Crosstalk: July 16, 2021


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Mat Staver is the founder & chairman of Liberty Counsel.  Mat has over 300 published legal opinions and has authored eight scholarly law review publications.  He’s the host of Faith & Freedom and Freedom’s Call and has argued two landmark cases before the U.S. Supreme Court.

Last week Crosstalk reported on statements made by White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki as well as those from President Joe Biden.  These statements announced a door-to-door campaign promoting the COVID-19 shots.  Since that time, communities and counties have been activated and executing the program.  This includes taking the shots directly to residences and calling it, Doses to Doors.   

There has been push-back with some believing this isn’t the government’s business, yet the Health and Human Services Secretary, Xavier Becerra, says that it’s absolutely the government’s business.

Mat questions the Doses to Doors program, comparing it to the Swine Flu epidemic of the 1970’s under President Gerald Ford.  That effort ended up being a fast-track failed experiment because of adverse reactions and 53 deaths.

Mat presented more statistics to make his case, there’s audio from Anthony Fauci on the issue of COVID-19 shot mandates, Mat’s insights into the door-to-door visits, why he feels there’s a larger agenda at work here, and input from Crosstalk listeners.  

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