How many more bank failures will it take to shake Americans’ confidence in the ‘full faith and credit’ of the U.S. government?

Don’t wait to find out the answer…Financial planner says ‘A credit union is a better strategic decision right now.

Is America’s banking system safe?

The data shows that the three American banks that have failed so far this year represent more deposits than the 25 banks that collapsed in 2008.


It was announced today, May 1, that San Francisco-based First Republic Bank was seized by federal regulators and sold off to JP Morgan, making it the third major U.S. bank to collapse in the past two months after Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank fell apart in March.

Financial experts are urging calm, suggesting everything will work itself out if we just trust the system. But you really have to wonder if this isn’t all happening by design.

The Fed is coming out in July with its new FedNow product, which will provide the platform for a central bank digital currency — a currency nobody really wants. I’ve yet to meet the first American who’s told me, “I just can’t wait to have that new digital dollar in my digital wallet.”

So, how do you get Americans to want a CBDC? You trash the existing fiat currency, that’s how. Create fear, even panic among the masses. Then you promise a way out through the launch of the new CBDC.

Federal regulators no doubt would love to see bank runs, as long as those bank runs are focused on the smaller and mid-sized banks, because that means more money flowing into the top-tier largest banks. When the dust settles, it’s my opinion that the Fed wants nothing more than to see a handful of large banks left standing. It will be much easier for them to deal with half a dozen big banks, as opposed to hundreds of small, medium and large ones, when making the historic transition to a truly cashless society.

So back to our question: Are U.S. banks safe?

Rebecca Walser of Walser Wealth Management is a certified financial planner and an attorney, as well as a follower of Jesus Christ (you can find her podcast here). Walser advised Americans to stop funneling their money into FDIC-insured banks, Treasury bonds and U.S. savings bonds, in an interview last week with Brannon Howse (interview starts at about the 2-minute mark).

Walser said credit unions are mutual cooperative organizations, owned by their members, “so it’s a cooperative not a bank,” and credit unions have their own separate insurance system. “For that reason I’m a big fan,” of credit unions, Walser said, adding that “A credit union is, I think, a better strategic decision right now.”

She said the FDIC is based on a lot of promises made by the federal government that are not backed up by any actual assets, just the perception of the “full faith and credit” of the federal government. At some point, people are going to be jolted by the realization of just how underfunded the FDIC system is.

“A government that is not accountable to its people has got a lot of problems,” Walser said, adding that we are in the middle of a global liquidity crisis.

“This is the economic crisis that we have been bracing for,” she said. “The de-dollarization, which the mainstream media has finally acknowledged is happening …these people have no understanding of what’s happening.

“We are at the end of a 100-year system…This change will come shockingly fast once it comes. Very fast, because of the nature of technology.”

In other words, one day the banks will just shut down with little or no warning. And when they reopen, nothing will be the same, and you will be at the mercy of the system, to one extent or another, based on your situation. Before they reopen, the banks must reset everyone into the new digital money system.

“I’m not heavily weighted to anything that’s backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Treasury,” Walser said. “So bank CDs that are FDIC-insured and U.S. treasuries and U.S. bonds, all of those for me, right now, are suspect. Risk gone. Very, very risk gone assets.”

Walser said the whole de-dollarization process will likely take place over a period of months, not years as some other analysts have projected.

“I pity the person who calls me a conspiracy theorist,” she told Howse near the end of the 50-minute interview.

The Daily Mail reported that the three banks that have failed so far this year held a combined total of $532 billion in assets, which — according to the New York Times and when adjusted for inflation — is more than the $526 billion held by all the US banks that collapsed in 2008 at the peak of the financial crisis.

That should be getting our attention.


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