Brannon Howse: November 5


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Topic One: UN climate chief says deal must be legally enforceable. Topic Two: President Obama gives education speech in Madison, Wisconsin and explains that 4 billion dollars is available to states that conform to his education agenda. What does this agenda include? International standards tied to the United Nations, and a national test which will lay the foundation for a national curriculum. Obama also said his plan would fire teachers and close schools that do not meet his national, federal standards. The average American would think this all sound great but what they do not know is that the president is not talking about cognitive data but effective objectives. Obama said that the standards would be such effective objectives as students proving they are critical thinkers and exhibit teamwork. What is the meaning of these terms? Why is this a threat to parental authority and religious freedom? Topic Three: Leftist Church leaders call on Obama to go after hate-speech on conservative radio. Topic Four: Gangbangers working for the liberals and the voter fraud of 2010 and 2012. Topic Five: Ron Paul says we should prepare for the worst that is yet to come in the American economy.

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