Brannon Howse: Aired June 6, 2012


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Topic: More evidence of communitarian Bill Clinton opposing Neo-Marxist Obama. Topic: Is James Dobson hurting for attention since leaving Focus on the Family? Brannon explains why he believes Dobson’s latest blustering about Obama certainly appears to be a publicity stunt. Dobson says “to pay one cent for killing of babies is egregious to me.” Dobson then invites the president to “come and get me if you must…” The reality is that all Americans that pay federal taxes are already financially supporting abortion as Planned Parenthood receives millions in federal funds. Most likely this has not stopped Dobson from paying taxes. Why is it that Dobson and so many New Religious Right members can spew bold political rhetoric about Obama and other pagans but seem to lose their voice, convictions, outrage and discernment when it comes to false teachers? Worse, many of the New Religious Right not only do not oppose false teachers but promote them. Recently Dobson had "prophet" Lou Engle of the New Apostolic Reformation and International House of Prayer on his national radio program. While Brannon agrees Obama’s polices are evil, Brannon’s issue is that so many pro-family leaders seem to have little, if any, regard for defending the gospel and guarding the church from false teachers. Dobson’s “brave” stand against Obama’s policies certainly cannot hurt fundraising which is why pro-family leaders will confront Obama and rarely if ever expose and oppose the popular false teachers and cults that are spiritually devouring countless families. Topic: Jim Wallis speaks at Interfaith and Community Service conference.

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