Radio Broadcast

Radio show broadcast

  • Brannon Howse: April 21, 2021

    Guests: Mike Lindell and Dr. Douglas Frank. Topic: Brannon describes WVW Broadcast Network Studio hosting Mike Lindell’s 48 Hour Frank-A-Thon on Monday and Tuesday and gives you a behind the scenes description of this historic event in defense of free speech. Topic: Dr. Frank joins Brannon live in the WVW radio studio to report that liberal organizations like the Clinton Foundation and others have been allowed to enter the voting rolls in numerous states and change the voting roles. Dr. Frank and Brannon describe how the FBI and CIA are aware of this voter crime and do nothing because the FBI has become America’s KGB and has worked to overthrow our Constitutional Republic. Topic: Mike Lindell joins us live in the WVW radio studio to discuss the epic launch of Frank, the voice of free speech. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Crosstalk: August 26, 2021

    The topic on the use of marijuana continues as a major debate item.  A number of states have already or are seeking the approval of the medicinal use of marijuana. Others are advancing its recreational use while others are pushing for decriminalization.  What exactly is marijuana, what is its physical impact and does the Bible condone its usage?
  • Brannon Howse: 24, 2021

    Guest: Tom Littleton. Topic: Covid Collaborative, the ad council and big government, big business and the social sector. Topic: Rick Warren, Jimmy Carter, George W Bush, Barrack Obama and Other Change Agents Push Covid Tyranny. Topic: We take your calls
  • Brannon Howse: August 23, 2021

    Guest: Anni Cyrus & Mike Kucharski of JKC Trucking. Topic: Mike joins us to discuss the shortages in truck drivers, the shortage of goods, and the shortage of employees at grocery stories to unload trucks. Mike discusses how fragile and thin our food supply chain is for our food supply. Topic: Anni Cyrus joins us to give us an update on Afghanistan. Topic: Brannon plays audio clips of the news in Australia in which people are being arrested and charged for being outside during the covid-19 lockdown. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Crosstalk: August 24, 2021

    Dr. Ed Hindson is the founding dean of the School of Divinity and Distinguished Professor of Religion at Liberty University.  He’s the speaker on The King is Coming broadcast, an active conference speaker and has served as the editor of five major study Bibles.  He’s the author, co-author or general editor of over 40 books, many on the topic of Bible prophecy including, ‘Can We Still Believe in the Rapture?’ and ’15 Future Events That Will Shake the World’.
  • Peter Pry: August 23, 2021

    Dr. Pry challenges the notion that the catastrophe in Afghanistan is the result of a conspiracy by Washington “evil geniuses” operating in the Deep State with a hidden agenda invisible to ordinary people. Usually a catastrophe is just a catastrophe, not a conspiracy. The failure in Afghanistan is the result of decades of growing incompetence and corruption in the defense and intelligence communities. Washington is no longer run by “the best and the brightest” but by Ivy league dolts and sycophants, operating in the fantasy world that is the Washington bubble, who in the real world could not be trusted to run a hotdog stand. Dr. Pry describes numerous intelligence failures that have happened in the past, and will likely happen in the future, that are not deep conspiracies, but result from brainless incompetence.
  • Brannon Howse: August 20, 2021

    Guests: Anni Cyrus and Dr. Andy Woods. Topic: Anni joins us to give an update on Afghanistan and the 10,000 to 15,000 reported Americans trapped on the ground with the Taliban murdering those that helped U.S. forces. Topic: Dr. Andy Woods joins us to give us an updated on the role that Afghanistan, Pakistan and the surrounding nations will play in Bible prophecy and their move against Israel. Topic: We take your calls.
  • John Loeffler: August 23, 2021

    The reason for much of the strife we see today, including what happened in Afghanistan as well as the failure of the woke ideology in the U.S., is the stark difference in right vs left worldviews.  First up this week is Jason Ross, Interim Dean of the Helms School of Government at Liberty University.  He looks at one aspect of the leftist worldview – America is evil because of our past with slavery.  What sets America apart, though, is that we got rid of slavery.  Our founding documents and Judeo-Christian foundation paved the way for this.  So the leftist narrative that we are evil because of our past with slavery ignores our history.
  • Crosstalk: August 23, 2021

    The ongoing news out of Afghanistan highlighted the week’s edition of the “Roundup”.  However, there was much more.  Here’s a brief sample:

    –In an ABC News video, President Biden said no one’s been killed in Afghanistan despite reports of at least 7 deaths.
  • Crosstalk: August 20, 2021

    Last Friday, the Department of Homeland Security issued a national terrorism advisory bulletin. It implies that if Americans question and challenge the COVID shot mandates, they are considered potential domestic violent extremists. Additionally, those making claims of election fraud are also suspected of being domestic terrorists.
  • Brannon Howse: August 19, 2021

    Guests: Usama Dakdok and Shahram Hadian. Topic: Thousands of Americans Trapped in Afghanistan. Topic: Taliban is killing and raping while one of their leaders says they will take Jihad over the entire globe. Topic: Is Jihad a major tenant of Islam? Topic: Many Neo-evangelicals and neo-Calvinsts will aide in destroying America by helping to bring countless jihadis to America from Afghanistan believing they are doing ministry. Topic: Many church denominations and christian organizations are receiving federal dollars to help resettle muslims within America. However, Brannon explains why these organizations and church denominations cannot receive government money and share the gospel with the muslim immigrants. Topic: The world is now seeing that Islam is what we have been waring about for years.
  • Crosstalk: August 19, 2021

    Dr. Jimmy DeYoung appeared at a VCY America rally in September.  His presentation, A Panoramic Prophetic Prospective, was a teaching on the entire book of Revelation in one evening.
  • Brannon Howse: August 18, 2021

    Guest: Dr. Peter Pry. Topic: How the Neo-cons and progressive left gave us the national security threat and human tragedy of Afghanistan’s fall to the Taliban and China. Topic: Why China wants influence and control over Afghanistan. Topic: Will China help the Taliban take over a nuclear Pakistan and push for a war between Pakistan and India? Topic: China and Russia will take some of the advanced military weaponry left in Afghanistan by the United States and use it to duplicate our technology. Topic: What has happened to make the American population so soft and lacking in individual responsibility, preparedness and understanding? Topic: We take your calls.
  • Crosstalk: August 18, 2021

    Despite what President Biden declared concerning Afghanistan in recent weeks, the American public is now aware of the total collapse of everything our troops fought for there.  Adding insult to injury, extensive amounts of military equipment, that your tax dollars paid for, are now in the hands of the Taliban.  In addition, Afghan women and children are at risk and the persecution of Christians is escalating.
  • Brannon Howse: August 17, 2021

    Guest: Shahram Hadian. Topic: Afghanistan Falls to the Red Green Axis and Islamic Fighters Resettled in the U.S. Through Humanitarian Trojan Horse. Topic: Biden Administration gives Afghanistan to China. Topic: We take your calls
  • Crosstalk: August 17, 2021

    Jim kicked off the main topic by playing comments from President Biden last month concerning how secure the Afghan government and military allegedly were.  According to the congressman, the experts had assured Congress and President Biden  that the Afghan army would be able to hold out against the Taliban for 3 or 4 years after we left.  
  • Brannon Howse: August 16, 2021

    Guest: Dr. Jimmy Deyoung Jr. Topic: Brannon is sad to announce the passing of his long time friend and broadcast partner Dr. Jimmy Deyoung. Topic: Jimmy Deyoung Jr. joins us to talk about his dad’s life, ministry, and passing. Topic: Brannon plays an audio from Dr. DeYoung’s radio show from this past weekend in which Brannon was recounting his friendship and work with Dr. DeYoung. Jimmy Jr. explains how he played this radio show for his dad just hours before his passing and how Dr. DeYoung responded. Topic: We take calls from all over the country as our phone lines light up with listeners paying tribute to the life and ministry of Dr. Jimmy DeYoung.
  • Peter Pry: August 16, 2021

    Dr. Pry analyzes the catastrophic events unfolding in Afghanistan, yet another failure of Washington elites, a catastrophe unforeseen by them, but foreseen by most average Americans. How could Washington blunder so? Gross incompetence. The U.S. should have withdrawn during the Winter, not during the fighting season, and should not have withdrawn close-air support from the Warthog fighter aircraft, the only thing keeping the Taliban at bay. Most fundamentally, the U.S. should never have engaged in “nation-building” in Iraq or Afghanistan. Especially in Afghanistan, most of the population still lives in the social and cultural equivalent of the Dark Ages. The idea of converting these ancient tribal societies into secular-humanist-feminist democracies was always doomed to fail. Banner