election 2020

  • Brannon Howse: October 26, 2020

    There Will Be Violence After The Election. Guest: Kevin Freeman. Topic: Has Kevin seen any work on the voter fraud issue when it comes to computer hacking? Topic: A Biden/Harris victory would further erode our freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Topic: If Biden wins Harris will become President but who will she pick as her VP? Topic: Why is the Trump Administration not charging the leadership of Twitter and Facebook will criminal activity, indicting them, arresting them and putting them on trial? Topic: Evangelical Christians are helping to sabotage America by supporting the building of mosques. Topic: Why do so many Christian have no idea how to answer the questions of seekers? Topic: We take your calls and Brannon answers the question of a caller that wants to know why he is anti-Muslim. Brannon explains why he is not anti-Muslim but anti-Islam.