Crosstalk: September 2, 2021


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One news item that never seems to take a break is the LGBTQ+ agenda.  Returning to comment on the latest news items related to this topic was Peter LaBarbera.  Peter is the founder and president of Americans for Truth.  

Stories discussed included:

  • Harvard Law Today posted an article about alumni and current students fighting for the legalization of polyamory.
  • The Centers for Disease Control come out with preferred terms for select population groups.
  • The Netflix propaganda documentary called Pray Away focuses on ex-gays that became prominent Christian leaders and now have fallen back to the sin of their old lifestyle.
  • Peter believes President Joe Biden will go back to his radical base and the largest part of that is the LGBTQ movement.   
  • The Daily Caller reports that the nation’s largest LGBTQ rights advocacy group is investigating HRC President Alphonso David’s role in helping Governor Andrew Cuomo discredit accusers.  
  • Congressman Chris Pappas of New Hampshire has introduced a bill to establish an LGBTQ veterans advisory committee at the Department of Veterans Affairs.
  • A lawsuit being brought against President Biden by medical professionals over his mandate that would require doctors to perform transgender surgeries.
  • DC Comics to kill off the Clark Kent character from Superman. Jonathan Kent will take over, and according to a number of media sources, Jonathan will come out as homosexual.  This is after DC has already announced that Batwoman is a lesbian and Robin the Boy Wonder is bisexual.
  • A teacher allegedly tells students to pledge allegiance to a gay pride flag.

This is just some of the material from the first half of the broadcast.  Hear much more, including what listeners had to say, on this edition of Crosstalk.

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