World Health Organization

  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: May 31, 2022

    When The American People Start Asking Questions Will You Have the Answers? Brannon discusses some of the law enforcement officers that are contacting him and asking when the states are going to separate from the federal government. Brannon explains that such questions are coming from a growing number of Americans but will we have the right answers? Topic: China Elected To World Health Organisation Executive Board With No Objections. Topic: How the Uvalde school massacre is being used to eliminate the Second Amendment and further the push for federalizing America’s police. Topic: Justin Trudeau Moves to Ban Purchase and Sale of Handguns in Canada. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Crosstalk: May 23, 2022

    This edition of Crosstalk revisited a subject that was looked at on Tuesday the 17th in our program with Alex Newman.  We are just days away from a World Health Organization meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, and at stake is the sovereignty of the U.S.  The Biden administration is planning to offer devastating amendments and agreeing to regulations that will enable the World Health Organization (WHO) the authority to declare a health emergency and take control over life as we know it.
  • Israel Joins U.S. in Plan to Hand Over Sovereignty to United Nations World Health Organization

    The U.S. and Israel are weak and growing weaker because they are led by usurpers, global predators — not real national leaders looking out for the interests of their citizens. Globalists have waged war on the family, the individual, and the nations for well over 100 years, convincing them they didn’t need God and to submit to the man-centered beast system they’ve been erecting, one layer at a time.
  • Crosstalk: May 18, 2022

    The Biden administration is advancing a plan to surrender our national sovereignty to the U.N World Health Organization (WHO).  This plan would allow the WHO to acquire unprecedented power, enabling them to declare a so-called health emergency in any nation, including the U.S., and give them control over the food supply, agriculture, aviation, the environment and more.
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: May 17, 2022

    Guest: Leo Hohmann and Dr. Naomi Wolf. Topic: Dr. Wolf is concerned, and rightfully so, about big October surprise that may stop there from being midterm elections. Brannon and Leo respond to this very descriptive and stark warning from a political insider from the left of the political aisle. Topic: Leo brings us an update on the coming WHO global conference that could steal America’s sovereignty.
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: April 28, 2022

    Guest: Leo Hohmann. Topic: GLOBAL GOV’T ALERT: Threat to national sovereignty set to go down May 22-28 at WHO World Health Assembly. Topic: What is in the amendments to the WHO Treaty? Why are Congressional leaders not speaking up and warning about this serious threat to America’s national sovereignty? Topic: The connection of the WHO to eugenics. Topic: We take your calls.
  • John Loeffler: August 31, 2020

    First up this week, we look at the link between China’s Communist Party and the World Health Organization. Claudia Rosett (, Foreign Policy Fellow for the International Women’s Forum, joins us to examine the coverup by both parties at the onset of the Covid outbreak and at every step since.

    Next up, we welcome Jeremy Dys (, Special Counsel for the First Liberty Institute, who dives into the First Amendment, specifically the free exercise of religion clause, how it’s often ignored, and how religion in general is treated more like a virus today than Covid.

    Recently, a video featuring a group of doctors speaking about the benefits of hydroxychloroquine was arbitrarily deleted from online sites due to supposed dangerous content. Pat Wood (, Founder of Citizens for Free Speech, is back with us, to discuss his organization’s experience with censorship and cancel culture.

    We wrap up this week with long-time guest Dexter Van Zile (, Christian Media Analyst for CAMERA, who looks at the case of a Jewish rabbi who, despite immense fanfare at his hiring, was quietly let go after his support for Israel was discovered. These leftist bullying tactics are spreading from college campuses into the streets and into everyday lives.

    Follow us on Twitter @steelonsteelpro as well as the Steel on Steel Facebook page and remember to join Praying for Persecuted Christians for the latest information concerning persecuted Christians around the world. Don’t forget to stop by our YouTube channel as well for our latest videos. Banner