Door to Door Vaccine Checks

  • Crosstalk: July 16, 2021

    Mat Staver is the founder & chairman of Liberty Counsel.  Mat has over 300 published legal opinions and has authored eight scholarly law review publications.  He’s the host of Faith & Freedom and Freedom’s Call and has argued two landmark cases before the U.S. Supreme Court.
  • Sam Rohrer: July 15, 2021

    The U.S., Prophecy, and Enemy Threats. We are joined by JR McGee (CEO X-Stream Leadership Group, Geopolitical Expert, Biblical Scholar). Topics discussed include: Biden Threatens Door to Door COVID Visits. Israel, Technology, and Iranian Attacks. Russia and China Align Against the U.S. Prophecy, End Times, and the U.S.
  • What should you do when federal agents arrive at your door with questions about your personal health decisions?

    “Hitler actually hired IBM and IBM hired thousands of employees to execute a racial census to identify the Jews and once Hitler had that data, IBM created a system to cross-reference the data against employment records and also financial institutions’ records to help Hitler ultimately pulverize the Jews,” Staver said. “That’s when they used the mass transfer of Jews to ghettos and ultimately prison camps. So we’ve been down this road before where a government tries to coerce people by going door to door and gathering personal information on people.” Banner