economy and government. The Harlot church will be the driving force behind the creation of a one-world leader, a one-world government, and one-world economy. In order for this false, global church to fully emerge and accomplish its objectives, it is imperative that change agents are successful at: 1. Redefining Jesus 2. Redefining The Gospel 3. Redefining The Definition of a Christian 4. Redefining The Role of Pastor 5. Redefining The Mission of the Church 6. Redefining Unity 7. Redefining The Source of Truth 8. Redefining the Enemy Today Brannon explains these 8 steps and how the chaos in the world will eventually bring the needed consensus of the world’s population around these eight philosophies so that a new religious order can emerge. Topic: We take your calls that includes Elizabeth that escaped Nazi Germany and believes today’s global false church resembles the false church of Germany as Brannon is writing about in his book Harlot Church.

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