
  • Brannon Howse: April 6, 2021

    Guest: Leo Hohmann. Topic: Hear the audio from a 2016 cartoon movie called Hedgehogs that was about a global pandemic, people wearing masks and the world being saved by a vaccine. Topic: Get ready for the propaganda of Christian privilege that will be the justification for Christian persecution. Listen as Brannon and Leo read from a documented written by a Muslim Brotherhood aligned author that wants to use America’s public schools to push Islam and to deconstruct any influence of America’s Christian history or heritage. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Globalists’ Solution to Pandemic: A New Treaty that Would Essentially Create a World Government

    The answer to the pandemic, brought to us by the elite oligarchs of globalization, is more globalization. This is the lie of the century, and exactly the same tripe heard at the Agenda 21 conference in 1992 in Rio, called the UN Conference on Economic Development or UNCED. This group had already trashed most of the world’s ecology over the previous 50 years, but insisted that the answer to all those problems would be more development [and more global governance]. 
  • Andy Woods: April 6, 2021

    En Route to Planetary Governance. Here we deal with our progress into the New World Order. Subjects will include the Pope’s recent call for a new world order, the ongoing attack on the second amendment, the cancel culture movement, reparations, and the dividing of the United States of America into endless groups.
  • Brannon Howse: March 17, 2021

    Guest: Dr. Andy Woods. Topic: Israel is apparently leading the way in setting the global standards for vaccination passports to enter public areas and venues and flights. Dr. Woods explains how Israel is sadly helping to establish global governance and tyranny whether they know it or not. Brannon and Dr. Woods explains how they as Christian Zionists have been supporting the nation state of Israel and fighting anti-semitism. They explain that while they support the nation state of Israel they do not always agree with the government of Israel on every issue and this is one such occasion. Brannon and Dr. Woods explain how the actions of the Israeli government will sadly be used by antisemites to attack Jews. Brannon and Dr. Woods explain how to present this complicated issue to the public using Bible prophecy. Topic: Pope Frances literally calls for using the covid-19 crisis for what he calls the new world order. Topic: We take your calls.
  • What The Great Reset Will Really Do To You

    The lines used to be so clear. On the one side were free markets, free societies, and openly-elected representative governments. On the other, was the force of totalitarianism choking off individual initiative, private ownership of property, and providing a ballot box with but one choice, normally defined as communism.
  • To Understand Biden’s ‘I Need You to Get Vaccinated’ Message, Follow the Money

    My sources inside the Department of Homeland Security tell me that upwards of 5,000 migrants a day are now crossing illegally into the United States. Most give themselves up to the border agents and repeat over and over the one word they have been trained to utter in English, “asylum.” At this rate, we are looking at 140,000 migrants per month flooding into American cities. That would add up to a staggering 1.7 million per year.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: March 16, 2021

    The geo-political events happening around the world, on a daily basis, must be understood as evidence of God's Prophetic Scenario coming into place, very quickly. This is why Jimmy DeYoung, on a weekly basis, brings to his Broadcast Table Ken Timmerman, here on PTIB, so that Ken can give us the key details behind all of these "breaking stories". Today, Jimmy and Ken will discuss the activities of Russia, Turkey, Israel and how China could assume "global leadership", very quickly.
  • Brannon Howse: March 8, 2021

    Who are the billionaires working with Bill Gates to bring about what Brannon believes is a gigantic financial, environmental, globalist Ponzi scheme to enslave the world under a global tax called carbon credits? Today Brannon shares the names of the investors in the Bill Gates company Breakthrough Energy. What is their worldview, why are so many of them trying to destroy the Second Amendment and why does all this remind Brannon of the scheme run by the Federal Reserve and the federal government? How does Romans 1 and Revelation 17 and 18 play into today’s discussion?
  • Brannon Howse: March 3, 2021

    Guest: Tom DeWeese. Topic: Tom joins us to discuss the new green deal, carbon credits, a possible food shortage, China and America’s food supply and the goal of using environmentalism to collapse the free market system. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Brannon Howse: March 1, 2021

    The Global Scheme of a Net Zero Economy, Global Tax and War on Capitalism. The Great Reset and the Coming Global Fascism of Big Government, Big Business and the Social Sector. (Part 3). Today Brannon plays an audio clip of Bill Gates at the Great Reset conference discussing carbon credits to off-set the carbon footprint of individuals, families, and corporations. Gates discusses why purchasing a carbon offset that plants trees will not accomplish the goal. So if planting trees is not the solution to the supposed carbon crisis, then what is? Could their so-called solution possibly be forcing Americans to purchase carbon credits in alternative energy companies of billionaires like Bill Gates? Brannon explains that Gates, along with other billionaires, is running a company called Breakthrough Energy. Topic: The Biden Administration raises the carbon cost to $51 per ton. Topic: Are carbon credits setting the stage for one of the biggest financial schemes in world history as well as a way to usher in a global tax? Brannon explains how the public/private partnership of big business and big government is the perfect cover for a global tax renamed carbon credits or a net zero economy. Once again, a group of wealthy elite, in concert with government, is setting up to financially rob Americans, penalize capitalists, and enslave people just like the Federal Reserve has done in concert with the federal government.

  • Brannon Howse: February 25, 2021

    The Great Reset and The Coming Global Fascism of Big Government, Big Business and the Social Sector. (Part 1) Topic: Today you will hear Klaus Schwab from the Great Reset conference of the World Economic Forum in which Schwab is discussing stakeholder capitalism and what it really is all about. Schwab admits the goal is to punish businesses that do not comply with the global social credit scores metrics. Topic: Remember when Obama told people they did not build that business? Listen as one of the speakers at the Great Reset conference repeats this lie to justify collective redistribution of wealth as part of the strategy of stakeholder capitalism. Topic: Listen as the CEO of MasterCard and the CEO of PayPal call for the joint partnership of big government and big business. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Globalists’ America-last agenda focused on crushing the middle class: Here’s how to stop it

    Two things occurred this week that should have your attention. And, no, one of them is not the cartoonish second impeachment trial of a former president. Don’t let the media lure you into this drama. As the first two days of the trial proved, this is nothing more than emotion-driven theatrics. Democrats are notorious for murdering the facts and appealing to people’s base emotions, and this trial is more of the same. Its purpose has little to do with the former president and everything to do with you, Mr. and Mrs. Conservative American.
  • Brannon Howse: January 25, 2021

    Guest: Carl Teichrib. Topic: Carl and Brannon play audio clips of those speaking at part of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset Conference. You will hear the globalists in their own words calling for globalism, a digital society, social justice, Agenda 20320, stockholder capitalism and more. Then hear the president of China as he delivers one of the most hypocritical speeches you can imagine coming from the head of the Chinese Communist Party that has murdered untold millions. Topic: Brannon plays clips from the UN Secretary General who at one time was the President of the International Socialists. Topic: Listen as Prince Charles calls for Agenda 2030 goals to be enacted as well as the Prince of Norway. Topic: We take your calls.
  • The rise of the techno-fascist beast system is now ‘in your face’: It’s called the Great Reset

    This revolution isn’t being fought with guns and tanks like the revolutions of old. Its advocates walk in the halls of the United Nations, the Vatican, the International Monetary Fund, the British House of Windsor, the World Economic Forum, the European Union and now the White House. It’s allies work in the bureaucracies of the Washington swamp, in state Capitols and some of the clueless foot soldiers who staff your local City Hall.
  • Get Ready for the Great Reset (Part 2)

    The World Economic Forum—backed by influential leaders from all sectors of the globe—is planning for a Great Reset. That Reset will be presented in virtual meetings this coming week, as we established in the previous article. We saw that WEF founder and executive chairman Prof. Klaus Schwab has encapsulated his lofty goals for the Reset as follows:
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