Radio Broadcast

Radio show broadcast

  • Brannon Howse: April 21, 2021

    Guests: Mike Lindell and Dr. Douglas Frank. Topic: Brannon describes WVW Broadcast Network Studio hosting Mike Lindell’s 48 Hour Frank-A-Thon on Monday and Tuesday and gives you a behind the scenes description of this historic event in defense of free speech. Topic: Dr. Frank joins Brannon live in the WVW radio studio to report that liberal organizations like the Clinton Foundation and others have been allowed to enter the voting rolls in numerous states and change the voting roles. Dr. Frank and Brannon describe how the FBI and CIA are aware of this voter crime and do nothing because the FBI has become America’s KGB and has worked to overthrow our Constitutional Republic. Topic: Mike Lindell joins us live in the WVW radio studio to discuss the epic launch of Frank, the voice of free speech. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: April 15, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. Video clips posted on social media this week showed shocking footage compiled by the voter integrity organization True the Vote, with evidence of widespread ballot trafficking in the 2020 presidential election.
  • Crosstalk: April 22, 2022

    Powerful forces are stepping up their drive for something known as a CO2 pipeline.  Now keep in mind the hatred and the cancellation of pipelines that deliver much needed oil across our nation.  In this case, however, we’re speaking of a Co2 pipeline to capture carbon emissions and drive it into the ground.  
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: April 21, 2022

    Brannon Exposes What's in Klaus Schwab's New Book "The Great Narrative" That Should Be Called The Great Propaganda (Part 2). Topic: The Great Reset will be implemented in part by the great propaganda of Schwab and his globalist partners at the World Economic Forum. In this episode Brannon explains how the globalist admit their narrative must prevail for the Great Reset to be achieved. Their goals include suppressing the truth by proclaiming conservatives are anti-science and conspiracy theorists. Topic: The great narrative also includes the lie that man-made climate change has put the world at the edge of disaster and requires a new economy, new institutions, and global governance. Topic: How do we know man-made global warming is a lie? Topic: We take your calls.
  • Crosstalk: April 21, 2022

    The numbers are hard to fathom, but it’s being reported that since the Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision in 1973, there have been over 63.7 million abortions.  That’s more than 63.7 million babies who received a death sentence for the simple fact that they existed.  We cannot forget what God told Jeremiah as recorded in Jeremiah 1:5, “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.”  And yet in defiance against our Creator, 7 of the 9 sitting justices on the Supreme Court in 1973 invented a right to take the life of another innocent human being without a penalty.  
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: April 20, 2022

    Brannon Exposes What's in Klaus Schwab's New Book "The Great Narrative" That Should Be Called The Great Propaganda (Part 1). Topic: The Great Reset will be implemented in part by the great propaganda of Schwab and his globalist partners at the World Economic Forum. In this episode Brannon explains how the globalist admit their narrative must prevail for the Great Reset to be achieved. Their goals include suppressing the truth by proclaiming conservatives are anti-science and conspiracy theorists. Topic: The great narrative also includes the lie that man-made climate change has put the world at the edge of disaster and requires a new economy, new institutions, and global governance. Topic: How do we know man-made global warming is a lie? Topic: We take your calls.
  • Crosstalk: March 20, 2022

    Worldwide pandemics, weapons of mass destruction, the push for globalization, worldwide conflict, the Gospel taken around the world…all of this is part of our world today and foretold in the book of Revelation.  You know with all that is happening around the globe, it’s hard not to wonder: Is this the end times?  The book of Revelation tells us about the world’s last days, but many find it too intimidating to understand and so they may bypass what it has to say.  The guest on this edition of Crosstalk has just released a book that demystifies Revelation so that you can embrace the hope and assurance it offers.
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: April 19, 2022

    Guest: Leo Hohmann. Topic: Brannon starts out the broadcast talking about the two parakeets his wife bought him for his birthday that now live in his office and will not be quite long enough for him to record radio spots. Topic: Major railroad company curtailing shipments of fertilizer ahead of crucial spring planting season. Topic: Brannon discusses how the federal government has broken its contract with the states, ceased to be a legitimate and constitutional institution and has become a force for the destruction of America, civil liberties and safety. Topic: We take your calls. Topic: Texas Sheriff Expects Border Is About To Be Overrun.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) April 14, 2022

    Mike Adams Asks: Are Millions Swallowing Venom Derived Pharmaceuticals? And Why is Even The Mainstream Media Now Admitting Food Shortages Are Coming? Senator Kelly Townsend Reports From Outside Arizona Hospital on Family Fighting to Keep Their 26-Year-Old Daughter Being Unplugged From Life Support. Michigan Family Told Their 17-Year-Old Daughter Cannot Have a Kidney Transplant Without The Covid Shot and CPS is Also Being Called To Investigate the Parents. Jill Cox on What She and Her Three Kids Thought After Trying My Patriot Supply Freeze Dried Food.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) April 13, 2022

    Understanding The Worldview Behind John Maynard Keynes and Keynesian Economics. Michelle Malkin On Why the Left Are Grooming America's Children and How We Should Respond. Attorney Dan Eastman on Wisconsin Supreme Court Hearing Regarding Drop Boxes. Open Attorney Dan Eastman on Wisconsin Supreme Court Hearing Regarding Drop Boxes configuration options. 
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) April 12, 2022

    Mike Weiner and Brannon Howse Discuss Largest Inflation Rate in 75 Years That's Turning into HyperInflation and Some Historical Perspectives. Dr. Rob Lindsted on What The Bible Says About Russia, Israel and the Coming War. Brannon Explains in 20 Minutes The 1974 Henry Kissinger Document That Reads Like The Great Reset By Klaus Schwab Who Was Mentored by Henry Kissinger.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: April 14, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. Scientists at the British biotech company Oxitec have created a proprietary synthetic strand of genetically modified mosquito larvae that they plan to release into the wild of California. According to a report by MSN, “Soon, millions of these engineered mosquitoes could be set loose in California in an experiment recently approved by the federal government.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: April 13, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. Tonight, we have stunning new numbers to bring you in the crisis at America’s southern border, where migrants continue to enter the country illegally with no end in sight. Dan Patrick, the Lt. Governor of Texas, said that by the end of the Biden administration in January 2025, an astonishing 30 million illegal aliens will be living in America. That will encompass 20 percent of everyone living in the United States of America. Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. Tonight, we have stunning new numbers to bring you in the crisis at America’s southern border, where migrants continue to enter the country illegally with no end in sight. Dan Patrick, the Lt. Governor of Texas, said that by the end of the Biden administration in January 2025, an astonishing 30 million illegal aliens will be living in America. That will encompass 20 percent of everyone living in the United States of America.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: April 12, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. I’m sure most of you remember the Obama phones passed out in Democrat-run urban areas back in the day.
    Back then it was not widely known that smartphones not only offer people the convenience of mobile communication 24/7 but they also allow for 24/7 surveillance of the user.
    So it’s not a surprise that the Biden White House is handing out smartphones to illegal aliens who cross the southern border and they are very transparent about the reason. It’s not so the illegals can surf the internet and make phone calls.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: April 11, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. Dr. Naomi Wolf is reporting a bombshell article about the Pfizer vaccine that proves the FDA knew about its high risk of causing myocarditis, inflammation of the heart, in young people but went ahead and approved the vaccine anyway for emergency use, without even notifying the public of the risks.
  • Crosstalk: April 19, 2022

    It seems that every time there’s a shooting of some kind, there’s a call for new gun laws.  This often takes a strike at the 2nd Amendment of our constitution.  Interestingly, the vast majority of mass shootings take place in gun-free zones.
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: April 18, 2022

    Guest: Dr. Rob Lindsted. Topic: Israel Considering Building Third Temple and What It Says About God's Prophetic Calendar? Topic: Antisemitism rising as Jews are targeted in California and several other states. Topic: Hezbollah leader says they only need 9 billion to destroy Israel. Biden regime is make sure they have those funds. Topic: Natural gas prices are rising globally. Could Russia and Iran invade Israel for her natural gas? Topic: Iran warns very centre of Israel is at risk if it makes slightest move against Iran. Topic: We take your calls.
  • John Loeffler: April 18, 2022

    We’ve discussed before the nefarious nature of ESG scores, which are social credit scores for businesses. Today we look at how these socialist standards would affect the oil industry. First up this week is author and scholar John Horvat, He examines the recent rule proposed by the Securities and Exchange Commission that would force public companies to disclose climate risks involved in their operation. This rule, motivated by ideology, not economics, gives the impression that America is weak and for the oil industry, will result in declined oil production at a time when energy needs are on the rise.
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: April 15, 2022

    Guest: Tamara Scott. Topic: Tamara joins us in studio as Brannon and Tamara discuss the dangers of a Convention of the States, and the massive political and economic crises and changing the U.S. Congress into a parliamentary system. Topic: Brannon shares research that reveals that the globalists, including globalist republicans, have been planning for years to use a Convention of the States to transform America and the U.S. Congress into a parliamentary system and why. 
  • Crosstalk: April 14, 2022

    One of the components of the Great Reset agenda involves the merging of machines/technology with humans.  It’s called transhumanism.  Although we’ve alluded to this in past programs, this entire program looks at this issue.  It’s an important one because transhumanism seeks to take surveillance, which up until now has been outside the body, and concentrate it underneath the skin. Banner