Brannon Howse: June 4, 2020


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Topic: Are the riots of 2020 the product of national and international Marxists, Islamists & the Deep State? Topic: There is reason to believe that the Revolutionary Abolitionists Movement manual that Brannon and Dr. Woods discussed the past two broadcasts was written by Bill Ayers. Ayers is the former Weather Underground terrorist member and political ally of President Obama. Topic: Brannon reported on this in 2017, but reminds his audience that a few diligent FBI agents wrote a report after they investigated known American anarchists traveling overseas to receive training and possible explosives and chemicals from al-Qaeda and ISIS. The FBI report stated that these domestics terrorists were perhaps the greatest threat to America since the Black Panthers and Weather Underground. The FBI report also stated that the would-be domestic terrorists seemed to have the goal of destroying President Trump and his administration. Does this sound anything like 2020? The report was turned over to then acting FBI Director, Andrew McCabe. Did this now disgraced FBI official do anything with the report? Were the Americans that met with known terrorists questioned, arrested or further monitored upon their return to America? Did the deep state turn a blind eye to this FBI report and thus allow the riots of 2020 to occur? Topic: When police officers take a knee before the rioters, they are, in effect, signaling their willing surrender to the coming Marxist revolution. Topic: A study by two university professors refutes the propaganda that white police officers kill black men at higher numbers than whites based on racism.

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