Brannon Howse: Aired October 4, 2011


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Topic: Secular journalist visits WVW Radio to listen in and then to interview Brannon on the New Religious Right and why he believes it is a threat to the church & the gospel. Topic: Hear the audio of C. Peter Wagner on NPR on October 3 saying he was shocked at how many members of the New Apostolic Reformation were involved in Perry’s “The Response”. Topic: The truth about Gardasil, the HPV shot and how many were actually harmed and died. Brannon explains why it is wrong for the government to force shots like this on to children as well as what he and his wife chose to do about the hepatitis B shot when their children were born. Topic: A pro-Israel Arab in St. Louis has star of David carved in his back by what he said may have been Somali Muslims. Topic: Youth Pastor from the Bible Belt writes Brannon and is troubled by some of his fellow youth leaders want a labyrinth for a church youth group weekend. Thankfully there are Godly young men that understand the times, the unbiblical trends, and want to protect their flock.

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