Crosstalk: July 11, 2022

The following was part of a look at specific news headlines by Dalton.  Stories included:

–Audio of comments from President Biden who mentioned gas prices, abortion access in America and more.

–North Carolina Democrat Governor Roy Cooper signs order protecting abortion rights.

–Planned Parenthood’s website describes the abortion pill as, “safe and very common”.  It’s also described as a chemical or medication abortion.  This is a misnomer as medication is intended to treat or cure diseases and pregnancy is not a disease.

–At least 46 abortion centers have closed since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.

–A Texas based insurance company is offering pay for birth and adoption costs.

–Christ for All Nations is offering their employees reimbursement for up to $5,000 to offset the costs of adopting a child. 

–Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was assassinated at a political rally in Japan.

Dalton presented much more that can be reviewed, including calls from listeners.

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WVW Broadcast Network


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