Brannon Howse: Aired March 28, 2012


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Brannon interviews Vincent and Lori Williams who attended Kirk Cameron’s movie Monumental and wrote a column detailing their concerns for Worldview Vincent & Lori are both graduates of Way of the Master training program and expected Kirk to give the gospel but to their dismay the gospel was never presented. In addition, Glenn Beck was interviewed as part of the pre-show and was allowed to talk about God. Vincent & Lori explain why it is a violation of God’s Word to produce a film about getting back to a Christian worldview and then to engage a New Age Mormon in a conversation about God. How many millions will be deceived in believing the God of Beck is the same God as Kirk Cameron or the God of the Pilgrims? Those who have seen the film and read the review by the Williams are posting on facebook that their review is extremely accurate. WVW Radio has played audio clips of some of the movie trailer, interviews of Kirk with Beck, and clips of speeches by Kirk concerning the content of the film over the past few weeks. Lori and Vincent report that our concerns and predictions about the film were 100% accurate. Several others that have seen the film are blogging about it and stating the same facts as WVW Radio and Vincent and Lori have presented. Is the level of discernment by many within the Church of America so low that most “Christians” will not be alarmed that a man like Kirk Cameron who has been so aligned with the gospel has now given a platform and credibility to a New Age Mormon like Glenn Beck to talk about God? Why did the film not present the gospel and explain the gospel? What was the overall message of the film? What potentially unbiblical message would an unbeliever viewing the film take away from the movie? This is an important program and topic because it reveals another seismic shift within evangelicalism. WVW Radio predicted in August of 2010 that Beck’s ecumenical Restoring Honor rally in D.C., in which so many of the New Religious Right participated and endorsed, would set the stage for more patriotic, ecumenical events being justified through the goal of “reclaiming America.” Are many American Christians embracing a religious Trojan horse?

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