Red China's Plan to Take Over America - w/ China Expert Gordon Chang | The StoneZONE



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Veteran Republican strategist and pundit Roger Stone and Slingshot.News Editor-in-Chief Troy Smith interview Gordon Chang, an expert on China who lived and worked in Shanghai and Hong Kong for two decades.

Chang tells Stone and Smith that Americans have no idea how deeply infiltrated China is in all strata of life in the United States. Stone points out that China has infiltrated academia, pointing out the millions sent to the University of Pennsylvania that was essentially used to pay Joe Biden for a no-show job.

Chang also tells Stone and Smith that China has serious economic problems, and that while the current leadership of Chairman Xi is stable, the Chinese strongman has no succession plan and that things inside China's ruling class could become turbulent.

Stone points out that China not only has a sophisticated spying apparatus set up in Cuba, but that military experts believe that the Chinese have already mounted defensive missiles in Cuba that could be easily converted to offensive weapons against the United States.

Robert F. Kennedy interviews Charee Peoples, an African-American mother, along with her daughter Shayla Peoples. Charee was prosecuted by district attorney Kamala Harris because her daughter was truant from school, but Shayla was suffering from a severe case of sickle cell anemia and suffered a stroke at age 12, being hospitalized and unable to attend public school. The school itself was fully aware of the child's medical condition and inability to be in the classroom.

Despite these facts, District Attorney Kamala Harris prosecuted Peoples after an early morning raid at her apartment complex, perp walking her in handcuffs for the waiting media that Kamala Harris tipped off to the arrest.

Peoples resisted demands by prosecutors that she plead guilty and fought for two years before the California State Supreme Court declared the law she was being unfairly prosecuted under was unconstitutional.

She tells Kennedy that Kamala Harris used her arrest as a publicity stunt in her campaign for California Attorney General and points out that it is a perfect example of Kamala Harris's abuse of Black people during her tenure in law enforcement.

Stone urges his viewers to subscribe at to keep up with all of his activities, including print articles, videos and podcasts.



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