Brannon Howse: Aired July 3, 2014


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Topic: Brannon explains today how he feels conflicted on July 4th because while he is blessed to have been born in America and is thankful for our heritage beginning with the American colonies, and the men that fought in World War I and for sure World War II that was a war against many dangerous worldviews including fascism, it is very hard to now be proud of America. Our nation has killed 50 million babies and counting, allows for same-sex marriage, is filled with churches that reject a Biblical gospel, a military that not fulfilling it Constitutional purpose of defense and security of our borders but seems to serve the interests of what President Eisenhower called the Military Industrial Complex. If God is judging America, as seems to be the case based on Romans one, then how can Christian Americans be proud of a nation that God now sees as in complete rebellion against Him? Our phone lines light up on this topic that included comments by former military members that join Brannon in his concerns and in expressing their views on what they think of America as it is now in July of 2014.

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