Brannon Howse: May 17, 2010


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Topic One: Brannon's guest is Daniel Vision with The National Inflation Association. The NIA has just released a new documentary titled, "The Melt Up" that can be viewed online. This documentary takes a look at the rapid increase of inflation in America in just the past few months. On today's program, Brannon and Daniel discuss the cause of inflation, the lies Washington and the liberal educational establishment have told regarding inflation. Who will be hurt the most by inflation and are we seeing the beginning stages of hyper-inflation now in the U.S.? Topic Two: Brannon's guest is Cliff Kincaid of Accuracy in Media. Brannon and Cliff discuss how the hedge funds are sparking a world revolution. The Washington Times on May 10, 2010 ran an editorial entitled, "Stock market time bomb?" This piece by Arnaud de Borchgrave detailed that "The derivates market is now estimated at $700 trillion (face value)". Why is this shocking? Because as the writer details, "The world's gross domestic product is 2009: $69.8 trillion; America's $14.2 trillion. The total market cap of all major global stock markets? A mere $30 trillion. And the total number of dollar bills in circulation, most of them abroad: $830 billion (not trillion)." Topic Three: Was the 1,000 point plunge of the Stock Market on May 6, 2010 really because of someone's fat finger? Cliff and Brannon have both received written reports, independent of each other, by experts that the 1,000 point plunge may have been in order to damage Proctor and Gamble. Why? Could it have anything to do with the letter that a retired P&G VP wrote as to why Obama scares him? This open letter to Obama has circulated all over the internet and has been verified as being written by Lou Pritchett. Topic Four: A caller wants to know why we do not just preach the gospel instead of spending our time talking about economics. Brannon answers his question. This is unfortunate but many Christians have the belief that we are only to preach the gospel. As Brannon explains, this was one of several reasons why the church in Germany did not act like the church and speak up against Hitler and his Nazi party. Topic Five: We take more of your calls.

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