Brannon Howse: January 14, 2010


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Topic One: Obama's Nominee for TSA head was trying to compare pro-life Christians, anti-big government, conservative, Tea Party attendees as equal with skin heads, neo-Nazis, and racists. This is a tactic Brannon had used on him by a liberal teachers organization. This is an old, tired, trick but most Americans are so gullible they will believe this lie. Topic Two: Obama signs Executive Order to immunize the International Criminal Police Organization. Is Obama laying the foundation for America to join the International Criminal Court? What would this mean for conservative, Christian Americans? Will this executive order tied to his new Executive Order that creates a Council of Governors, connected to his trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in New York which could merge civil and military trials all be connected? What is Obama up to? Is Obama laying the ground work for global governance and the end of America's sovereignty?

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