Crosstalk: March 18, 2022


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Here’s your weekly selection of highlights from the Round-Up broadcast:

–Ukrainian President Zelensky says that World War III may have already started.

–President Joe Biden is talking tough, telling Beijing that there will absolutely be consequences for large-scale sanctions evasion efforts or support to Russia to “back-fill” them. 

–The Russian state propaganda about President Putin’s invasion of Ukraine that he’s ordered the deaths of civilians, including women and children, claims to be an effort to remove neo-Nazis from Ukraine.

–Russian lawmakers are demanding that the U.S. must return Alaska to them as part of reparations that will be required.

–Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev says the U.S. may need to be put in its place for sharing disgusting Russia-phobia.

–The Chinese Communist Party announced this week it will increase the budget for the People’s Liberation Army by 7.1%.

–On March 12th about 100 self-described witches gathered at an indoor facility to call upon supernatural entities, and presumably the forces of darkness, to strengthen Russian President Putin and to help him in his invasion of Ukraine.

–At least one friend of a suspect accused of setting fires inside a church and synagogue alleged the purported perpetrator had been worshiping Satan.

–The Biden administration is close to announcing a new agreement to reinstate the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) that is not only weaker, but puts Russia in charge.

–Progressive Democrats in the House of Representatives are reportedly planning to publicly urge President Biden to ban oil drilling on federal lands amid record gas prices and a war in Ukraine that has been disruptive to the oil market.

–President Joe Biden’s executive order prohibiting the importation of Russian oil, prompted by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, appears to exempt the U.S. federal government, its agencies and its contractors, from the ban.

–Governor Gavin Newsom rejects Republicans bid to pause California’s gas tax because the move would help “petro dictators and oil companies.”

–Saudi Arabia and China are in talks to price some of the monarchy’s oil sales in the Chinese yuan rather than dollars.

–The Freedom From Religion Foundation demands that 3 crosses be taken down on mountain that overlooks city.

–6 Republican senators voted against an amendment that would eliminate the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, a position held presently by Dr. Anthony Fauci.


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Brannon Howse
WVW Broadcast Network


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