NEW FOOTAGE of Dead Would Be Assassin and Conservation Between Police and Secret Service Agent on Roof Reveals Snipers Were in Open Window Over Top of The Shooter Crooks
Why Do Marxists and Feminists Want to Destroy The Family Unit and Traditional Marriage? Summer Olympics In Paris To Construct Digital Tracking System, Requiring QR Codes To Attend Certain Events. What Can People Do From Their Home to Increase Their Income During a Recession? We Have Finally Found a Solar Generator Company We Are Pleased To Introduce To You. Hernando Arce on U.S. Government on the Border Helping Illegal Invaders Obtain Work Permits.
Why is an Internationally Known Pro-Hamas and AAAN Leader Among the Student Protesters at Northwestern University Calling Laura Loomer Reporter “Racist White Zionist Pig.” Escalating Global Conflict: Zionists and Israel Supporters Targeted in Anticipated Backlash! Are The Pro-Hamas and Anti-Israel Rallies Potential Terrorist Targets and D.C. Neocons Continue to Push For WWIII. If Power Grid Goes Down How Will You Communicate With Your Family Members And How Can You Stop The Feds From Harvesting Your Private Data? If The Bird Flu is the Next "Plandemic" How Should You Prepare Now to Avoid The Mistakes of Covid 19?
Why The Spike in Turbo Cancers, Particularly in Young People Since 2020? Did A CIA Backed Terrorist Attack in Moscow on Civilians Just Make The U.S. Homeland and Every Citizen A Battlefield Target? Babylon, Red Heifers and U.N. Vote to Eliminate Israel. Did The Attack in Moscow NOT Look Like a Typical Jihad Attack Because It Had Very Little to Do with Islam?
Is There a Connection? Dr. James Thorp on Princess Kate Aggressively Promoting the Covid Shot and Her Cancer Announcement. Terrorist Attack in Moscow Theatre Leaves 40 Dead and Fingers Being Pointed at the West. Carl Teichrib Warns the West is Rushing Down the Road to Technocracy Tyranny. Globalist Neo-Evangelicals Profiting from and Promoting Immigrant Invaders. If Russia Thinks America Was Behind The Theatre Terrorist Attack In Moscow They Have Reason To With The Behavior Of Our CIA
Trevor Loudon Exposes Tulsi Gabbard and Why She Should Not Be President Trump's Pick for Vice President. Journalist Has Confidential Files Exposing Biden Family Confiscated by CBS and Why Free Speech Could Soon Die in Florida? Biden to Propose Pro-Hamas Resolution to UN and Irish and Jordanian officials Call for Palestinian State and End of Israel at International Court of Justice. Is Global Economy in a Death Loop of Irrational Exuberance with Regional Bank Failures in 2024?
Brits Could Be Called up For War, NATO Warns of War and Concerns World War III Being Handed to Trump as Reprisal. Will the Border Convoy Be a J6 Set Up? Is WEF Texas Governor Defying the USSC to Gas Light Patriots into a Trap or Has He Seen the Light? How Rome Was Being Invaded By Illegals Before it Fell and The Similarities to America
John Mills Visits a Microchip Plant in Taiwan and Explains the Consequences if the CCP Gets Control of this Plant. Dr. Rob Lindsted on Israel on Trial at ICC and Rise of Quantum Computing and Beast System. When General Flynn Retweets a Video on Government Involvement in Child Sex Trafficking Pay Attention. Globalists Preparing For "Disease X" and Are There Quarantine Concentration Camps in the U.S.?
The Reason The Globalists Tell Us in Advance The Horrible Things They Are Going to Do to Us. Exposing the Propaganda and Predictive Programming in Obama's Netflix Film "Leave The World Behind"
Did the Uniparty Just Set a Dangerous Precedent by Expelling Congressman Santos? Hamas Stages Footage to Look as If Hostages and Hamas Terrorists Are Friends. Why Are Feminists Groups Not Standing Up for Female Israeli Women Raped by Hamas. More Proof J6 Was FBI Op. Iranian Born Member of Canadian Legislature Warns of Hamas Supporters in North America.
Financial Collapse: Moody's Downgrades America's Credit Rating to Negative and What it Means For You. Will U.S Follow: Patriots in Spain Protest Socialist Coup and Flood of Illegal Immigrants Wes Peters and Team Live From Ozarks WVW Stage with Brannon Howse. Garland Favorito on Why Criminal Defense Attorneys For Fulton County Withdrew From Case?
Hamas Captive Handbook Should Be a Warning to U.S. Citizens of Hamas Tactics. Arrest of Lawyer and Freedom Advocate Could be Warning for Conservative Broadcasters. Former Federal Agent and Expert on Islam Warns A Big Event in U.S. is Coming. Live Report From Aharon In Israel As US Forces Arrive In The Region. Billions Spent On Massive Camps Used In Trafficking Children Located Across Border States
Elite Facilitating Race War with Flood of Illegal Immigrants That Hate American Values.FBI Whistleblower Says McCarthy’s Impeachment Inquiry a Ploy & Urges Republicans to Defund Weaponized Government Agencies. Violent Crime is Spiking by Design to Isolate and Divide Americans So They Can Be Conquered and Controlled. Vital Meeting For Global Governance This Week Was Not At UN But In France with King Charles and Emmanuel Macron
Democrat Candidates in MS and CT Hold Press Conferences on Voting Machine Fraud . Expert Warns Quran Gives High Honors to Muslims That Move to America and Carry Out Jihad. Evidence U.S. Government Preparing for Grid Down, Disruption of Communications and Nuclear Event. Victory! Pastor Artur Pawlowski on Being Set Free Today. Dehumanizing of Humanity: Murder of Retired Police Chief on Camera Evidence of Rising Trend
Homeland Security Awards $20 Million In Grants To Police, Mental Health Networks, Universities, Churches To Identify Americans As Potential ‘Extremists’
Third Bogus Trump Indictment and China is Preparing Their Nuclear Subs. Missouri AG Indicts Her AG Challenger Matt DePerno For Auditing Dominion Machines? Shark Tank's Kevin O'Leary Says More Bank Failures Are Coming. Is There a Biblically Prophetic Implication to Israel and Saudi Arabia Being Linked by Railway?
There’s a hidden motive behind the movement to transition Americans, Canadians, Europeans and Australians out of their gas-powered vehicles, out of their gas stoves and gas lawnmowers and into machines powered by electricity.
World Economic Forum founder and executive director Klaus Schwab heaped praise on the Chinese Communist Party this week for adopting “new COVID control measures” while boosting “social dynamism” at the WEF’s Annual Meeting of the New Champions.
Why Did AZ Governor Hurl The F-Bomb at Journalist Jordan Conradson When He Ran into Her at the Gym? 90 Minute Television Special to Bring Hope And Encouragement. Col. John Mills on Why China Might Be Looking to Invade Australia. California to Fund Surrogacy & "Fertility Equity" for Queer Couples? Scary 2019 Predictions Now Coming into Clear Focus in 2023
G. Edward Griffin on Why Federal Reserve Was Created and Why They Only Want Digital Dollars. FBI Analyst communicated with Islamic terrorism targets, ran database checks and stole records for them. Nigel Farage Has Bank Accounts Cancelled and 7 Banks Refused Him Accounts
Covid showed us how corrupt the medical establishment has become not only in America but worldwide. Doctors know where their bread is buttered and rarely speak out of school or provide advice based on their own independent research. They will support almost any government health narrative if that’s what it takes to make sure the money continues to flow, even if it means violating their oath to “do no harm.”
The media is not your friend.That may sound like an overly simplistic statement, and yet look how many Americans marched in lockstep to the advice of the media over the last two-plus years when it came to taking a deadly toxic, spike-protein laced injection. I personally know many who wish they had not succumbed and taken those shots. Some w